fossil fuel flames do nuclear fusion |
The burning oil or gas only releases heat because it does molecular nuclear fusion.
1 CₘHₙ+pO₂+spark→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray)
This is interesting to know, as we can use the cancer lies molecular nuclear fusion. We either titanium or berilium plate the boilerplate or engine. This will double the value of 'r'. So we get out the same power for half the fossil fuel burn! Or twice a file for the same volume of fossil fuel burnt.
The price of a a fossil fuel is directly linked to the volume of fuel sold. So we half the fuel burn, we decrease the fuel price by 60%! OPEC goes insolvent! Already Saudi Arabia is desperately not filling its quieter. To keep the oil price up!
As by oxidising the carbon takes in energy. It is only the steam plasma r(...) With that releases massive energy, there is a light and even X rays.
There is nothing to say that we must burning carbon fuels. In actual fact burning coal, only releases massive heat only when wet the coal down!
The full year the boils off the water into steam, in turbulent flow. Which then does molecular nuclear fusion.
But we can take steam, an fire up a plasma using the electronics from the a fluorescent light.
2 H₂O+P+PL→He+O+E²+X-ray
Nature has use this Energy System for 3.8 billion years. Where a heavy rain or snow in turbulent flow already does 2. Using turbulence in place of a plasma.
It releases 1.2 MW/m every 3 minutes around the world. That is equivalent to a partial steam plasma, a lightening bolt, making five tonnes of helium gas from regular water.
Hydrogen into helium is nuclear fusion! Constantly all around the earth. Even at the poles at -50° C. Weather magnetic dypole gives us more fluid turbulence.
When you apply this system up in a 50x2cm glass cylinder, you get energy release of 4.2 megawatts! Twice the energy density. Due to the suggestions are professor Z, am I serving on the Internet I discovered a plasma burn from steam.
3 (H₂O+P+PL)confined→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²=2.4 megawatts of carbon neutral heat at four atmospheres. Without any radioactive materials being involved all produced! Does regular light water ⁱH₂O. That flows in any river or stream.
Though at waterfalls we do molecular nuclear fusion, and produce helium and oxygen gases, and enrich the other water molecules.
So we place our steam plasma in a water tank. A run a steam cycle. The previous 1.2 MW of mains electricity, from a little turbine costing 300 UK pounds. Sold with the electronics to synchronise the voltage and frequency with the national grid.
Who was each has an needs 8 kW of electrical power. This sell the rest to the national grid, who send us a check for six million UK pounds annually. The carbonate neutral power for 150 houses!
From 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. We had to calculate the volume, as he is just to mine you had to measure in 1000 lifetimes.
So we are producing non radioactive carbon zero power. Uranium nuclear power there is the fourth largest manmade source of carbon dioxide - all that fossil fuel heat on limestone to free use of concrete they use for plant construction.
So nuclear power is so not carbon zero! They promoted the idea of man made global warming, without realizing there the fourth largest androgynous source of carbon dioxide.
So all electricity is very much not carbon zero! A plasma power plant produces no solid radioactive waste. It burns regular water into heat light and X rays.
We can easily produce 1.2 MW our carbon zero power. Though as professor argent reminded me 2001, plans take Ian extra carbon dioxide and convert into plant biomass within 5 minutes.
So the trace of carbon dioxide around the temperate earth there has been capped at just two parts per million, in the present epoch. Since before mankind even evolved!
Of all ore for ice In winter there is no photosynthesis. We get 4 PPM carbon dioxide in the arctic air, at -50° C!
In the Jurassic those numbers were doubled! 4PPM above the temperate air. 85% more life on earth, sea levels 60 metres lower there in the warm periods. There were three natural ice ages.
In the warm. So above the arctic ice, if they even existed,. There was 8 PPM carbon dioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide has no warming affect on the climate! It stimulates biological life on earth.
More plant life these are more oxygen being excreted by the plants, we are doing photosynthesis - biological molecular nuclear fusion.
4 mCO₂+Luv+nH₂O+TU+chlorophyll→(Cm(H₂O)n-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)
Today photosynthesis uses ultraviolet light, to turn carbon dioxide suck out in the air and water molecules acquired from the environment, who was then into the carbohydrates of life - which takes in energy.
And you probably noticed, it does molecular nuclear fusion again! This time releasing a faint blue light and even X rays. University geography departments have written academic papers about the production of helium and emission of X rays from photosynthesis.
There is no chemical source of X rays and visible light! No source of radioactive decay, so were doing as ever molecular nuclear fusion. Where are the academic papers on this subject?
I've given you the explanation and chemical equations many many times. Problem he is the big cash cow of academia he is manmade global warming, and since 2005 manmade climate change: the natural climate started cooling 1995.
Two years later nuclear power decided global warming was wrong. Carbon dioxide did cell into the climate, which looks an awful like cooling! But they did not specify.
All the planets in the inner solar system or cooling - down to predictable solar emission cycles. There will stop warming again 2023. Next year! After natural. At 28 years of global cooling.
Even more to 98% carbon dioxide in the air, has been cooling for 28 years. It does not have any active photosynthesis. We could maybe send up baloons, with growing plants.
Allow the ingress of carbon dioxide, and egress of oxygen. But then the plants will grow like mad. So we need to automatically eject some plant's, which were then automatically die. And rot. Releasing carbon dioxide into the environment. This idea it needs more work!
So carbon dioxide does not affect the weather. The weather effects carbon dioxide. We have half the level of carbon dioxide converting the Jurassic age, and sea levels were 60 metres higher.
The Jurassic had 85% more active biological life. And masterly fewer fossil fuels! No fossil fuels formed in the mass extinctions of prehistory. Like at the end of the Jurassic.
The outcome all this is that a steam plasma releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat. A one metre uranium fission broad only releases 150 kW. So molecular nuclear fusion is nontoxic and 80 times as dynamic!
Fossil fuel burning and releases 45 kW from a one metre row of oil burners. So feeble! So we can easily replace all oil or gas burning, the steam plasma cylinders. 240 times as dynamic.
And waterfall from the skies for free! Water is massively cheaper than oil or gas. And they can utilised just river or stream water. A much more dynamic and carbon free Energy System.
Nuclear power has been away for last four years, trying to think why people should not use plasma power plants. Totally carbon neutral and using no overpriced fuel.
Even with massive price support, or oil is below $100 a barrel required the by nuclear power to be economic.
Actual Chg %Chg
Crude Oil 86.3100 0.65 -0.75%
Brent 87.5000 0.94
The backers of nuclear power have deep pockets! But the our price to below $100 a barrel five years ago. And even deep pockets don't last forever! And now a every nuclear power plant
Now the garage harvest can fire up a steam plasma tube, using the electronics borrow it from old fluorescent light. And utilised just 10⁻ⁱ̾cc of regular water to freeze at 2.4 MW of heat. 1.2 MW of electrical power. The annual check for six million UK pounds.
And a plasma power plant is carbon neutral. Involving no burning of fossil fuels and no radioactive materials like uranium. No production of plutonium and strontium. No impossible insurance cover required.
A 1m x2cm steam plasma at four atmospheres will release a constant 8.6 MW of heat. 24 will run 100 MW power plant. With no fossil fuel burn! And no radioactive materials required all produced.
Basically free electricity! And commercial power can convert a commercial power station in the annual shutdown. So he restarts he will be hadfusion driven! Free and safe electricity.
They are nuclear power has the problem of that insurance! As a 100 billion of insurance cover is not commercially available. Which is why they carried 50 million. Criminally insufficient. The United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every uranium nuclear power plant on earth.
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