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Covid19 vaccine,useless,obsolete and kills |
Covid19 has not existed since the 31st of September, 2020 and. So the Covid19 vaccination is medically useless. Tragically the Covid19 vaccination will intentionally kill one in 200 people vaccinated.
How by the German doctors are constrained by the Hippocratic oath: and so are not allowed to Kiev a useless but fatal vaccination. The whole world is now on Covid21.
Doctors intentionally vaccinated 3.5 billion global inhabitants during the year of Covid20, and so deliberately killed 17 million innocent and healthy people around the world. For their own amusement and profit! No medical value in the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.
And no Dr. around the world is allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed medications. Physically not with fatal results!
Covid21 it is the regular flu for 2021 and is totally cleared by the usual application of High Intensity UltraSound to the chest. So every German Dr. Is legally constrained from giving a Covid19 vaccination.
Or they are struck off and stripped of Medical Insurance. Covid flu is cleared the standard viral cure.
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. With no patient death! The ultrasound causes the pressurise cells common to cancer and viruses, to boil and rupture.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
I will be interested to C a home each and doctors are to violate the Hippocratic N oath, and get the pointless vaccination for Covid19. As the Covid19 virus is not existed in the universe for two years.
And standard application of HIUS eradicated Corona virus from the world! A 1 minute total cure to that viral infection. Covid is just the regular medical name for the seasonal flu.
Killing feeble below pandemic levels since 1934. Now a totally curable and never declared a pandemic. The Covid19 vaccination was produce contrary to the Hippocratic oath.
Which prohibits any registered Dr. Producing are applying a Covid vaccination: as medics realise the vaccination be obsolete only halfway through drug testing. So the Covid19 vaccination is automatically obsolete and never licensed.
So no registered Dr. In the whirl could ever give any Covid vaccination. Or they are automatically struck off and stripped of Medical Insurance. So any German Dr. Giving just one Covid19 vaccination - no longer an insured an legal Dr.. And other medical could not give a Covid vaccinations. And she is not a Dr..
But no registered Dr. Is either allowed to give a Covid vaccination. The Covid 19 vaccination is a most lethal medicine ever devised. 3.5 billion vaccinations given around the world, 50 million people killed for no reason!
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