Carbon 0 heat and power |
Initially we can slash the fossil fuels commercial power fermers to free use energy and electricity. Then a couple weeks, we can make all conventional power generation carbon neutral.
Using science that is part natural lightening for 3.8 billion years - the carbon neutral Energy System of nature.
The first thing we do is pressurise the gas or oil flame: Russian scientists found that a high pressure hydrogen will halve the volume of hydrogen we need to learn to reach out to space.
Doubling the pressure of an oil or gas flame, will double the heat, all her us for half the volume of fuels we burn to produce the same heat.
1 CmHn+pO₂+P→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂Os-E)+r(He+O+E₂+L+X-ray)
So actually oxidising the carbon takes in heat! The energy production comes from the nuclear fusion fossil fuel burning in history. Producing light, massive energy and even X rays! There is no chemical source of helium, X rays of visible light.
So burning oil or gas today he does nuclear fusion. Thanks to professor Z for suggesting the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam, do nuclear fusion: which he no protest over saying in 2001! As is funders are hyper toxic uranium nuclear power.
So here we have a nuclear fusion the way he nature does it! Lightening has been driven by heavy rain or snow doing nuclear fusion in the air since pools of liquid water accumulated around the earth.
2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+e⁻+E²+X-ray
So the turbulent interaction of rain or snow particles, this to the emission of massive heat and X-rays. So the turbulence even of snow at -50° C, does molecular nuclear fusion in the earth's atmosphere.
The positive ions collected above the clouds layer. And negative charge falls to the electrons to the ground. So this process goes on quite happily in the arctic air at -50° C.
So nature has done nuclear fusion in the air for 3.8 billion years. Getting 10⁴⁰W of heat from this energy source every year. Year for only gets 10⁶⁰W of energy from direct solar radiation.
To double the heat output from oil or gas burning, we only need to titanium plate the boiler flame surface. So he can again and double the heat output. Doubling the value of 'r'. As we had already aeing more than doubles the heat output by doubling the flame pressure, we have increased the thermal efficiency of conventional power by a factor of four.
The same power for 1/4 fossil fuel burn. So the produced energy from an eight UK pounds per kilowatt hour, is now at 2p/kW hour. This is the price of nuclear power! Which is never costed for reprocessing its hyper toxic radioactive waste, and the ground storage capabilities for storing nuclear waste is totally exhausted.
Were still every conventional power station after Fukushima in 2010, know knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion: not commercially available! If it was the electrical power would cost 15 UK pounds per kW/hour.
The most toxic and fantastically expensive an Energy System ever devised. And other commercial power is now at 2p. 1/4 of the 8p commercial power charges today.
But we can utilises molecular nuclear fusion. In actual fact we utilised C twice as dynamic plasma burn of regular steam.
3 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) 2.4 MW from a 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres.
My calculations indicate that lightening would produce 1.2 MW/m from A2 CM wide steam plasma. Firing up at eight atmospheres, collapsing at three. Driven by the turbulent steel rain storm already do molecular nuclear fusion: why he has physics never published the PH D's and nature doing clean and nontoxic molecular nuclear fusion.
All engineering departments around the world at universities, can confirm molecular nuclear fusion in a week! And make the biggest improvement to energy to generation ever.
We utilises a 1m x2cm steam plasma. That showed generate 9.6 MW our carbon neutral heat. Started off using the electronics from old fluorescent light. Then self sustaining had just four atmospheres. Totally non toxic carbon zero power.
So at 24 such steam plasma tubes, installed in the water boiler during the annual shutdown, will happily run 100 MW power station. Utilising no fossil fuel burn! Generating no carbon dioxide.
Crucially utilising no hyper toxic enriched radioactive isotopes, and certainly producing no stratospherically toxic plutonium and strontium. Clean and carbon neutral heat and power.
We utilised the exit steam after the fire generation, to drive an area central heating scheme. So applying the hot central heating fluid for 600 houses. With no fossil fuel burn and! My thanks to William MacFarlane, the former managing director of NEI Parsons Newcastle, for he is in for dinner this idea.
Combine to heat and power, from a non toxic carbon neutral the first station run off a steam plasma. No fossil fuel burn and no radioactivity involved.
The home user can fire up a steam plasma in the garden shed. A 50x1 cm steam plasma will freeze 2.4 MW of heat. Drive a commercially sourced steam turbine to generate 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electrical power.
So they can supply heat and electricity to 150 houses. Income annually of 12,000,000 UK pounds. For ending for ever the phantom science of man made climate change and global warming.
The natural world has been cooling since 1995. The carbon dioxide levels crashed during the global locked down is recently. There were no academic papers published on the sudden decrease in global temperatures. As they never happened!
The climate is controlled by a predictable solar emission cycles. So the climate will next warm naturally, like all planets in the inner solar system, 2023. So next year!
When all power generation in the world will be done using steam plasmas. People were ceased to burn fossil fuels to generate power. No gas or oil burning required! The oil and gas price will crash massively.
To drive a vehicle we need a 25x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres. Bottle generate a constant 600 kW of heat - once and started using a pulse of high voltage from old fluorescent light starter. It will then self sustain!
We pass the heat through a thermoelectric generator. The Ford Motor Company was low key a year since 1930s technology, to replace the internal combustion engine. They were limited to using a fossil fuel burn and to generate heat.
Now we are using the steam plasma. Totally carbon neutral measuring! The electrical generator for rises to 75 kW of current.
The family hatchback only needs 8 kW. A sports car or 20 kW. A small helicopter 45 kW.
So we can use radar and it had to fly between cities. Landing on the city outskirts, and motoring into town. When not driving the vehicle we hawker up to the mains.
And have a small electrical metre monitoring the current sale to the national grid. Who all came next to our device wirelessly, and sense us an annual check for three million UK pounds.
We have no fuel and cost! And do not charge any expensive batteries: which will require frequent changing anyway.
So the family car actually end up with a massive electricity generator. Producing no magical power for 80 houses, when not driving the car.
The cars ceased to burn or oil or diesel. We require no gas burner the electrical charging. The car produces no carbon dioxide! So there is no manmade source of carbon dioxide: will he the carbon dioxide to stimulate plant growth, the supporting animal life on earth.
Carbon dioxide has no affect on the climate! It doubles in natural ice ages, or every year above the arctic ice. Physics know nothing about biology on the weather. Though she shut the hell up about carbon! As they are know nothing.
Biology has been screaming to shut over the carbon cycle, ever since Chernobyl in 1986: where nuclear power invented manmade global warming. The world has been cooling since 1995. Hair us 2005 the game is manmade climate change!
Again caused by a nonexistent rising global carbon dioxide. Around the temperate earth carbon dioxide is converted into active plant biomass within 5 minutes of being emitted. There is no key motion of carbon dioxide in the temperate air!
And as mentioned the carbon dioxide levels double every year in the arctic winter, at -50° C. Ice ages also see carbon dioxide levels double. Man made climate change years ravish science fiction by nuclear power.
But now a plasma burn does a massive heat generation utilising conventional water. Producing no carbon dioxide! And all academics any money from manmade climate change have been writing ravish about total garbage since he gave up on writing total garbage about manmade global warming.
They really should not be in education! Just as reporters writing copy on manmade climate change was serious scientific idiots! In the pay of nuclear power. Who should not be writing copy for the media.
TV Company is forecasting programmes about manmade climate change, Sony talking absolute scientific garbage.
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