Make the arctic kush |
The sun shines down on the equator, heating up the sea water and land! The cold arctic water flows back to the equator, and for issues the warm are lighter water out of the way.
So the seas shuttle solar heat around the planet. But then the seawater over the articles to below -22° C, and freezes.
Worse still the pressure dries out the salt! So fresh I's rises to the surface - freezing injunction our 0° C. It melts during the arctic summer's! And C temperature reaches 10° C.
So from where the heat shuttle, is the water freezes! It forms as fresh snow at 0° C. And ties up the arctic cold at the arctic! Will prefer that heat flows back to the equator.
Week in use 18th century science to facilitate this! We have a car no heat pump, taking in the thermal energy at down to -22° C. In two A gas is freezing juncture is below 50° C.
We then double the pressure on this gas. And the temperature scales at 20 absolute temperature. So we're going to get hot pressurised gas at 250° C. The absolute pressure is Celsius first 273. We double the pressure, and then subtract 273 to convert absolute temperature to degrees C,: and wealth we have 273° C I have knocked off 23° C to allow for efficiency loses.
So we heat of the arctic air by 2 50° C. And we drive a little captive weaned turbine, which supplies all the energy to run the electronics and fault of the plant. We actually takes on the heat out of the gas! He is massage action the 23° C.
This error warming the arctic ice, which will then melts! Into liquid water at 0° C. And Slovak into a minute to the seawater. This extra coal water then flows back to the equator.
So we call the equator and warm the antics for free! We improve the heat shuttle of the earth. And crucially call down the hot lands. And we warm up the north and south polar regions.
We are going to push back the arctic and Antarctic circle. So we get extra plant growth towards the poles. That suck Ian carbon dioxide: during the for the winter carbon dioxide rises to four parts per million, twice the temperate level!
So why burning the fossil fuels, man kind has restored the I have been a carbon to active life. The earth now supports more plant and animal life. We are offering of the ultimate carbon from the deep. The best thing mankind as ever done for life on earth.
And till we set up the arctic heat pumps. That suck the thermal energy air to the seas, down to -22° C. And loses it to the air at 250° C. With into massively increased life on earth. Cooling the equator, and warm in the arctic - for very nearly free!
We have improved the natural heat shuttle around the earth, using a car no heat pump, we can suck heat from the seas down to -22° C. And use it to the arctic air 250° C.
This is first year engineering thermodynamics! Taught to every first year engineering student. It is how your fridge or freezer works. Sucking in heat into a low pressure gas, compressing the gas and lose their heat to the air in your kitchen or garage, at 50° C. Producing cooling down to -15° C. All were by compressing and venting a gas.
We do this in the for the region, Annie had called to the seas down to -22° C: the freezing of oil or fresh water is irrelevant! So we warm the call for regions, and now the arctic ice.
If we do this idea at Greenland, UK melt the Greenland ice sheet. Which is a buoyant in the seas! Serving melt the ice, the icecap rises! And sea levels do not change.
We transform green and back into a large green arable area. As it was in the Viking ages. The sea levels were 50 metres lower in a warm period! There will be no sea level rise.
Ice contracts as it melts! Which is why you're central heating radiators crack open, as the water freezes and expands. Even for saying metal to rupture.
To as light to the polar regions, we have a network are steam plasma centres. This converts regular water into massive heat light and X rays.
1 H₂O+PL+P→He+O+E+X-ray E=1.2 MW/m
2 (H₂O+P+P+PL)→2(E²+L...X-ray) A 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres will they've rates a constant 2.4 MW of heat. And if we tweak the pressure sufficiently, from my carry commissions are four atmospheres, being get ultraviolet light.
The maximum frequency of it is controlled by the plasma pressure. So we have artificial psalms as the heat and light to the art takes all year 24/7.
So we support forming and photosynthesis in what is are now or the white deserts of the world. And obviously we have melted all the ice! Life will return. With
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