Cancer & Covid CURED 2002 |
The doctors Hippocratic oath preventing research are applying any Covid vaccination. Drug company is also constrained by the same pledge, are not allowed to research or manufacture any Covid drugs including a vaccination. They are not even allowed to produce a Covid test!
As Covid flu and the common cold her new versions within a year: Covid flu is given a new number designation every 1st of October. So any Covid19 vaccination was obsolete before licensed. So never was given drug licensing!
So today at the doubling or tripling vaccinated, are developing in died from Covid flu at the same rate as the general population. And doctors are not allowed to charge for giving spurious medicine!
And the Covid vaccination was never legal, and obsolete before any chance of drug licensing. Any drug company or Dr. It giving a Covid19 vaccination or 'booster'struck off.
And removed totally from medicine! The assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off - as their nightingale pledge prevents them assisting the spurious an unlicensed medication.
For the drug company is this is massively serious! As the Hippocratic oath demands they do not make and sell any Covid vaccination. The Covid 19 vaccination is a most lethal medicine ever!
3.5 billion vaccinations given, striking off the involved doctors, nurses and pharmacists, plus the manufacturing biochemical drug company like Astra Zeneca.
Was struck off the former Dr. Cannot prescribe amything. The number is removed from the register of registered doctors. And no registered pharmacist can fill the are now a illegal drug orders, or they are also are struck off!
The drug companies cannot make and sell the Covid test: which will automatically be at least two years out of date. The world is on Covid21, but the drug company is are still focused on the obsolete or nonexistent Covid19.
So the Covid test totally useless. He wore gone to develop Covid21 at the same rate as the general population.
So the national locked down orders contravened basic human rights legislation and around the world. Your removing the right of healthy an innocent people to work and socialise. Which is enshrined in law.
Again IV detailed in a serious medically emergency. The annual seasonal flu is not an emergency! It happens every year. And this year we are now on Covid21, so all the test of vaccination is for Covid19 obsolete and never licensed.
Any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination or booster, struck off. Without legal argument, the involved drug company also struck off. As are the manufacturers of biochemical Covid test kits. Which are two years out of date!
And he will catch Covid21 irrespective of being given the all clear for Covid19 - which does not exist in the world! And doctors are not allowed to charge for the administration's the obsolete and useless medicine. It is gross medical malpractice!
All inflated cell structures are cleared by a single application of one reckon medics had termed High Intensity UltraSound. 2002 and three medical professors published the single session of HIUS as a total cure of all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to where it hurts clears all 200 cancers out there: there is value in giving 1 minute of ultrasound to the liver, and ½ minute to each armpit and side ahead.
½ minute to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clears coronary heart disease. Medically confirmed an published 2012. The same year my contact in New York used HIUS to clear AIDs.
The usual viral cure all for ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the head. This fall he aware flu all strains of Covid flu and the common cold. I used it to clear my own Covid19 November 2019. And freely published my work!
Every registered Dr. Already has the licensed HIUS device - clears all 200 types of human cancer. No drugs or Dr. Involved. Drug company is lost 80% of the income. No company has ever survived losing 80% of its core income.
½ minute of HIUS to ahead totally cleared all dementia: MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia are all cleared. Medicine prohibits any research into alternative treatments and cures, for cured conditions.
And 2013 all dementia was cured. Including Parkinson's! No biochemical drug company is allowed to research or manufacture of drugs for mental health conditions.
No Dr. or allowed to apply the obsolete an unlicensed medication. The world doctors seem to have a proclivity to the illegal administration of the Covid19 defective vaccination.
Which he is not licensed! The Covid drugs are criminal medicine, ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will totally clear all viral infections included Covid flu and the common cold.
Medics are not allowed to medicate viral patients! They already have a licensed 8 W 3 MHz unit. Clearing all viral and bacterial infections in under 1 minute! No drug prescription legal.
2002 and every drug company on earth validated HIUS clearing all viral infections and cancers. Ever since the prescription of cancer or infection medication has been defective and criminal medical malpractice.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company! So winter 2021 and Covid21 automatically cleared by ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the chest.
Which causes the inflated viral cells to boil and rupture. Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active specific antibody to totally clear all strains of Covid flu from the body.
2002 and HIUS was medically published as a one session total cure to all cancers. On taking up Medical Service medical students promised to be a aware off, firstly validated and then use best new medical advances.
So lawyers can be certainly every Dr. On earth personally validated the cancer cure 2002. And no prescription of cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy legal after the Moffitt Paper.
Each cancer patient death warranting a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. And the involved doctors struck off to spend 25 years in high security prison, for each cancer patient death.
