Thursday, 27 January 2022

Warm the north Sea


A cold body of seawater!  The gulf stream carriers the solar heat on the West Coast of the UK.  Leaving the east quite cool!

Due to my work at Sheffield University 2000, I realised that a steam plasma was a massive source of carbon neutral heat.  My academics have never done any practical work on, as it stops the burning of fossil fuels.  At him as the phantom science of man made climate change!  The main cash cow or of academic funding.

In the real world green plants on land and sea suck in carbon dioxide to grow home, the in just a static two parts per million in the one periods.  Over the winter snow covering, there is no active photosynthesis.

And carbon dioxide levels spiked at four PPM!  This mostly applies to the polar regions - as is no covering over the temperate earth is very fleeting!  Still twice the carbon dioxide over the snow covers arctic sea in winter.  Air temperature -50° C.

So manmade global warming and climate change, the biologically preposterous science invented by the diseased minds of physicists!  Who were all sold the carbon cycle at high school.

And I realise that nature Free carbon dioxide at just 2 PPM.  So no warming every associated with carbon dioxide!

In the ice ages in recent history, back to the arctic four PPM.  In the Jurassic there warm various had 4PPM in the temperate air.  Resulting me there was 85% more active life on earth, and sea levels were 60 metres lower!  As the natural rain fall there was tied up inactive ecosystems,

There were three natural ice ages.  No carbon dioxide at 8  PPM.  Four times the present carbon dioxide level.  Carbon dioxide tracks the wax and wane of plant growth, throughout history no direct association with the weather.

It turns to track the natural climate of the time delay or four years.  Determined by a plant growth cycles.

Every 3 minutes around the world there is a natural lightening strike.  That does molecular nuclear fusion.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+TU+Luv+P+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray) where Tu is a fluid turbulence around the plant photo blast.  Which is pressurised, and contains chlorophyll there as the catalist.

So that all formation of the carbohydrates takes in energy, it is only the nuclear fusion that we are doing this is a massive heat and even X rays!  And a faint blue light.  So every green plant on earth utilises ultraviolet light and chlorophyll as the catalist, to do nuclear fusion.

Building the carbohydrates of life!  Life in the seas are more efficient at sinking carbon dioxide, than plants on land!  So throughout the present epoch carbon dioxide levels and the temperate there have been capped at just 2 PPM.

Which is why climate santis no talk about carbon emissions!  Whichever is a meaningless nuclear gases.  The construction of a nuclear power plant releases in two years, the equal of carbon emissions from a conventional power plant in 25.

It is a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to form all out concrete!  Making nuclear power the fourth largest manmade source of carbon dioxide.  So nuclear power there is very much not carbon zero.  The biggest deliberate carbon dioxide emission from man's industries.

This was never a problem, as within 5 minutes photosynthesis on land and in the seas, has converted extra come dioxide into the carbohydrates of life.  Leaving just the epoch static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.

Manmade climate change is biological fiction, from the paid phones of physics.  Who know nothing about the weather or apparently biology.  Or they do actually, but they ignore it - to get their research money.

So he can copy lightening, and use the turbulent flow of steam to do molecular nuclear fusion.  Were then a confined cylinder, we do that isas energetic plasma burn from steam.

2 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²= 2.4 MW of heat from a 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres.  A one metre row of gas or oil burners, only releases a feeble 45 kW of heat.  A one metre uranium nuclear fission tube only 0.25 MW.

A nuclear plant produces the stratospherically toxic plutonium and strontium.  Require annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  The UK government has just of the loan of 100 billion, by nuclear power plant construction,

That easy: to one year of the required insurance.  Building a nuclear power plant will cost 18 billion.  So year two it is losing 82 billion.  And there is no source of the required 100 billion of insurance cover.

So no nuclear power plant can ever be built and operated legally!  The money from the UK government will never be wanted!  The nuclear power plant is just an insurable toxic death.

In contrast my 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres will release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  No insurance required!  There is no nuclear coal had to meltdown.  A quick tap with electric hammer, the plasma collapses and the clean heat generation and stops.

We drive a commercially sourced 1.2 MW steam turbine.  And get carbonate neutral non toxic electricity.  Utilising no hyper toxic and an insurable nuclear processes.  Just the electronics from old fluorescent light.

Once started the plasma will self sustain!  Clean safe and nontoxic power!  It does not even make any life stimulating carbon dioxide.  There is no possibility of a bill of carbon dioxide in the air.

The little ice age of the 18th century have four PPM carbon dioxide in the European Air.  In an ice age!  Double the carbon dioxide.  Whoever made up man made global warming was a scientific nuclear funded idiots.  Who should never have been in education!

We can utilised steam plasma is on the seabed.  Housing concrete surrounds.  Adding 2.4 MW of heat to a local seawater.  Or reading totally and power!  Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year: we have a spring loaded water reservoir.  We never need to top up!

Giving Hull the climate of Blackpool.  Warned by the now warm sea water from the North Sea, and if he the plasma pressure right, we emit ultraviolet radiation.  Answer war more photosynthesis.

Sucking carbon dioxide as the air!  Making plans grow.  Increasing fish and animal half a life in the seas.  For free!

This will totally transform the UK holiday market.  The east coast of England will now be warm!  Just like if it was subject to the golf stream.  This work was started at Sheffield University.

Who had nuclear fusion on earth sorted 2001.  We can use this idea to our to light and heat to Blackpool, giving up a 12 month A year period of holidays.

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