Monday, 24 January 2022

Covid and cancer cured

Covid and cancers cured 2002

Cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, require an overinflated cell structure in order to induce cell replication, intact body cells are more flaccid and bud off DNA intact stem cells.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray B a High Intensity UltraSound causes cancer cells in the laboratory, to boil and rupture.  Cure for X rays and producing helium and oxygen gases.

This is why your beating heart gives off X rays in time with your pulse, and you breathe out oxygen and helium gases, there being no chemical source of helium gas.

So in 2003 the world health organisation declared a pandemic for the SARs viral outbreak in Asia. Caused by a Covid3.  Cleared as Asian medics applied ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  The pandemic alert quietly deleted!

In 2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 this came from the Wuhan biochemical laboratory.  No to the world as Corona virus.  It killed five million Chinese - or within the Wuhan quarantine.

Then from December 2019 Chinese doctors applied the medically published HIUS - ½ minute each side a patient's chest.  The last 41,000 Corona cases were all cured.  The virus was eradicated.

Again the World Health Organisation quietly deleted its pandemic alert.  Drug company is started treating Covid19 as he was a novel pandemic virus.  It was just the regular human influenza!  Killing 3.5 per cent of infected people since 1934.

So below a pandemic fatality rate.  I had Covid19 November 2019.  The virus ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020.  Before the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed.  So the vaccination and became obsolete an unlicensed criminal medicine!

Striking off any individual or prescribed the useless medication.  They ceased to be a Dr. the first day!  Also striking off the biochemical drug company - who lost all other biochemical drug patents.

And since 2002 we know that all viruses are cured by ½ minute of HIUS to each side to a patient's chest.  This idea totally eradicated HIV AIDs in 1 minute.  Personally confirmed by a contact in New York.

Freely published on the Internet!  Yeah suppose the registered doctors are still prescribing the defective AIDs treatments, 2018!  Each and every one struck off and ejected from medicine totally.

So corrupt doctors started applying the far too fatal Covid19 vaccination only in January 2021: two years after the virus has ceased to exist!  The vaccination is obsolete and never licensed.  The prescribing Dr. and there he drug company struck off and ejected from medicine totally.

The drug company losing all other biochemical drug patents.  But Astra Zeneca were struck off 2002, for they continued manufacture and sale of or now defective cancer drugs using chemo and radio therapy.

They packed out there National Medical regulators we've paid stooges, and just carry on as normal!  But Astra Zeneca's drugs all became illegal and criminal medicine 2002.  Or prescription of there drugs, striking off the Dr. plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.

A doctors realised in horror that Covid vaccination research was prohibited an illegal medicine.  So no work as having done a vaccination to Covid20 or 21.

The drug company is intent on selling the obsolete an unlicensed flight useless and fatal, Covid19 vaccination.  Today and people without a double Covid19 vaccination free to apply around the world.

As the Covid19 vaccination was totally medically useless but still hellishly fatal.  Stephen five billion vaccinations given around the world, so the medically accepted death rate is 0.5% - 17 million global residents killed.  Healthy an innocent individuals sacrifice for Dr. and drug company profits.

Every drug company is are voluntary signature to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  So world drug companies were legally required to destroy and never sell any Covid vaccination.

Any Covid vaccination stripped of Dr registration and health insurance - totally illegal Drs then.

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