Saturday, 1 January 2022

Law firm sue over cancer murders

Covid vaccination illegal and kills

Every cancer patient who had died from 2002 and or cancer medication, once a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  Law firm gets one million!  For open and shut justice.

They needed the probate there for the deceased.  So they have all the patient details and consonants.  The Moffitt cancer centre published 2002, the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear cancers and viruses.

They have deleted the paper from the Internet.  But it is all due to sle store in a tight bomb proof Data Storage facilities, around the world.  Accessible to law firms!

Medics have known since 19 from the fifties that cancers and viruses give off X rays in ultrasound scans.  We actually doing low levels of biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+US→E+X-ray+He+O so cancer cells do nuclear fusion on application of e.g.  5 Watts 40 kHz ultrasound.  There is no biochemical source of X rays!

I a
commented on this to my medical friends 2001, and the next year the Moffitt published 100 patient double blind trial on high intensity ultrasound clearing cancer and viruses in one session.

Now the cell contents to boil and rupture!  And local immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody, to clear the no dangerous cancer all viral cell from the body.  This also works for bacterial infections!

So ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest will clear all viral infections.  He cleared AIDs via a personal contact in New York, 2012!  And the idea spread around the world.  Subsequent prescription of AIDs treatments' was defective medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

The same intensity ultrasound will clear all 200 types of cancer out there!  The cancer had type is immaterial.

The medical world is still fussing about Covid19, which came into being October 1, 2019.  That cease to exist by medical definition 31st of September, 2020.

Medicine always prohibited research or application by Covid vaccination.  Just like the common cold those virus is change too quickly, and the vaccination is obsolete before licensed.

The Covid19 vaccination was under halfway through drug testing.  When already obsolete!  Never a legal human drug!  Any Dr. Who prescribed the Covid19 vaccination struck off the same day.  And ejected from legal medical practice instantly.  Losing both medical registration and Health Insurance.

So every Covid vaccinating Dr. Struck off!  And there removed totally from legal medical practice.

Law firms who handle the probate for patients who had died and or the defective biochemical treatments for cancers: or cancer drugs became defective medicine 2002.  Chemo and radio therapy ceased to be legal medicine!

So law firms can raise the case in the crown court, to ensure there the Dr. prescribing the defective cancer drugs, totally removed from medical practice!  IA fine of 10 million UK pounds paid out, to the next of key and of the deceased.

To copy this message to all family or friends who have lost a relative to the doctors murderous drug prescriptions.  I remember there is no legal cancer drug since 2002.

Tragically 200 million patients have been murdered by their doctors defective and criminal biochemical cancer drug prescriptions.  A total fine of 2000 trillion.  The world is only worth 138 trillion.

And they killing continues!  2002 20 million people die from cancers around the world.  Still some a 1.6 million are still being medicated to an expensive an agonising, totally pointless Bio chemically assisted death.

The law firms King get at the Moffitt Paper directly!  But there National Medical regulators like the AMA or GMC will not defend doctors contravening the Hippocratic oath.

And all cancer drug prescriptions since 2002 he illegal and defective medicine.  The case for not be contested!  Then exit key and receive 10 million UK pounds.  The Dr. receives 25 years jail time in high security jail.  For each deliberate patient death!

The law firms receive a payment of one million UK pounds.  For each cancer patient death they contest.  And it is open and shut law.  Which will instantly be written into the legal statutes.

The crown cork and then demand the medical records of each cancer death around the world.  The doctors and drug company is in care the usual fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for each deliberate cancer patient murder.

It is the most psychopathic professional mass killing in history!  Each and every Dr. Validated the effectiveness of HIUS clearing all cancers and viruses.  But went on to medicate their cancer patients to an needless death.  Surely the most psychopathic murderers ever.

No Dr. So moved on to medicating Covid: even though there has been medically prohibited since 1934, when Covid 34 star to causing human influenza.  The Covid number increases every year 1st of October.

So now we're on Covid21.  Covid19 virus ceased to circulate the world over two years ago.  No Dr. Is allowed to vaccinate for an extinct pathogen.  As it kills one in 200 patients needlessly.

The financially induced former doctors have deliberately vaccinated 3.5 billion global citizens with the useless an obsolete Covid19 vaccination.  I nurse smiled happily, as 17,000,000 healthy an innocent people have been vaccinated to an needless death.

What a headline!  Biggest deliberate murder by doctors goes unreported a two years.  The world media including the BBC, have been bought off by the drug company advertising budgets.

And the drug company is paying the public service forecaster in the UK, news items on the extinct Covid19 virus.  Totally contrary to the BBC four questing charter.  Good luck on getting a charter renewed!

In the UK 2.5 million UK residents given the murderous Covid19, obsolete and useless vaccination.  O45 1000 innocent and healthy UK residents medically murdered.

ITV also broadcast spurious news items on Covid19.  The virus which ceased to circulate the world over two years ago.  The Covid19 vaccination is were a shadow of a doubt the most murderous an defective medicine in history.

The drug companies on to vaccinate people against Covid19.  But then for them into lockdown!  As the world is already on Covid21, against which the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination does not work.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest clears all viral infections.  Including Covid flu all strains, the common cold, AIDs and it annihilated Corona virus from Wuhan Province China from December 2019.

The virus was globally extinct February 2020.  Never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  An yet suppose it medics are still producing news items on Corona virus.  So extinct!  Never even in other Chinese Provinces.  It was identified the year before Covid19, Anne had as they no direct relationship.

The drug company is extended the Corona pandemic alert, issued irrelevancy by the World Health Organisation, to include the regular flu for 2019 - Covid19.

So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete, unlicensed an medically inert.  It did not even affect Covid20 last year.  So all the Covid19 vaccinations were potentially murderous and useless.

Striking off every prescribing Dr. and the drug company.  Along with nurses and pharmacists.  Am pretty sure that these the energy as with six doctors for whole of the UK.  Prescribing doctors not entitled to any wages since 2002.  Never entitled to any pension payment!  All pension payments must go back to the government.  All struck off doctors totally removed from medical practice.  Hell of a reporting this news item media?

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