heat andd powr for free |
This idea also gives house owner as the access to carbon neutral heat and power. We use a steam plasma. Which burns the water molecules into just heat light and X rays.
1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)
My calculations indicate at only 4 atmospheres we should get 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat. This knees practical confirmation! It would indicate that a 1m x2cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, she would produce a constant 9.6 MW of heat.
So off you go and fire up a steam plasma using the steam from a paint stripper, and the electronics from old fluorescent light. Amazing isn't it!
So we feed the steam from my steam plasma, into a commercially sourced little steam turbine. And get out 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains electricity. Enough for 150 users! More flats, double the steam plasmas.
Then after the fire generation, we supply the heat to a central heating system. So we heat and power all the parts for free.
The home user only requires 8 kW of electrical power. This sell the rest to the national grid. This has an annual check for six million UK pounds! Under the statute which Margaret Thatcher introduced, the fact company has to buy he from us, if we sell our electricity at 1.8 p/kilowatt hour.
So we get a 50% more than a lifetimes earnings for the average working man or woman. Every year! Good luck on spending that. From a garden shed or the seller and a block of flats.
Who then go off grid for gas and electricity. They sell the excess current to the national grid. An burn no fossil fuels to produce heat! No carbon emissions.
Every nuclear power plant is built using loads and loads of concrete. Produced using a fossil fuel burn on limestone! Releasing in two years the carbon equivalent from a commercially fired power station in 25 years.
Nuclear power is so not carbon zero! It is 1/4 biggest manmade source of carbon emissions on earth. And produces the stratospherically toxic plutonium and strontium.
Required annual insurance cover of 100 billion, for 100 megawatt power station. It is an massive carbon source! But has invested 10,000,000 UK pounds a year since 1986, and the nuclear fiction of manmade climate change.
1986 being the year of Chernobyl. Than the annual nuclear insurance rose to 40 billion. They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million. And buy off academia!
Who were all familiar with the carbon cycle. Photosynthesis on land and sea around the temperate earth, then it's free carbon dioxide in the afternoon air to just two parts per million.
A static trace gas affects nothing. It certainly does not justify the continued existence of the most toxic industry ever invented! Remember Chernobyl and Fukushima, since when Germany and Japan have renounced uranium nuclear power.
Without the French build nuclear plants! We let the chease eating surrender monkey's, and the world's worst engineers, build the most toxic and an insurable engine plant so ever devised.
A power plasma plant uses no radioactive materials. And produces no solid radioactive waste. They can be stopped with a tap from electric hammer. And every nuclear scientist on earth has red my frequent first innings on plasma power generation.
But they are also see talking about carbon dioxide! The nuclear power as we have seen is mankind's fourth largest source of carbon dioxide. The largest and only totally avoidable carbon dioxide producing industry on earth.
Go carbon neutral. Build your own plasma power plant. Three heat and electricity for 150 users. No fossil fuel burn and no at handling or production of radioactive substances. Which were required the special nuclear insurance carried by Oak ridge.
A thorium power plant, is a backdoor way he to do no plutonium fast breeder nuclear power generation. And would require the usual half hundred billion of annual insurance cover.
Lets or go plasma powered. And the carbon dioxide to biology and the carbon cycle.
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