Thursday, 27 January 2022

Free British water

water should be free

Mains water is so overpriced!  But you cannot use the sea or river water direct, water can do is install a little solar vacuum pump.  Which runs all day and free sunlight, but charges up a battery to carry through the night.

Just one what of pumping power will cause even I is to turn into clean pure water vapour.  In the arctic regions there is little available fresh water.  People resort to boiling off ice.

They can use vacuum desalination, to turn sea water into fresh water vapour.  Which is 1000 times easier to heat and liquid water.

Around the temperate earth we gain access to unlimited amounts of pure water vapour.  Even from sea or brown river water.  The water is ideal for irrigating the fields or watering animals.

The animals will need access to a salt lick, as animal life does require a little salt.  He owns will obviously want to use the salt cellar over meals: but process.  Cancer too much salt in any way!

So farmers can easily get unlimited fresh water from a little stream.  And one of the water loses all salts and contaminants.  So it will leave behind any arsenic or lead!

And farmers can access to free unlimited pure water.  Which does not come with a heavy price tap - like from the French owned British water.  This should not have been allowed - you should not allow a foreign concerns two M basic requirements of life.

Turns tend to be built on Rivers, for ease of communication by boat travel.  So they can extract water vapour, and profit to a little holding reservoir, to supply the town.

Each term used as the air and water company, which have got them are committed into a now or foreign owned British water.

But every town is allowed to produces some fresh water, and the competition rules.  A little 20 kW solar powered vacuum pumps, will supply all the water for the town!  And each term downstream can purify the same water using a vacuum,

And get access to the purest water there is.  Which is basically free.  Just as god intended!

Fresh water evaporates from the seas using a partial evaporation over its future areas.  By applying a vacuum to water, we get 100% evaporation in a little engineering plant.

And nothing grows on decelerated water!  We do not need to add florine.  This idea can be used in the hot countries, with loads of natural sunlight.

To suck pure water out of the seas, and transporting it to mountain ranges in the interior.  Week in use it on the east side of Chile.  To add water to the present parish lands - shielded by mountains from the natural rain on the west country.

So now we can massively increased farm yields.  Without access to expensive and dangerous higher pressure desalination.  And non the arsenic problem of well water!

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