Friday, 7 January 2022

Replacing fossil fuel burning

lightening is nuclear fusion

In 1986 Ukrainian nuclear experienced the Chernobyl incident.  Conclusive proof that Ukrainian nuclear power was hyper toxic and uninsurable!  The required insurance centre gain 40 billion.  They carried just 50 million.

And I was back at Sheffield University 2000, as I have been away working in IT, but then nearly died in a car accident.  A fellow PH D student told me, that burning fossil fuels did nuclear fusion, or via a steam plasma!

She nurses if every idiot on earth knew it!  I have been away working since 1984, so it was news to me.

1 CmHn+pO₂+spark→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+L...X-ray+E²)

So oxidising the carbon atoms, as he takes in most of the system heat!  So burning oil or gas only releases 45 kW per metre of burner.

Week in
use the electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the steam plasma direct!  The steam plasma is twice as dynamic as a lightening bolt, which does molecular nuclear fusion.

Firstly we need heavy rain or snow storms, to again to nuclear fusion, and convert the water into positive ions and free electrons.

2 H₂O+TU+P→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray geography is have recorded the emission of the electrons and X rays from heavy rain or snow storms.  Continuously all around the earth!  Including the poles at -50° C.

The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, and negative charge of on the electrons fall to the ground.  After electrical potential of 5000 volts, we gain a steam plasma linking up the two charge arrears.  Discharged him 100 amps of electrical charge.

But then we have a steam plasma!  So up at 8 atmospheres.  Collapsing at three.  We can fire up A steam plasma in a glass cylinder, and do a plasma burn direct - twice as dynamic as molecular nuclear fusion.

3 2H²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2e²=2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.  As a first a one metre row of gas or oil burners, which in just 45 kW!  Even a one metre uranium nuclear fusion rod, only releases two and and 50 kW.  So a steam plasma is 80 times as dynamic!  And totally nontoxic.

Not even any life enhancing carbon dioxide!  Plasma tell lies extra carbon dioxide into plant biomass within 5 minutes.  So there is no possibility of a builder of carbon dioxide in the temperate air.  As a static afternoon level of just two parts per million during the present epoch.  Since before man the evening evolved!  All through the industrial revolution, no increase in carbon dioxide.

Nuclear power bills its plants using loads and loads of concrete.  Produced using a fossil fuel burn on limestone.  Making nuclear power the fourth largest manmade source of carbon dioxide.  So nuclear power is so not carbon zero!

Are steam plasma cylinder is.  So our 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  A commercially sourced little steam turbine will release a 50% of its heat as electricity.  100 MW steam turbine is only 20% efficient!

So the garage harvest can use to generate 1.2 MW of mains electricity in the garden shed.  But every house only needs 8 kW of electrical power.  So we sell our excess current to the national grid, and get an annual check for six million UK pounds.  So applying the carbon zero power for 150 houses.

Or four medium sized businesses!  The their senses them cells will set up a plasma power plants, using a maintenance engineer in the lunch hour!  And generate a plant 6 MW of electrical power.  Totally carbon neutral!  Involving no fossil fuel burn and no radioactive isotopes involved.

No production of the stratospherically toxic plutonium and strontium: which require massive annual insurance cover.  Are hundred billion of annual insurance again.  Commercially not available!

The plasma power plant has no nuclear core.  So no core meltdown.  No impossible insurance cover required.  A quick tap the manometric hammer parts as a plasma, and stops the clean plasma burn.  Which produces no carbon dioxide!

I have been blocking about this subject for around five years.  The climate change brigade have yet to acknowledge the development of carbon free heat.  There the earth has been doing lightening and carbon free heat for 3.8 billion years.

Since liquid water over one metre accumulated around the earth.  Even Sheffield University has never responded to this idea!  Maybe because my PH D area was nuclear fusion.  And a plasma burn is twice as dynamic and totally nontoxic and free.

The plasma power plant we utilised just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  And produce no carbon dioxide!  The climate change brigade, are not even responded to my point where nuclear power there is 1/4 largest source of man made carbon dioxide on earth.  And the only totally of voidable source of carbon dioxide.

And every operating nuclear power plant knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  Or the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down the plant.  And ceases operation.

Instead the United Nations is holding annual conferences on the nuclear science fiction of manmade climate change!  Totally in denial, and the massive carbon dioxide amount produced by nuclear power plant construction.

Releasing in two years the Covent carbon dioxide from 100 MW commercial power plant for 25 years.

The commercial power plant just carries on.  The nuclear plant is demolished.  An a new nuclear power plant would require planning consent.  They can never obtain.  So every e.g. ef nuclear plant in France and now Belgium, operating criminally under insured.

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