Friday 7 January 2022

free carbon zero electricity

C 0 heat and powert

Electricity is a massive basic cost of everything!  And while the world insisted on burning oil or gas, that power was overpriced.  The produce carbon dioxide just stimulated plant growth - there was no increase in the temperate carbon dioxide levels around the earth.

Plans take Ian extra carbon dioxide and converted into plant biomass within 5 minutes!

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv→(Cₘ(H₂O)-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb...X-ray)  Plants eat CO₂

So plants during the day take in carbon dioxide and water, an utilised the ultraviolet light from natural sunlight.  The other frequencies are immaterial!  So to two hyper tonics farming, we only need ultraviolet fluorescent, and heat.  The plant's will emit a faint blue light and even X rays!  As the plant's do molecular nuclear fusion.

So the plant's produce helium and free radical oxygen gases.  And there is no chemical source of visible light, X rays or helium!  Of aunts have to be doing nuclear fusion.  It seems so obvious!

To get a fresh water farmers can use a small vacuum pump.  Driven using solar panels a wind turbine, or very little mains electricity.

They are apply the vacuum to sea or river water.  And with only 1m of vacuum the water boils off into fresh water vapour.  Losing all salts and contaminants behind.

We pump the water vapour to a high tank or holding reservoir.  Water vapour V in 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water.

So remove the salts or contaminants from water!  For very nearly free.

And the growing plants will suck Ian carbon dioxide as the air.  The limit to life on earth is amount of circulating carbon dioxide.

Above the arctic ice In winter there is no active photosynthesis on land or in sea - life in the seas use evolved to the chest A static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.  Like photosynthesis on land.

So during the arctic winters, there is four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  At -50° C.  The idea the late Professor Bernard Argent.  He was frustrated by other santis would not listen to this emeritus professor.  There is too much research money to be around for a nuclear power!

So from the year of Chernobyl in 1986, nuclear power promoted manmade global warming.  Then in 1995 the natural climate started cooling: there are predictable 28 year periods or warming and cooling, caused by solar emission cycles.  The climate will next warm 2023.

A total was academics to dust off their papers for 30 years ago, about manmade global warming.  Climate change was just holding science fiction, while the natural climate had cooled.

The irony is, nuclear power bills its plants using loads and loads of concrete.  Produced using a fossil fuel heat on to limestone - to produce concrete powder.

So the two years of nuclear power plant construction, it this is equivalent carbon dioxide as from 100 MW commercial power plant over 25 years.  And after 25 years a nuclear plant use demolished.

But no nuclear power plant has ever received independent planning consent.  Since a nuclear power was privatized by Tony Blair!  So every UK nuclear power plant is running criminally under insured.

They carried just 50 million insurance cover.  But since Chernobyl in 1986, the required insurance cover or has been 40 billion.  Rising to 100 billion after Fukushima in 2010.  There was unfortunately in Brazil!  Too close to Japan.

Fukushima will have caused 20 million deaths due to cancers and heart disease, and Japan alone.  Across the whole of Asia or we are looking at 200 million deaths.

The a fine for each resulting death is 10 million UK pounds - converted into the national currency.  So the key at a total fine from the Fukushima incident alone, or 2000 trillion.  In Tokyo 28 trillion.  The insurance cost carrier by the private power corporation: Tokyo nuclear!

Yet nature demonstrates how to do nuclear fusion around the earth in the air.  Even above the arctic!  Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike, which again does molecular nuclear fusion.

So to up by the turbulence in heavy rain or snow doing molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray

So constantly around the world, heavy rain or snow storms are doing nuclear fusion on earth.  Even as at -50° C above the arctics!  Where there is so much lightening.

The positive ions collected above the clouds layer, and their negatively charged electrons fall to the ground.  As the potential of 5000 volts 100 amps we get a lightening down strike.  To discharge that electrical potential.  For by the much for massive lightening up strike.

3 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) so the plasma and has smashed the helium and oxygen ions, and Haylo produce heat light and X rays.  Twice as energetic as molecular nuclear fusion.  A plasma burn from steam.

Lightening is basically an predictable.  But we can fire up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder, using the electronics from old fluorescent light.  At four atmospheres it will self sustain, lightening is set up at eight atmospheres, collapsing at three.

So we now have a glass cylinder, there Prix uses massive heat without any fossil fuel burn or radioactive processes.  A 50x1cm glass tube at four atmospheres release a constant carbon neutral 2.4 MW of heat.  Twice as energetic as lightening!  That releases just 1.2 MW our carbon neutral heat from a 1.5km x 2cm steam plasma.

Which Prix uses five tonnes of helium ions during a lightening strike.  We do the relativistic conversion using E=mc² and get at an energy release of 2.5x10³̾⁰W our carbon neutral heat.

So we go collide that our glass tube will release a 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.

We set the steam plasma within a boiler room.  And secure the top as the water heats up.  Will get steam at eight atmospheres and 800° C.  Which will generate a constant 1.2 MW our carbon neutral electricity.

Company is can do this in the cellers.  A 1m x 2cm glass cylinder will produce a constant 9.6 MW of mains electricity.  They are probably only required 20 kW!  This sell the rest to the national grid.  At 2p per kilowatt hour.  They get an annual check from the national grid for ever 20 million UK pounds.

What ever else it it is not really matter!  They will supply the carbon neutral heat for 600 domestic dwellings.  Who were obviously require current, when the company does not operate!

With free electricity they cannot use three shift working, and report their imports!  Freezing light and heat using the free electricity.

So company is and have been massive power producers.  They are no longer drawl current from the national grid.  They supply all the current to the national grid needs!  Without any conventional or nuclear power plants involved.

And plasma power is carbon zero.  It utilising and produces no toxic radioactive isotopes.  And it is basically free!  Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ³cc of regular water a year.  Basically we start off with a 5cc spring loaded water reservoir.  Which is still full on a plasma power plant is replaced.

We've paid no mains electricity or gas!  We utilised no oil or coal burn.  We give company is free heat and power for ever.  Which was actually my area of interest during my master's degree.

I came up this idea due to my abortive PH D work at Sheffield University 2000-.  Sheffield X cells are light engineering work.  So could easily turn out plasma power plants, for home or commercial use.

Take in a hole our the UK he off the fossil fuel burning or nuclear power.  Turning the UK the carbon zero.  The avowed aim of every party political leader in the world.

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