Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Lateral flu test useless

Covid is no more!

Medics say that they demonstrate you have Covid19.  Really.  Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.  By medical definition we were then on Covid20.

But medicine always prohibited research or application by Covid vaccination: as Covid flu involves too quickly!  A vaccination would take two years to licence, but already be obsolete within a year.  So any Covid19 test will likewise be out evolved by the virus.

And now we're on Covid21.  But the natural flu test may or demonstrated to have Covid19.  We will never know!  As is only introduced late 2020.  When Covid19 no longer existed.

If it showed a positive result, he can not have been for Covid19.  All it was to stimulate the uptake of the Covid19 vaccination.

Which is obsolete only halfway through drug testing.  So never a licensed human drug!  Any Dr. Prescribing any Covid19 vaccination, instantly struck themselves off!  Making or medical practice then criminal.

So how did he ever no matter that role played test showed a positive results for a nonexistent virus.  Its medical science fiction!

We can be certain that nobody around the world now has Covid19.  As it no longer exist anywhere in the universe.

Covid21 is cleared by the medically published High Intensity UltraSound: the one session total cure to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  The typhoon strain of infection is immaterial.

If you catch the black death in remote provinces in China, it will clear it!  It cleared aides in New York 2012: the previously incurable viral infection cured in 1 minute.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side of her patient's chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  It totally cleared Corona virus from Wuhan Province China from December 2019.  Totally extinct by February 2020.

No relationship we've Covid19 - the Covid viral family emerged in 1934.  When the Covid 34 - the number just denotes the year!

The inflated viral or bacterial cell boils and ruptures on application of HIUS.  Infections and cancers must be pressurised to induce body cells to replicate.

Body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells.  Cancers and viruses are locked out off!  So HIUS clears all infections, with any Dr. or drugs interaction.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

A suitable ultrasound device is an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.

Which will totally clear all viral and bacterial infections, as you feel the infection come on.  ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  We could not be less interested in the exact pathogen strain!

All viruses and bacteria totally cleared.  1 minute will clear all 200 types of body cancer.  Again no Dr. or drugs interaction required.

Doctors now want to charge for lateral flow tests.  Which can increase only prove, will nothing really!  Covid19 having ceased to exist before the test is even thought of.

Registered doctors are medically constrained from applying useless and pointless tests.  And certainly could never charge for them!

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