Saturday, 29 January 2022

Man made climate change nuclear fiction

Climate change fiction for nuclear power

After Chernobyl in 1986, nuclear power promoted the biologically impossible idea of man made global warming.  Which share the carbon dioxide would inevitably warm the air!  Then in 1995 the global climate started cooling.

Hence the even are more preposterous manmade climate change.  In the Jurassic there are far fewer fossil fuels.

Also fossil fuels formed at the Jurassic mass extinction.  Caused by comet hitting near Mexico and killing 90% of life on earth.  I've only just hung on!

The Jurassic had 85% more active life and is on earth today.  We carbon dioxide levels at double the present trace level.  In the present epoch there has been just a static two parts per million carbon dioxide in the air.

Extra carbon dioxide from burning the fossilised life, is converted into a new biological life the by photosynthesis on land and in the seas.  Leaving a static level of carbon dioxide in the afternoon air.

Ask any academic: A static trace gas affects nothing!

The Jurassic had four parts per million carbon dioxide in the air - twice the present levels.  In a warm period!  An 85% more life.  The Jurassic had three natural ice ages, and the mineral records teaches is the carbon dioxide rose to eight parts per million!

Four times the present trace limit.  In an ice age!  In the little ice age of the 18th century, we are back to a Jurassic four PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  Which these us to the concrete assertion, come dioxide does not warm the weather!

The Jurassic ice ages side to eight PPM carbon dioxide in the air.  And carbon dioxide emissions are transient!  They become active biological life within 5 minutes.

The world nuclear power bills its plants using loads and loads of concrete!  Produced using a fossil fuel on limestone.  They could used uranium fission rods as a heat source, but he was radioactive concrete!

So in two years the release of carbon equivalent of the emissions from a commercially fired power station, in 25.  And after 25 years the nuclear plant should be decommissioned.

Fukushima in 2010 only happened the first Japanese nuclear ran an e.g. so nuclear power plant, outside its design life.

You may have gathered by I used to work as an engineer!  One engineers' design to operate a plant for its design life.  The next day it all breaks!  A nuclear power plants are designed for operating life of 25 years.

Aged nuclear plants should be taken at a service!  Not run until they do a Fukushima.  Every operating uranium nuclear plant know knees insurance cover of 100 billion.

You did a law degree.  You realise that the planning consent for a engineering plant only is valid with valid insurance cover.  And nuclear power carries just 50 million.  The 0.5% of the legally required insurance cover.

This all makes an active nuclear programme mankind's fourth largest carbon source.  With releasing in two years the carbon dioxide emitted by burning oil and gas for 25.

Nuclear power is so not carbon zero.

My PH D supervisor and Sheffield University, was a bit freaked out by my devising plasma power.  As it used a lot of physics information.

A 50x1cm steam plasma cylinder at four atmospheres should release a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  This number knees confirming practically.  By a physics professor at salford Uni.  I have a master's degree in engineering, so I would assist where I could.

A plasma power plant is basically carbon neutral.

1 (H₂O+P+PL) enclosed →2(E²+L...X-ray)

My PH D supervisor suggested that the turbulent flow of steam did molecular nuclear fusion.

A lightening strike is three 1.5km x2cm steam plasma in the air.  It is half as dynamic as an enclosed steam plasma.

2 H₂O+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X-ray E²=1,2 MW/m

There is a lightening strike every 3 minutes around the world.  So nature gets 10⁴⁰ W of heat from this system.  The only gets 10⁶⁰W from direct sunlight.  It is the most important zero radiation energy source of nature.

Week in use 1 to generate a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  And then warm 0.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity.  Utilising no fossil fuel burn, involving no radioactive materials.

You may gather that my degree care the radioactivity greatly!  Never liked it.  Two hyper toxic.

So manmade climate change is the latest science fiction from the paid phones to nuclear power.  Since the world static cooling 1995.  The whirl climate will stop warming again naturally 2023.  Next year.

By which time making change all members Energy Systems over two a plasma burn.  Three non radioactive carbon neutral heat and power.

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