Thursday, 13 January 2022

Free fresh water

endless pure water
The simplest way he to purify river or sea water, is to buy one metre of vacuum to it.  It boils then in two fresh water vapour.  Losing all salts or contaminants!  No heavy metals or bacteria in the water vapour.

The water vapour is 1000 times easier to transport and liquid water.  So we pump it to a high reservoir or holding tank.

As he vent the vacuum the water vapour forms a fine mist, which settles into water droplets and fills the reservoir!

A group of farmers can get together, and set up A vacuum water purification plant, and transform river or sea water into fuel water!  Animals will need salt licks!  Plants will love the pure water.

The simplest way of supplying arms of pumping power around the hot so areas of the world, is to drive a little solar vacuum pump, A 20 kilowatt solar driven vacuum pumps will freeze 20,000 l of pure water vapour a second.

For me to a high storage, will give us only 10,000 l of water vapour.  Which will condense into a constant 10 l of water a second.  In arid country, that is a life changing volume of pure water.  For very nearly free!

Non of the expense of boiling water or filtering it.  Non other dangerous higher pressures used five pressure reverse osmosis.  Just one metre of vacuum.  Endless fresh water!

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