flu/Covid vaccination udeless but fatal
No registered Dr. Is allowed to apply medication to obsolete infections. 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated cell structure common to cancer and all viruses.
The HIUS causes the inflated cell type to boil and rupture, as it does biological molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+E²+X-ray
This clears all 200 types of human cancer in one session. E.g. application of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for 1 minute to where it hurts. Will clear every cancer out that ever exists!
Drug company is like Astra Zeneca air and other companies making cancer drugs, was 80% of the income overnight. As two all medical practice is on earth. So medicine and began losing money!
So they totally ignored the Hippocratic oath: as most of are registered doctors, who were never going to prohibit their own major income stream. So the AMA and GMC continued fighting the continued prescription of cancer drugs.
The there are now a illegal and unethical. And fatal in two years! The very definition of defective medicine. So any supposedly registered Dr. Prescribing any cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off the same day.
Law firms can access the medical records kept in a atomic bomb proof Data Storage units around the world, and ensure every prescribing Dr. was struck off. Any Dr. who has continued in the illegal medical practice, returning or medical wages since 2002.
Struck off doctors are not allowed to prescribe pharmaceutical drugs. So every medical prescriptions since or struck off, invalid and illegal. There was return of all medical fees to their unfortunate patients.
With an additional 10,000,000 UK pounds to the next of kin of every patient who had died and or medical prescriptions since. First degree medical murder!
My own stepfather was prescribe medication for is heart disease, type two diabetes and colon cancer.
½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest clears type two diabetes. The fall minute required for type one. Remove 5% of medical income.
Other medics published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys to clear all heart disease: I had suggested the use of HIUS, not knowing about the importance of the kidneys to type two coronary heart disease.
Those three diseases make a 100 per cent of health practice and drug company profits. They tried to reinvent themselves as treating dementia. Which is caused by an inflated viral type of cell in the central nervous system.
Just like cancers, it shows up under ultrasound scans and in 2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's the schizophrenia and.
Medicine prohibits alternative research into cured conditions. And all medics on earth red my papers on the clearance of Alzheimer's. Hence the medical fuss about Parkinson's. Already cured her!
½ minute of HIUS to each side ahead just once. From a five UK pound medically licensed ultrasound massage unit. So all Parkinson's totally cured in 1 minute. There no Dr. Intervention or repeat drug prescription.
Next Astra Zeneca focused on Covid. Which has been the regular human influence or virus since 1934 - with Covid34. Oh medicine realised in 1934 and free using a vaccination to the fast changing viral line of the common cold all Covid flu walls unethical.
As a vaccination be obsolete only halfway through drug testing. So no Covid vaccination never legal medicine. Just one Covid vaccination, and the psychopathic mass murdering ejected from medicine for ever. Losing Health Insurance &Medical registration.
Just as the involved drug company also struck off. And ejected from medicine. Losing all other biochemical drug patents: letters never stopped Astra Zeneca! Who ceased to be a legal drug company 2002. But they had money! So they bought the law,
So Covid 19 only existed June 1 of October 2019 and 31st of September, 2020. When the Covid19 vaccination was only halfway through drug testing.
So was obsolete and never licensed! No registered Dr. Was ever allowed to prescribe the Covid vaccination just one time, without being struck off for life!
The drug company is are now trying to repackage is as a 'Covid booster'. But even Covid20 he was totally unaffected by the Covid19, unlicensed an obsolete vaccination.
So remember every Covid 19 vaccination, the struck off the Dr. and drug company. There is no legal argument to the Hippocratic oath. All doctors and drug company is sign!
So the Covid booster was illegal medicine before the very idea was even thought of. And a every Dr. Who is given a Covid vaccination, the struck off removing them cells from medical practice for ever. Losing Dr. Registration and Health Insurance.
So the AMA and GMC have a vested self interest, ensuring a every Covid vaccinating Dr. and drug company struck off. As they carry the Medical Insurance! And every Covid vaccinating doctors struck off and stripped of Health Insurance.
So research in two or manufacture of a Covid vaccination, always contrary to medical law! So Astra Zeneca struck off yet again. That corporation is totally resistant to medical.
The NAZI Gas chambers killed 60,000 innocent people for no bloody reason. Cancer drug prescriptions since 2002 and, totally illegal and is killed 200 million people around the world.
So company is like Astra Zeneca Air for more fatal than the NAZI Gas chambers. The drug company struck off loses all other biochemical drug patents. So although drugs then outside legal medical prescription. Since 2002!
The Covid vaccination or booster, always contrary to medical. Prohibited an defective medicine. Say those words do general practitioner, and was the colour draining out to the face and the rest the body.
They will starmer 'but I have been prescribing Covid vaccinations since 2019!'. Really. Then I was there last year they ceased to V a registered Dr.. Or medical prescriptions since invalid and illegal.
They must return or medical fees to the form for to her patient's all the exit key and of the has medicated deliberately to death.
A more firms get one million UK pounds, for four saint doctors to be struck off! The total medical five for any medical execution of the innocent, is 10,000,000 UK pounds.
There National Medical regulators will not contest the action! As they are liable for their legal fine. An yet they have come allowed psychopathic individuals to continue in the spurious fatal medical malpractice.
Surely the biggest deliberate medical murder in history. 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations illegally given, so 17 million global citizens medically executed for no possible medical gain. As from January 2021, we were already in the year of Covid20.
India and Bahrain clear their Covid20 outbreaks, ½ minute of HIUS to each side of her patient's chest. India cleared 77,000 cases of Covid20 using HIUS in two weeks.
The murderous Covid19 vaccination was medically inert and useless against Covid20. So certainly the Covid booster will be totally medically inactive for murderous, the year's Covid21.
The usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections. Just as a 1 minute clears every cancer there will ever exist!
So the prescription or cancer drugs since 2002 has been criminal and fatal medical malpractice. No legal argument! The Dr. and drug company removed from medicine instantly. Or that is the theory!
Astra Zeneca was struck off 2002 and has not lacked a little thing like being struck off, stop it being the most murderous organisation in history.
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