Germany cures Covid - no drugs! |
Covid has been the regular human influence or since 1934, with Covid34. The number just indicates the year of the winter's infection.
So Covid19 only existed June 1 of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020. Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, so no direct relationship with next year's Covid19.
The standard cancer and viral cure works for Covid flu. It cleared all 200 types of human cancer 2002. As idea was medically published, every registered Dr. On earth had to acquire a high intensity unit, and validate the new medical science.
This clears all inflated cell types! So every type of human cancer, plus all viral and bacterial infections which will ever exist.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
All cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, require either infective structures to have a non native inflated structure. So they boil and rupture on application of HIUS. Causing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear the exploding cell type throughout the body.
After Zeneca are appalled, they validated the cancer an infection cure 2002, and for reasons unknown, they decided that now all cancers were cures, they would medicate viruses.
Tragically a viral or bacterial infection vaccination has a medically accepted death rate of 0.5%. So he gave 3.5 billion vaccination to Covid19 around the world, and the medics intentionally executed 17,000,000 healthy an innocent people!
Every Covid research or vaccinating Dr. Struck off. There is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath. The drug company is voluntarily signed. Prohibiting research into or manufacture of any treatments to already cured infection.
And now all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, totally cured!
From December 2019 Chinese medics applied e.g. ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to each side the chest of Corona viral patients. And they all got better! 41,000 Corona cases cured within the Wuhan quarantine.
And Corona never penetrated the quarantine! So was then globally extinct. So World Health Organisation retracted the pandemic alert. None was ever issued a of a Covid flu - the regular human flu, killing at below pandemic levels since 1934.
Medicine always prohibited a Covid vaccination. As a vaccination would take two years to licence, but already be obsolete within a year! Hence the Covid19 vaccination was never medically licensed: never a legal human drug!
The Covid19 vaccination programme only began three months after Covid19 virus was extinct. Replaced automatically by the next year's Covid20. Indian Bahrain already had outbreaks of Covid20 last year.
Totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. Which globally has killed 17 million healthy an innocent individuals. Every Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination, a struck off and ejected from medical practice for life.
There prescriptions then invalid and illegal. There Health Insurance withdrawn. There medical practice criminal.
Now we're on the year of Covid21, and the drug company is are still promoting the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: never a legal human drug!
In the UK there vaccinated 2.5 million individuals. So deliberately medically executed 45,000 healthy an innocent UK residents. The largest medical mass murderer in history! 17 million people killed around the world.
Striking off every involved Dr. and drug company. Along with assisting nurses and pharmacists. Or letter medicine for the rest of history!
Nowhere on the year of Covid21, the first aroused he has being called Covid Omicorn. In much will be on to Covid Pi. Or type of Covid21. Obviously totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
The medicine which intentionally kills one in 200 healthy people! Those criminal medicine ever. Who produced it? So utterly no registered Dr.. The Covid vaccination is globally prohibited medicine.
And no licence biochemical drug company has ever been allowed to make and sell the Covid vaccination: or they are also are struck off! And barred from all medical activity. Losing all other biochemical drug patents.
They cease to have a share price. And, longer borrower to make payroll: they have exhausted their savings, and defender more banks to lend the money to make payroll. The loan is assured by the company share price.
Struck off drug company is have no share price. They can raise no money. They are bankrupt.
My thanks to professor Z, for confirming my suggestion 2001 that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water, or high pressure steam.
2 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E²+X-ray US= ultrasound P>4 atmospheres.
The Moffitt cancer centre then uses idea with, an published 100 patient double blind trial, does it in 100% clearance of all cancers and viruses 2002. Practically confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth.
Making subsequent prescription of or cancer drugs, criminal and defective medical malpractice. Every cancer patient murdered by biochemistry, once a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.
200,000,000 cancer patients murdered since 2002. Total legal find 2 trillion. The world is only worth 138 trillion. Get your claim in quick! Every cancer drug prescribing Dr. Struck off. All medical practice after 2002 and an insured and criminal.
Germany has excellent engineers. I was there in 1982. From my master's degree in to engineering and metallurgy. Just ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest clears all types of Covid21. Included Covid omicron.
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