RIP Covid19 Oct 2020 |
The regular human influenza was first identified 1934. And even the medical designation of Covid34. Every October 1 since, the Covid number has increased annually.
So Covid19 only existed June 1 of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020. Medical vaccinations take two years to licence, so any Covid vaccination is automatically obsolete before licensed.
So the Covid 19 vaccination was never legal medicine! Obsolete and unlicensed. As every medical student is taught my first year of a medical degree. No registered Dr. Is allowed to research are applying a Covid vaccination.
Or they are automatically struck off! Registered drug companies are not allowed to make and sell any Covid vaccination. So Astra Zeneca was acting illegally my selling the Covid19 vaccination.
Tragically vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy people. As the Covid19 virus no longer existed by January 2021, every Covid vaccination death was more fatal than a nonexistent disease!
So no registered Dr. Ever allowed to give one Covid vaccination. Or they were struck off! Subsequent medical practice was an insured and criminal. They must return all fees charged to their unfortunate patients who survived.
10 million to and exit key and of patients medicated to death, with the illegal medical prescriptions.
Hence the UK government has announced the scrapping are employed checks on Covid. As there is no medically certified test for Covid20. There was never even unlicensed Covid19 test over.
And registered doctors are not allowed to apply spurious and illegal medical tests. Or they are also are struck off. This two all medical fees to their unfortunate patients!
Not one positive result around the world! As the world is automatically on Covid20. And no Covid21.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound all boarding a plane, to each side of an individual's chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Stopping infections driving around the world by aircraft.
The ultrasound causes inflated cell structures common to viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture. The using a full immune response to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So all the Covid tests medical rubbish! The Covid19 virus by medical definition no longer exists. Enforce a mask wearing for schoolchildren, is also are medical and biological rubbish.
Any chance of any infection can be cleared by local application of the above high intensity ultrasound. The school nurse can wield the required ultrasound device!
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