Thursday, 27 January 2022

safe clean and free energy

free power from regular water

For 3.8 billion years nature has done molecular nuclear fusion on earth.  As lightening strikes have converted regular water into helium and oxygen gases.  A 1.5 KM x 2cm partial steam plasma is a lightening bolt!  Which happens every 3 minutes throughout the year.

1 H₂O+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+E²+L...X-ray

Lightening is set up by heavy rain or snow showers also do molecular nuclear fusion.  So everybody alive host a there and watched nature doing nuclear fusion in the air!  Set up by the turbulence of rain or snow storms also are doing nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+E²+L...X-ray so nature has absolutely no problem about doing nuclear fusion in the air, down to -50° C!  There is so much lightening above the arctic ice.  Where earth's magnetic field gets down to the earth's interior.  So you could add MF; to 2, B magnetic field in Henry's.

A beating animal heart gives off X rays as the pressure waves also do molecular nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+CO₂+P+dp/dT→He²⁺+3O⁺+E²+L...X-ray+CH₄

Which is why you breathe out methane and helium gases.  And your heart gives out X rays as it beats.  It all seems so obvious!  Green plants'also do molecular nuclear fusion.

4 Luv+mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+TU+P+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)n+mO-E)+r(He+O+Lb+E²+X-ray) TU= turbulence in the plant sap.  Which is why during the day, plant's use ultraviolet light to induce molecular nuclear fusion.  Emitting a faint blue light!

So plants happily do nuclear fusion, down to 0° C.  The beating hearts of arctic fish do 3 down to -20° C.

The court arctic water forces the warm equatorial water to flow back towards the poles.  Taking the equatorial solar radiation heat minute.  Cooling the equator, and making the poles warmer.  That is why mess or Europe is mostly ice free all year.  It should be at least 2 feet below the snow!  But the series at shuttle or control the heat around the planet.

When we set this system up in the laboratory at Sheffield University 2001, we got some puzzling results.  Which professor Z would never accept, as they destroyed manmade global warming climate change = the major funders of higher education.

By plans take in additional carbon dioxide within 5 minutes, over the lands and seas of the earth.  So the temperate carbon dioxide level is capped at just two parts per million!  The nuclear emissions are nuclear gases!  Which are converted into active plant biomass within 5 minutes.

Leaving carbon dioxide is a static trace gas!  Around the temperate earth I just two parts per million, during the present epoch.  Stretching back 20,000 years before mankind even evolved.

In a glass cylinder, and free hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons.

4 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

5 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰

In the free air this results in lightening giving out neutrons.  As a sub atomic particles scatter!  But in a glass cylinder, the electrons and high June ions bond to form neutrons.  As in 5.  The electrons do not interact with neutrons.  The neutrons enrich the atomic nuclei.

But simply, the oxygen ions end up as four hydrogen ions.

6 O⁺+4n⁰→4(H⁺+e⁻)

Before they are a high June ions and electrons can bond, to neutrons already bond with the slow moving hydrogen nuclei.

7 H⁺+2n⁰→3E²

The neutrons are basically a proton and electron bonded together.  So a neutron has the same atomic mass as half a hydrogen ion.  Which itself is a proton bonded to a neutron.

So the hydrogen fission, there is four protons and three electrons into heat and power.  Hence the 3E².  E²=10ⁱ⁸W of heat energy.  For simplicity.  My calculations treat each hydrogen ion as one atomic mass!

(So my calculations indicate we should get 2.4 MW our carbon neutral heat.  Enough to buy your father gets some 7.2 MW of carbon neutral heat: physics knees to check my calculations!  Or go forward with a lower number as yet.)

So a 50x1cm steam plasma cylinder at four atmospheres should release my or 2.4 MW of heat.  This will drive a commercially sourced steam turbine to generate 1.2 MW our carbon neutral electricity.

The carbon neutral power for 150 houses!  From a plasma power plant in your garden shed.  Using just 10⁻ⁱ̾cc of regular water.  That is all far required for the average high school!

Who can run a plasma power plant, and sold its current at night to the national grid.  I make three million UK pounds a year from the surplus current.

Sheffield University ended my PH D studies, the professor Z as being to be kept informed of my ideas.  He was so happy when he realised I had devised carbon zero non nuclear energy.  Climate change being the major cash cow or of higher education research.

So this is really great news!  It means of the garage scientist can build a plasma power plant in the garden shed.  Or drink the steam turbine over the Internet.  For 300 UK pounds!

And generate carbon neutral heat and power for 150 houses.  Annual income of 12,000,000 UK pounds.  Three times the lifetimes income for the average working man, every year!

Heat and power with no carbon dioxide production!  As mentioned above carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth, and he is capped around the temperate earth at two PPM in the afternoon air.

Every scientist will delight in telling you that a static trace gas affects nothing!  It's only does not justify the most hyper toxic industry ever invented.

Every nuclear power plant releases in the two years of plant construction, the carbon equivalent for a conventional power station running for 25 years.  And after 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished!  Fukushima demonstrates why aged nuclear plants must be demolished.  Otherwise they explode!

Which makes uranium nuclear power mankind's fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  And they are pump money into publicising manmade global warming and climate change.

The natural climate has been cooling since 1995.  So climate change is nuclear speak, for global warming in a cooling world!  It is the most stupid oxymoronic ever.

Locally the natural climate will start cooling the next year.  Carbon dioxide still at the same static two PPM.  Nature has 28 year periods or climatic cooling and a warming.

The mineral records demonstrates the carbon dioxide rises in a natural ice age.  Or above the polar ice In winter.  It bottoms out, at the lower limit for photosynthesis in a warm period.

Plant growth cycles react to the weather.  Carbon dioxide reacts to plant growth cycles.  The weather does not react to come dioxide!  That is a most stupid pieces science fiction ever!  Force off by the paid stooges to nuclear power: who so obviously should never have been in education or the media!

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