Thursday, 2 December 2021

Burning fossil fuels does nuclear fusion

Nature doing cleam and safe nuclear fusion on Earth

But if we fire up a steam plasma, we get twice the heat generation from regular water!

When we burn the fossil fuels in the air or oxygen, we oxidise the carbon atom.  And most of the attacks water molecules end up a steam: hydrocarbons are carbon bonded to a hydrogen.

But we also fire up my steam plasma!  Oxidising carbon takes in heat, the molecular nuclear fusion releases massive heat: that is a process we turn water molecules into helium and oxygen gases, the massive heat and a lower power X rays.

1 CmHn+pO₂+flame→(mCO₂+(n-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

So nuclear fusion on earth at 800° C.  Number 10 million° C of the Corona of radiant suns.  And the emission of X rays isn't dead giveaway!  Not actually my idea.  A fellow PH D student told me about the fossil fuels and steam plasma is at Sheffield University 2000.

Totally three into the conversation, as if everyone he knew it!  I have been out of academia for 20 years.  Being married and working in it.  I it did not know it!

So the heat production is from nuclear fusion!  Caused by a chaotic interaction of steam molecules.  Which got me interested in nuclear fusion on earth.

I learned a every 3 minutes around the world, there was a lightening strike.  A 1.5km partial steam plasma, where the turbulence did molecular nuclear fusion again.

2 (n+r)H₂O+P+TU→nH₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

Which results in the surface of a lightening involved reaching our 10,000,000° C.  Or the interior of a lightening bought and he reaches 3000° C.

Before you get the idea that nuclear fusion requires moderate high temperatures, you should realized that the beating hearts of arctic fish do biological molecular nuclear fusion at -20° C.

3 (n+r)H₂O+P+TU→nH₂O+r(He+O+E²+X-ray) at -20° C

So you've guessed it, the turbulent flow of high pressure flowed around the hearts, gives off X rays in the heart and arteries as the heartbeats.  You do it 70 times a minute!  At 30° C.

Photosynthesis is another type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Sucking in carbon dioxide, does the present limit of just two parts per million!  The static carbon dioxide level around the temperate earth in the present epoch, since before man the evening evolved!

4 mCO₂+(n+r)H₂O+P+Luv→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So the photo blast, the photosynthetic organ of plants, sucks in carbon dioxide from the air, and using ultraviolet light and water, create the carbohydrates of life.  A process that takes in energy.

But or the same time to learn some other water molecules into helium and oxygen gases, with a faint blue light and X rays: green plants are doing nuclear fusion on earth.  Down to 0° C.

Not to be done animals also do biological molecular nuclear fusion.  Where the digest the carbohydrates, to freeze carbon dioxide and water.  And also do molecular nuclear fusion.

5 Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+pO₂+P+TU→mCO₂+r(He+O+E²+L+X-ray)

Which is why he Astra lunch meal, your stomach gives out X rays, as you digest your meal.  And get so much heat!  You do nuclear fusion at body temperature and only moderate pressure.  It is all throughout nature!

Even waterfalls over one metre high he do nuclear fusion.  As an engineer the really interesting form of molecular nuclear fusion is the steam plasma.

If we take a 50x1cm glass cylinder filled a steam at 4 atmospheres, we can borrow the electronics from old fluorescent light, to fire up the plasma.  Which self sustains at 4 atmospheres.

Utilising just10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water to freeze a constant 2.4 MW of heat for a year.  Carbon free totally clean and safe energy.  No radioactive substances involved!  The plasma burns regular water molecules, into heat light and X rays.

6 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L+X-ray) so twice the dynamism of molecular nuclear fusion.

A totally clean and safe Energy System, utilising a frighteningly tiny volume of regular water.  Featuring no fossil fuel burn and no carbon dioxide production.

We utilised no enriched radioactive substances.  And we do not produce the hyper toxic plutonium and strontium produce five present uranium nuclear power.

A process so toxic every 100 MW operating uranium nuclear power plant knees annual insurance cover after Fukushima, of 100 billion a year!  They carried just a criminally insufficient 50 million.

The United Nations has the legal duty, to shut down every operating nuclear power plant in the world.  Replacing them with C clean and 80 times as dynamic, a steam plasma power plants.  And absolutely no radioactive waste!

No utilisation of enriched uranium, Opeq are not happy!  As the steam plasma releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat.  A one metre row of gas or oil burners only releases 45 kW/m.  So energy deficient!

A steam plasma is a clean non toxic Energy System of the future.  Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike: nature doing clean and safe molecular nuclear fusion.

If releases helium gas - which is lost to space the same day.  And was the oxygen their hearts form the ozone layer.

7 O₂+O→O₃ ozone generation!  Which protects multi cellular life on earth, from the otherwise sterilising effect of solar radiation.

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