Wednesday, 5 January 2022

diabetes is cleared

Diabetes cired thanks to Sheffield University

Due to my time at Sheffield University 2000, or my work on the Internet with the innate since, I found that High Intensity UltraSound cleared all 200 types of human cancer.

For which the three professors from the Moffitt were awarded the noble prize 2015.  No publicity ever given to this work!

2013 I applied half a minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from a massage device to lower right of the rib cage and my friend, who had type two diabetes.  The accepted medical wisdom was that diabetes was incurable.  Where all staggered that he got totally better!

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And free Puture my work on the Internet, but no Dr. or drug company contacted me.  You could argue this work was a direct result of my experience on ultrasound and Professor Tony Richards, who had diabetes!

I have lost three non blood relatives to diabetes is the years.  Tragically years before I did this work!

2016 as a water confirmed the experience of my diabetic friends in America, that 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage totally cleared type one diabetes: otherwise at four diabetes only remitted in three days.

So I was just looking for current date!  Medics stopped publishing a diabetic rates 2019.  Over two years ago!  You could argue that my involvement the cure to cancer was very very important.

But nobody else did any work on the diabetes idea!  And even Sheffield University has never acknowledged my work.  I cleared the type two diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  Who are only develop the condition 2004.

They are both justify their miraculous cure, by saying made it did away.  My nursing friend told minute type two diabetes could be diverted away.  Though the adoption stone age diet was very hard.  And it took three months!

My mother and stepfather were both better and in 1 minute.  They can't accept that taking away some science which is medically useful.  They argue, 'if it worked the doctors would use it!'

I've published my work freely on the Internet, people for their own ultrasound device.  The cure their own disease.  Medics are livid that all diabetics suddenly got better!

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