Saturday, 8 January 2022

A plasma burn solves climate change

I told professor Z at Sheffield University about this 2001 and he ended my PH D work with no award.  And a request to be kept informed of my ideas.  That was why I was doing a Ph.D.!

And actually a repeated the force of the lake emeritus professor Bernard Argent.  Who pointed out to me 2001, that plants talk in carbon dioxide to grow!  The in just a static two parts per million in the temperate air in the late afternoon.

1 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+Luv→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+O₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray+Lb)

So green plants on land and C stake in carbon dioxide, then to -20° C.  And use ultraviolet light to do molecular nuclear fusion.  Producing helium, oxygen X rays and light blue light.

Actually adding water units to the carbon dioxide to form carbohydrates, takes in energy!  I think!  The nuclear fusion we are doing their rates massive X rays a faint blue light and that helium gas.  Of which there is no chemical source!

Biology are the world's experts on nuclear fusion on earth.

The simplest way for man kind to cancer this Energy System, is to sit back and watch lightening!  Every 3 minutes around the earth there is a lightening strike.

This is nature doing nuclear fusion in the air.  Set up by heavy rain or snow cells also are doing nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E heavy precipitation doing nuclear fusion in the air.  Tony water into positive ions and free electrons.  The positive charge collects above the clouds layer, the negative charge falls to the ground.  At 5000 volts 100 amps we get a lightening strike.  For all of a much more dynamic up strike - as nature is doing nuclear fusion on earth in the air.  No radioactive isotopes involved!

3 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) I have been saying for ages they get 2.5 x10³⁰W of the energy.  We're actually getting the nuclear fission of tritium!  ⁴H⁺ me how to give us  1x10³ⁱW.  We need to try it out!  I will go with a my first number.

That is for a free steam plasma!  Set up 8 atmospheres, blowing itself out at 3.  Which argue us 1.2 MW/m our carbon neutral heat.  From a 1.5x2cm steam plasma.  Open and to the air!

Enclosed something different happens!  The hydrogen ions and electrons bond to form neutrons, control by the plasma pressure,

4 ʸH⁺+e⁻→(y+1)n⁰

So a non nuclear source of neutrons!  Converting the hydrogen nucleus into strings of neutrons.  As mentioned above tritium ends up as ⁴H.  Or 2 duoneutrium structures.

So the plasma burns the steam into heat light and X rays.  Without any combustion!  We get a flame and even X rays - with no oxygen use.

And it is a very efficient!  Using only 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water, to freeze a constant 2.4 MW of heat.

Week in utilised a 50x1cm steam plasma at centre to run a steam cycle.  Tony had 2.4 MW of heat into warm 0.2 MW of mains electricity.  Totally carbon neutral!

All these 100 of thousands of people around the world earning their living from the nuclear fiction of manmade climate change, and not one has followed had replied to my ideas on a steam plasma.

Which is massive carbon neutral heat and power.  No carbon dioxide!  So obviously no man made climate change.  No reply - as there is none.  Massive carbon free electricity and heat.

Ironically nuclear power uses a massive amount of carbon dioxide on plant construction.  In the two years of plant construction the fossil fuel burn on limestone, to freeze all out concrete powder, releases the carbon equivalent of a conventional power plant generative power for 25 years.

And after 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished!  Every year requires annual insurance cover of 100 billion - after Fukushima in 2010 and reinforce Chernobyl.  Nuclear power from uranium is a hyper toxic and uninsurable industry.

Making do with a criminally insufficient 50 million of insurance cover.  So the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every under insured nuclear power plant in the world.  And every nuclear power plant is under insured!

Stop her steam fictitious climate conference is talking about carbon dioxide: A plasma burn is 80 times as energetic he as uranium nuclear power, and totally nontoxic.  Routine no carbon dioxide or radioactive waste.

The clean and nontoxic Energy System of the future.

The garage santis can set up a 50x1cm steam plasma power plant in the garden shed, and generator at 1.2 MW of mains electricity.  Utilising no radioactive substances and burning no fossil fuels.  No oil or gas required!  No carbon dioxide produced.

The clean and nontoxic free energy for 150 houses.  Annual income from the national grid of six million UK pounds, for the electricity and alone.  The exit steam will supply the area central heating for sale 150 houses.  Totally carbon zero!

I have not heard from professor Z since 2008.  When he pointed out I had left out O₂ from one of my equations.  Just does not matter!  Carbon neutral massive heat.  Without any fossil fuel burn or nuclear processes.

So free carbon zero power.  He's got a double first from Columbia - so not that bright!

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