Friday, 7 January 2022

NHS cures Covid

All Covid cured 2002 - no defective drugs even legal

The use the standard medical cure published 2002 by the Moffitt cancer centre, there cures all cancers and viruses!  It causes the inflated cell nature is to boil and rupture.  Both have to be pressurised to induce cell replication.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So e.g.  1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz/8 W 3 MHz clears all 200 types of human cancer.  But cancer drugs used to make up 80% of medical income.  Recently cancer rates have crashed!  So medicine is losing money big time.

So every hospital or health centre the world has the Dr. validated HIUS unit in the nursing office.  A 1 minute cure to all body cancers!  But medics are for numbly resistant to not prescribing the no defective cancer drugs.  Though quite happily medicate cancer patients to an needless and avoidable death.  Striking off the Dr. and hospital.  Plus the drug company, assisting nurses and pharmacists - or remove from medicine for ever.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections: stop the ultrasound as the patient reports feeling warming and yanks away!  They are cured.

Without any future Dr. Intervention or repeat drug prescription.  So a total 100% cure to all Covid strains.  Covid19 it cease by medical definition to exist on 31st of September, 2020: we were then on to the genetically diverge and Covid20.  Happens naturally every year!  Since 1934, when Covid34 star to causing the regular human flu.

So every Covid patient who is died and or medical intervention drugs since 2002, was medically murdered!  A legal fine of 10 million UK pounds applies.  Each involved Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.

Today every NHS staff member who has Covid, can be cleared in 1 minute!  By the practice nurse are applying 1 minute of HIUS to the chest.  The three fluid cure.

All this medical science so I wrote up in my book. 'ultrasound - cancer cure' on

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