Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Covid vaccinations illegal

all Covid vaccinations medically illegal

Medicine is always declare that the Covid vaccination has been illegal, since 1934!  When Covid34 star to causing human influenza: the number just designates the winter of that flu strain!

Now we have Australian lawyers banning Novak Djokovic he was the refuse to vaccinate against Covid19.  The flu strain that ceased to circulate the world and 31 September, 2020: we were then automatically on Covid20 - four genetic changes in the previous year.

India and Bahrain had demonstrated that Covid20 does not respond to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  It would have taken two years to licence any vaccination.

But Covid has a new version every year!  So was only halfway three drug testing when obsolete.  Addressing a viral strain that no longer existed in the universe!  It was never a legal medical drug.

Every Covid vaccinating Dr., struck off.  A fine of 10 million UK pounds paid to the one in 200 people who would deliberately vaccinated to death.  When the vaccination itself was obsolete and useless!

All through the year of Covid20 drug companies are desperate to sell their obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  Which have no medical value against the new flu strain.

It certainly will have no affect on Covid21.  Only increasing Dr. and drug company profits, and killing one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals.

Each surviving vaccination victim gets a legal payout of 20,000 UK pounds, for each Covid vaccination there corrupt Dr. Inflicted on them!  Every registered Dr. Knew that the Covid vaccination was never licensed and sp obsolete!

So each Dr. gets a royalty payment of 15 UK pounds: for intentionally vaccinating their patients to death!  Even if ovation did not die, there were serious health side effects from the useless vaccination.

And now Astra Zeneca has financially induced lawyers to get Novak expelled from Australia.  Removed from his job!  For refusing to suffer a potentially fatal and useless medical intervention.

3.5 million people around the world have been UseO as the vaccinated against Covid19, only four months after the virus ceased to exist!  The most horrendous and fatal medical intervention ever.  No possible medical benefit!

In the UK 2.5 million people vaccinated, some more four times, to protect against a virus that no longer exists.  By internationally medically agreed naming convention, we are now on Covid21.

So the Australian lawyers are doing legal malpractice.  Totally medically ill advised!  So Australia owes Novak serious financial compensation!  For he is illegal and pointless medical exclusion from Australia.  Removing his chance to defend his tennis championship.

The Australian lawyers were acting with financial urging, to prevent other people refusing the spurious obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.  That will kill one in 200 people!  The lawyers were trying to enforced global medical murder.

If you can think of them I had more serious legal mall conduct, with murderous intent, to get in touch!  Each and every lawyer struck off without legal argument.

Astra Zeneca was struck off 2002, plays continue manufacture and sale of the no defective and spurious cancer drugs.  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clearing all cancers are will ever exist.

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½ minute of this HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections in one session.  There is no Covid pandemic!

The Covid alert applied to Corona virus: which was eradicated totally from Wuhan Province China by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

Covid kills 3.5% of infected people.  Below the 5% required for a pandemic.  And now all Covid flu is cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

So all Covid cured with no patient death!  We do not need to learn to live a Covid: we have a every minute since Covid34 in 1934.  Every Covid strain is now a cured!  All the Caribbean lawyers instantly removed from legal activity.  And prosecuted for legal misconduct.

Covid this message to every Dr. you know, to remind them that any Covid vaccination is illegal and criminal medicine.  Totaly medical malconduct.  The legal find that any Covid vaccination is 20,000 UK pounds - if a patient lived

The full 10,000,000 UK pounds, to and exit key and of patients intentionally vaccinated to death.  The Dr. and nurse struck off!  Along with the pharmacist and drug company.  Totally removed from all medical activity.  The drug company drug patents are all void and worthless.

The drug company has no value, and is bankrupt!

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