Saturday, 8 January 2022

Death of the NHS

Covid19 vaccination obsolete and never licensed

2002 and three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, published a single application of external High Intensity UltraSound, to totally clear the inflated cell structure common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections.

So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clears all 200 types of human cancer.  Making the prescription of cancer drugs since 2002 criminal and defective medicine: and every registered Dr. On earth had to personally validate the Moffitt cancer centre paper.

Yet psychopathic mass murdering doctors still continued to prescribe the now or defective and fatal cancer drugs.  As it made them so much money!  They were killing deliberately for cash.

Law firm as it can start action the crown court to ensure such psychopathic murderous individuals are medically struck off.  A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every cancer all viral patient medicated to an needless death.

The law firm gets one million UK pounds, for the undefended open and shut court actions: the National Medical regulators will not defend doctors contravening the Hippocratic oath.

And 2002 and a every registered Dr. On earth had to use HIUS to clear all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 somehow escaped from the foreign plant in the biochemical laboratory funded by president and Palma: even though the library was in Wuhan China.

So Corona virus was driven extinct by HIUS.  The ultrasound NG all inflated cell types to boil and rupture.  And be cleared by the patient's own immune system.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

This is why cancers give off X rays in 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound scans: the inflated cancer cells are doing low levels of molecular nuclear fusion.  Regular more placid body cells are not affected!

So Corona virus was to do with HIUS from December 2019.  Declare globally extinct by the World Health Organisation February 2020.

The cure was medically published, so familiar to every registered Dr. On earth.  And it will clear every virus are exists!  As both cancers and viruses half to have and overinflated cell nature in order to induce cell replication.  Bacterial infections also are require an inflated nature - so again are cleared by local application of HIUS.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth 2002!  Subsequent prescription of infection medication including vaccinations, became defective and criminal medical malpractice.

Striking off the Dr. and drug company!  So the Covid19 vaccination is only halfway through drug licensing, when obsolete.  So always defective an unlicensed medication.

Registered doctors are not allowed to apply he defective medicine.  And medicine has prohibited research into a Covid all common cold vaccination since 1934 - when it was realized the vaccination will be obsolete and never licensed.

The vaccination to the common cold prohibited for longer!  No doubt medicine will announce the sun launch of a common cold vaccination any week in our.  Defective and criminal medicine!

Vaccinations kill one patient in 200 that we vaccinate.  In the UK there vaccinated 2.5 million people, searched my only vaccinated 45,000 of them to death!  Needless deaths, for the financial gain and psychopathic Dr. and drug company/

We are now on the year of Covid21 - the Covid19 virus have been extinct for over two years.  Since before the Covid19 vaccination programme began.

The grey power the Hippocratic oath is there is no legal argument!  It is absolute and contestable law.  So no lawyer is actually required to enforce it!  Having to go to the crown court to enforce it, is the greatest failure of medicine ever!

Each Covid vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  The vaccinating Dr. Struck off and ejected from medicine for ever.  The assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus a Bio chemical manufacturing drug company also are struck off.  And always excluded from medicine for ever.

So every vaccinating Dr. and assisting nurse within the NHS, remove them cells from medicine!  A fine of 20,000 UK pounds for every non fatal Covid vaccination.  As each individual as a 0.5% chance of dying needlessly.

Boris Johnson is desperately been promoted the unethical and criminal Covid vaccination.  No British MP is allowed to promote criminal medicine.  So he is removed himself from legal political position.

Every nurse who is assisted by the Covid vaccination - so medicine the same day.  They must return or wages to the first day he assisted with the unethical Covid vaccination.

The drug company is also had to validate the Moffitt Paper.  Or be struck off!  Manufacture and sale of the Covid vaccination always unethical and criminal.  Again striking off the drug company.  So Astra Zeneca Air and Pfizer are no longer legal biochemical drug companies.

They must return or all medical fees since they ceased to be legal drug companies.  All other drug patents invalid and illegal.  They share price set to zero.

So they have not been a water legally borrow money to make payroll, dated back to 2002, when there prescription or manufacture of cancer drugs became criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off every prescribing Dr., And the involved drug company: which means every drug company on earth!

And a every assisting nurse also removed them cells from legal medicine 2002.  There must return or wages paid to them since that date!  And they are ejected for ever from medical activity.

The Covid19 vaccination was always obsolete an unlicensed.  It had no affect on Covid20, so obviously no affect on Covid 21.  Which is why medicine has no parole block on the second booster!  The first Brewster was illegal.

It should be so simple!  Every medic was taught on the first of a medical degree, that a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold was unethical and legally prohibited.  The vaccination obsolete before licensed.

It's application always criminal!  Only after 2002 or more cancers are cured, to psychopathic drug company is like Astra Zeneca suddenly believe they can produce a Covid vaccination!

Always obsolete and never licensed!

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