And there have been 200 million cancer patient deaths since 2002. Every involved Dr. and nurse, plus the pharmacists and drug company all struck off and removed from Medical Service.
The doctors were then not legal medics! They could no longer prescribe any medication. No biochemical drug when it was allowed to make and sell cancer drugs after the Moffitt Paper.
And there is no legal argument! The medics healthily keep all the records in a atomic bomb proof Data Storage for services around the world. To which the human rights lawyers have an immediate unchallenged access.
And can strike off every cancer drug and viral prescription Dr. In the world: all viral strains are automatically cleared by the usual HIUS ultrasound.
So each involved pharmacist and drug company also struck off. Along with the assisting nurses. Nobody can legally prescribed cancer drugs ever again! We are defective and criminal medicine.
Just one prescription of any Covid vaccination or tests, the struck off the Dr. the same day. Then barred from further medical action. The prescribing Covid doctors were intentional medical murders.
The Covid medication automatically obsolete and never licensed. And registered doctors are not allowed to prescribe obsolete and unlicensed medication. There is no legal argument!
The individuals removed from medical practice. To face criminal trial for mortal counts of first degree medical murder: for every cancer of infective disease death of their patients.
Deliberate medical murder. Drug company is like Astra Zeneca, had to test and validate new medicine.
Am is then legally constrained from manufacture and sale of defective medicine. And all cancer drugs became illegal medicine after the Moffitt Paper 2002. Am medicine has prohibited research or application of any Covid vaccination,3 since 1934 when Covid34 star to causing the regular human flu or.
The Covid number is the year of infection. Not the version of the virus. So Covid19 ceased to exist globally 31st of September, 2020. We then were on the year of Covid20. Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20.
Irrespective of the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccinations: illegal medicine striking off the prescribing Dr. and the drug company.
The Covid was totally annihilated by the usual application of ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest. The toht is not required to understand the medicine: after all they have no idea how biochemistry works.
So they validated HIUS clearing all cancers and viruses. And were then legally compelled to use its for every cancer patient since. Biochemical prescriptions were illegal and unethical medicine.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company. Without legal argument! The Hippocratic oath is absolute and uncontestable law. Astra Zeneca will delight in telling you the cancer drug manufacture and sale was criminal medicine from 2002.
Every prescribing Dr. Since struck off! The manufacture and sale of cancer drugs around the world was legal. Every medic was individually charged with the mainstreaming e.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound: stop the ultrasound as the patient reports warming. It has worked!
½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest was personally confirmed by every registered Dr., As a total viral and bacterial cure. No Covid vaccination or test ever licensed!
There manufacture and sale was criminal medicine. Striking off the Dr. and the drug company. Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.
So the Covid19 vaccination is without a shadow of a doubt, the most fatal medicine ever devised. Killing 17 million healthy an innocent global residents, in six months!
1/4 population of the UK killed deliberately by their psychopathic doctors. All struck off instantly. There is no time delay to the doctors Hippocratic oath.
Any law firm now ensuring the psychopathic or murderous individuals are struck off, gets a legal payout of one million pounds, for each Dr. Removed from their fictitious or murderous medical practice.
The doctor's face a 25 year jail term, and a 10 million UK pound fine for every cancer or Covid patient murder. No biochemical prescription for these conditions was never legal. Got a zero metric and the least popular professionals on the planet!
Every struck off Dr. removed from medical practice the same day. Losing medical registration and Health Insurance. All subsequent medical practice was an insured and criminal medical malpractice. No legal argument!
This work was done at Sheffield University 2000-. Yet strangely enough they would do not want any credit for this life saving work. As Sheffield has a large and profitable medical school.
And the prescription of cancer an infection drugs no criminal and illegal. All biochemical research work had to stop 2002. All subsequent academic work on cancers or infections was criminal and unethical. Stopping all work at universities!
So the drug company is are frantic are promoting the Covid booster. Which is just the unlicensed an obsolete Covid19 vaccination hundred new name.
But the research and production of the Covid19 vaccination was always unethical and illegal and unlicensed. The drug never given medical licensing and was always an illegal drug.
Just one illegal prescription and the psychopathic medic totally removed from medical practice for ever. Although subsequent prescriptions illegal and invalid. No registered pharmacist should ever have filled their murderous drug orders.
They could not even prescribe Aspin any more! The family is get an uncontested legal award of 10,000,000 UK pounds, for each cancer or Covid patient death.
The psychopathic doctors had the curative HIUS unit, unused in the nursing office. While they went on to deliberately medicated their patients to an needless death! The most psychopathic mass murderers in history.
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