Thursday, 2 December 2021

Covid jab medical murder

Every registered Dr. around the world has promised by aware of and use best new medical science.  The first day they use knowingly defective medicine the bill strike themselves off the doctors' medical register.  They wore loose Health Insurance, or medical practice is then criminal.

Medicine strictly prohibited work on a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold since Covid34 star to causing human influenza in 1934.  The number is just the year of the infection.  A new version every 1st of October.

So no work and the Covid 19 vaccination was legally permissible!  But the Covid19 vaccination would have been illegal anyway only halfway three drug testing: and drug company is are only use registered doctors to develop drugs.

And no registered Dr. Was ever allowed to use a Covid vaccination.  And the Covid 19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed.

Just one prescription of the Covid19 vaccination, and the Dr. is stripped of medical registration.  Or medical practice then illegal!

India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 last year.  Totally cleared by standard medical idea of High Intensity UltraSound.  The total cure of all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  It causes the pressurise cells to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The local immune system secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear the exploding cell type throughout the body.  Regular body cells are only affected by being adjacent an exploding cancer all viral cell.

So the body automatically clears the cancer or virus throughout the body.  Without any drug application!  And a every registered Dr. Has a validated that an 8 W 3 MHz unit will clear all 200 types of human cancer.

Making the prescription or cancer drugs after the Moffitt Paper 2002, criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and hospital!  Plus the drug company, and assisting nurses and pharmacists.  All removed totally and for ever from medicine.

This idea cleared Corona virus from Wuhan Province China from December 2019.  February 2020 he the World Health Organisation conceded Corona was extinct.  Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Never in Europe or the U.S..

The world health organisation is no conceded that Omicorn is a mild flu version.  Covid is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu.

We are now on Covid21.  And the Covid19, obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, had no affect on Covid20.  Indian Bahrain clear the outbreaks by application of the standard HIUS to the chest.

Vaccinations kill one patient in 200.  To the enforced vaccination with the obsolete Covid19 vaccination is in total denial of the doctors Hippocratic oath.  About as illegal as it gets!

And we're already seeing people who are doubly vaccinated against a Covid19 virus, dying from Covid20/21.  The UK crown court is ruled that a time your girl vaccinated with the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination, who then had died from Covid20, was medically murdered!

The vaccination totally useless.  An hour journey is being harassed to mass vaccination of its public.  Already the corpses from the voluntary Covid vaccination programme must be piling up.

The smiling doctors have seen one patient in 200 died needlessly!  Internal contradiction to their professional Hippocratic oath.

Which the financially induced doctors just totally ignore!  Kill their patients needlessly for money.  For a profit and the Dr. and the drug company.

Doctors are just about to come the least popular members of humanity!  They need to stand criminal trial for first degree medical murder, of every patient vaccinated to death.  One in 200 of those vaccinated!

Angla Merkel also enforce the fatal vaccinations.  In total contravention of the European charter on human rights.

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