Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Ending droughts

No more rain needed

We use O level physics!  You apply one metre of vacuum to sea or river water, and it boils away into fuel water vapour.  Losing all salts and contaminants.

So we get pure distilled water!  An we use a 20 kilowatt solar panel.  So during the day will get two million liters of water vapour constantly.  We transport to a holding reservoir.

As he vent the pressure it forms a fine mist, which produces artificial rain into the liquid water.  We have no salts or contaminants!

Just have to use water irrespective of natural rain fall!  We then invert the water pumps, to transport the water to the high reservoirs.  We get access to unlimited water!  In time the water will flow back into the seas, to go round again!

In the Jurassic Sea levels were 60 metres lower.  So there is no problem we reducing sea levels!  Natural global warming ended 1995.  We've had 27 years of natural global cooling.

That nuclear power has entitled 'manmade climate change'.  Which is farcical!  The climate is controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.  Carbon dioxide levels rise in natural ice ages!

The carbon dioxide level doubles every winter over the arctic ice.  At -50° C!  The or nuclear power, strokes is hyper toxic power plants, using concrete produced via a fossil fuel burn on limestone.

So nuclear power is 1/4 largest manmade source of carbon dioxide!  Has nobody told them to carbon audit themselves?  There are massive carbon source.

Raising the two years a nuclear power plant construction, the Covent carbon dioxide from 25 years from a conventional power plant.  And after 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished!

Every year of operation he requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion - since Fukushima in 2010.  40 billion since Chernobyl in 1986.

It Carries a criminally insufficient 50 million of insurance per nuclear power plant.  Criminally insufficient insurance cover!  Most nuclear power is under the legal imperative to was closure of every nuclear power plant on earth: there are criminally under insured.

Mankind can use plasma power generation.  A 1m x 2cm steam plasma are four atmospheres releases a constant 8.6 MW our carbon neutral heat.

12 of them will drive 100 MW power plant.  With no fossil fuel burn or carbon emissions!  Utilising no hyper toxic enriched isotopes.

1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)

We fire up the plasma using the electronics borrow from in an old fluorescent light.  At four atmospheres it then self sustains!  Releasing massive clean heat, to my showing the atomic nuclei electrons together, so we end up just of heat light and X rays.  Totally clean non toxic and non nuclear heat!

We use to generate free electricity.  Utilising just10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year: we will struggle to measure it!  We utilised no hyper toxic enriched radioactive isotopes.

The plasma converts regular water into massive clean heat.  The X rays converts more of the regular water into massive heat.  With no production of radioactive plutonium or strontium.

It is a clean Power System of the 22nd century!  Thanks to professor Z for teaching me about molecular nuclear fusion - which are then on to discovering the more energetic plasma burn from regular water.  He wishes no credit for the most important science idea ever.

So we can use just one W of vacuum, to convert sea or river water into clean water vapour, the cheapest idea they had to V Tees off peak mains electricity.  Which day it goes largely to waste!

To repay all the rest hours during the hot summer months.  And nothing grows in distilled water.  It is inert!  The water is added to the reservoir water, and is totally benign to life in the reservoir.

So rainfall is incidental!  The water company is just refuel the reservoirs at night at no charge.

Farmers can utilise the idea to suck fresh water from a local stream or reservoir.  Irrigating the crops and watering animals.  And the water will run back into the river or stream.

Three fresh water!  Sucking fuel water into the brown river water.  That is a technical term for non drinkable water.  The pure water vapour becomes drinkable water as it condenses.  The purest water there is!  For which there is no water charge!

Week in utilised A solar panel or little weaned turbine, so there is not even an energy charge!  Just limitless fresh water for ever.  Which or change the economics of farming big time.

And for ever end the threat of a drought all around the world.  Not just England.

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