Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Astra Zeneca are bankrupt

Corona virus was a modified form of Covid18 limited by the Wuhan and quarantine in China.  Which it never penetrated!  Having mysteriously escaped from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan, funded by president O'Bama.

Belatedly in December 2019, Chinese medics applied high intensity ultrasound for ½ minute each side the chest.  The medically published cure to all cancers and viruses.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray so destroying the inflated cell types common to all cancers and viruses.  Bacterial infections also share the inflated cell structure.  Regular body cells are more flaccid, as we never need to divide and reproduce.

Removing 80% of Dr. and drug incomes.  90% for Astra Zeneca!  Medicine has never permitted the production vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.

As those fast changing lines change quicker than the vaccination can be licensed!  So no medical work on a Covid19 vaccination was never medically legal.  The researching Dr. or manufacturing drug company is struck off!  Without legal argument.

So the Covid19 vaccination is only halfway three drug licensing, when the virus has ceased to exist!  And by medical definition we are on the year of Covid20 - four genetic changes in the previous year.

So India and Bahrain had Covid20 outbreaks.  Cleared in three weeks by application of HIUS for ½ minute each side the chest.  India cured 77,000 cases of Covid20.  As China cleared last 41,000 cases of Corona virus on earth!  No direct relationship we've Covid19: that was drug company science fiction!

So the Covid19 vaccination is obsolete and never medically licensed.  So striking off so every vaccinating Dr., And the drug company is like Astra Zeneca and Pfizer.

The drug company is losing all other biochemical drug patents!  Ceasing to have share price - they could never borrower to make payroll and more bankrupt.  Backdated to 2002.

Astra Zeneca him into the idea of a Covid booster - the same defective medicine so Covid19 vaccination.  Now medicine as family conceded there will never be a segment of Covid boosters.  As they were always obsolete an unlicensed medicines.

You would have expected Astra Zeneca to sack every person involved with the Covid19 vaccination vista programme.  To save the company!  They haven't done and the whole of Astra Zeneca Air was struck off medically 2002.

Or there drugs illegal medicines ever since.  Any Dr. Prescribing their now a illegal medicines struck off and removed from medicine.  To face criminal charges for medical malpractice.

The whole of the Covid vaccination programme was defective and criminal medicine!  They vaccinated 3.5 billion people around the planet.  So intentionally medically executed 17 million healthy an innocent individuals.

The biggest deliberate medical execution of the innocent in history.  No Covid vaccination programme was ever legal!  I was staggered that the European Court of human justice, has not stepped in to stop the biggest medical killing of the innocents in history.

1/4 of the population for the UK executed, for drug company and drug company amusement and profit.

Now we're on the year of Covid21.  Also cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  Covid omicron no longer exists!  There in the a four month period of Covid Pi.

The Covid19 vaccination became obsolete unlicensed and fatal medicine the September 31, 2020.  Every vaccinating Dr. Ever since struck off the same day!

Company is like Pfizer and Astra Zeneca struck off without legal argument.

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