fix yo0ur organs for nearly free |
My thanks to the late professor Argent, forget the back to Sheffield University. I ended up studying nuclear fusion.
I discovered that ultrasounding damaged tissues, caused the defective cells and scar tissue to be cleared away. And the body cells replaced from the DNA intact stem cells: as it was physiotherapist have learned papers about this for 40 years.
I have suffered 30% brain damage in a car accident. And acquired 150 W 40 kHz ultrasound device: I now use 8 W 1 MHz. As effective, but far cheaper.
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Cancer and so stated cells, both boil and rupture on external application of such High Intensity UltraSound.
Just 1 minute of external HIUS clears all cancer cells types: which are then logged by the immune system, as dangerous and cleared from the body and brain.
The contracted cessstated cells characteristic of inactive and damaged cells, are cleared. But as they are native body cells, no immune system action is launched.
So if we apply HIUS to any damaged organ, the damaged cells are cleared away. And the body's stem cells and replaces them. With new active cells!
I tentatively tried it on the area of my own brain injury. And it worked! The damaged brain cells were cleared away. And as there is then no longer a vegetarian, and ate protein suppliments, the body and four and new functioning cells.
And the brain is quite clever! It hands over the memories before clearing the inactive cells. So you get back a fully functioning brain.
It did take 20 1 minute sessions, to fix the I damage resulting after my car accident.
This system will even repair damaged heart cells. So if you have had a stroke or heart attack, HIUS will fix you. Over six months!
Medics are livid that HIUS clears cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia. As the first three of 100% of the profits medicine makes.
So or whole of medicine is losing money today. So looking at medicating for organ damage. There is no need! Ultrasound already fix is all organ damage. And the Physio therapy papers go back 50 years.
And medicine prohibits research into alternative treatments and cures for already cured conditions. An organ damage is cured. They are first and personal experience!
When I returned to Sheffield University, I had that somebody there will be on to instruct me and fixing my head injury. It transpired I was a guy who worked it out!
Are fixed myself. They can also refer all surgeon or trauma damage to organs.
The brain repair is especially interesting! As with age mental function is degraded. But now we can use a HIUS device legally to each side of the head, to fix the brain degradation of age.
We can use it externally to the damaged area to correct for strokes and head injuries. And brain and a rotation is a major factor in human ageing.
They can also apply he 1 minute of HIUS to the lower ribcage. To fix the liver. Which accumulates cancer cells, and also suffers damage from our cold use. The major endocrine gland in the body.
So can fully repair the brain heart and liver. Major contributing factors to human ageing. No medication or Dr. required!
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