Carbon and cost free power |
Burning fossil fuels already a fires up a steam plasma. Which does carbon free non toxic nuclear fusion, from regular water! Such a tiny volume.
1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²=2.4 MW our carbon neutral heat, from 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water every year.
We drive a 300 UK pound commercially sourced warm 0.2 MW steam turbine and produce a 1.2 MW our carbon neutral electricity.
The steam these the boiler room at 800° C 8 atmospheres pressure. And is still at 620° C so 7.5 atmospheres. Ideal to drive an area central heating system.
This applies and natural gas are quaking in their boats! And effectively we have no fossil fuel burn, and a miniscule volumes of regular water used every year. No oil or gas!
2 CₘHₙ+P+pO₂→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray) natural gas=CH₄
Diesel oil and C=12. Petrol and C=16. We burn neither! We allow them a miniscule volume of water to enter a steam plasma, and we get out no toxic waste, but massive clean and free heat.
So no radioactive isotopes involved or produced. Totally within the capabilities of the garage scientist. We borrow the electronics from old fluorescent light, and fire up the steam plasma.
Which is basically a lightening strike in a glass cylinder. Above 3 atmospheres the plasma then self sustains. We run as at four atmospheres,
So we utilised no mains electricity or gas and oil. We sell our excess current to the national grid, and supply the carbon neutral electricity and heat for 150 houses. Annual income of 12 million UK pounds a year!
The gas prices shooting up, as a marker for oil and gas is in terminal decline! Fallen off the edge of a cliff.
OPEC will soon implode. As he anyway all countries can stay solvent, is to break free from the cartel! Saudi Arabia has not been taking ots full quota for years! Though last year it was forced to utilise its ful quota.
So on the quiet the are greater powers ceased to exist. Mexico has taken over from Saudi Arabia as the main oil producing country.
But now a much more efficient energy source is the steam in a plasma! The idea originally sorted out we are professor Z, 2001. He were prefer that now I take full credit! Seeking continue funding from hyper toxic nuclear power. I am not funded by anybody!
I survive on my trust fund. I have written a got a book into print! After eight years of trying. A royalty advance of 150,000 UK pounds. So I have just written my second book!
In a month or write my third! I have already got the idea sorted out. My insurer is science thrillers. Look on "jonthm" for my staff. My latest book is 'the waterfall'.
Publishers and our fighting about my latest novel the 'Time Which'. Which should be available through Lulu any day now!
o the amount of oil being shipped has crashed terminally. In city centres you can drive a 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, and get out of our carbon free 1.2 MW of mains electricity.
We use a car no refrigeration cycle, to condense carbon dioxide they had of the city air. We combine it with the hot steam and as the spark the steam and carbon dioxide will unburn. As published by the French scientist 17 in the 18th century.
3 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O-P+spark→(CₘHₙ+nO-E)+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray)
So the formation of carbohydrates is only facilitated by steam in turbulent flow and do molecular nuclear fusion. Hence the emission of light and X rays! By the formation of the hydrocarbons it is endothermic - it takes in energy!
But the nuclear fusion are doing it makes all process massively energetic. Was the only happens to learn gas pressures. The I used to the other end of the hydrocarbons cycle, when a higher pressure the hydrocarbon command to oxygen to form carbon dioxide and steam.
This is why petrol or oil were on the planet high pressure and diesel oil will not take a spark at atmospheric pressure. In history pressurised to burn.
So now a far better energy solution and is the steam plasma. Where he do need to burn any hydrocarbon and produce no carbon dioxide.
We produce a constant 2.4 MW of heat from a 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres. Or oil or gas burning only releases a feeble 45 kW of heat/m. At massive expense.
So now all the heat or using 1000 lifetimes, or use it so little water will not even measure it.
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