Sunday, 5 December 2021

Covid19 does not exist anymore

World now on the cured Covid21

Covid it is the regular medical name for the influenza virus.  That first came union in 1934.  And was given the name Covid34.  It is given a new number every 1st of October.  So Covid19 was a medical name for four micro strains of influenza, between the 1st of October, 2019 and 31st of September, 2020.

There is no medical argument!  Medical students are taught this internationally agreed standard medical naming convention, in the first year of a medical degree.

There are no residual pockets of Covid19 in the world.  Automatically on the 1st of October, 2020, the whole world is on Covid 20.  Which at the four usual miro strain genetic changes in the previous year.

This meant that the Covid19 vaccination is almost certain not to work!  And India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - their respective of any Covid19 vaccination.

India and Bahrain use the published medical science, published by three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound clear all cancers and viral infections.  ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

This is why ultrasound scans of the pressurise cancer cells, give off X rays!  As ultrasound scans of viruses also gives off X rays the same reason.  The infected cells experience biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So there is no mystery.  E.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound causes the inflated cells common to cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.

The Hippocratic N oath does not demand or doctors understand the science.  They are just compelled to use best medical science.  And the Moffitt published the single application of external HIUS as a 1 minute total cure of all cancers 2002.

So subsequent prescription of cancer medicine, result in a two year death of the cancer patients.  The drugs were defective and criminal medical malpractice!  High us would have cleared all cancers in 1 minute.

In the same way ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest causes the immune system tell all shed an immune assault, to clear the distinct viral or bacterial cell type from the body.

All because viral and bacterial cells can only replicate, if they have a non native inflated cell structure.

Chinese medics applied HIUS in this later Corona virus.  And the last 77,000 cases on earth where cured!  Corona was declared globally extinct February 2020.  No direct relationship with Covid19, the standard influenza virus for 2019.  The year after Corona was identified!

But November 2019 I used ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of my chest to clear Covid19 and freely published my work on the Internet.  Which according to the Hippocratic oath, had to be read, validate and then use by every registered Dr. On earth.

A drug less cure to all viruses!  2012 and a contact in New York, use the same ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear his AIDs.

Medics continued prescribing the no defective and fatal biochemical eights treatments, undtil 2018!  When planning a $680 million dollar business vanished overnight.

The Hippocratic oath demanded new medical advances or adopted the same day!  Not six years later.  Every AIDs treatments prescribing Dr. Since 2002 struck off without argument.

Medics in Asia applied the usual ½ minute of high us to the chest of each patient with the SARs viral infection: caused by Covid3.  Totally cleared in two weeks!  The first pandemic of the 21st century turned out to be a trivial cure the infection.

So modified Covid18 totally cured in Wuhan Province China by February 2020.  I cured my own Covid19 November, 2019.

Yet the drug companies say 'medicine is ours!  But then had failed to clear Covid flu.  The physical cure of HIUS cures all viral and bacterial infections.

We are now on Covid21.  Last year's Covid20 do not respond to the historic Covid19, obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.  Doctors are not allowed to apply obsolete an unlicensed medication.  It is criminal medical malpractice!  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

So just ½ minute of HIUS will clear all Covid strains.  Covid Omicron is a type of Covid21: to suggest it is a type of Covid19 is the highest level of medical rubbish!

Covid19 does not exist anywhere in the universe.  And all influence or viruses are cleared using the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

Vaccinations intentionally kill 0.5% of healthy people we vaccinate.  Medics gave 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations from January 2021: after the Covid19 has ceased to exist September 2020.  No possible medical gain!

Indian Covid was a type of Covid20.  Cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Drug company is and doctors say 'it is flu!  We're all going to die'

Only if we're relying on drugs.  If we use the physical cure of HIUS to the chest we all get better or in 1 minute: oh I do take a 2 hour nap, and got up bored.

So HIUS is the best published medicine to clear cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.  Bio chemical drugs are comparatively useless!  HIUS clears all Covid in 1 minute.

The exact strain of a virus is immaterial!  All versions of Covid flu are cured.  All doctors who have prescribed infection medication or vaccination since 2002, stroke off.

Along with the involved drug company.  The same applies for all doctors who have prescribed cancer drugs.  A fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and a jail sentence 25 years in high security jail, applies for each cancer patient medicated to death.

No legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath!  The drug company is all voluntarily sign.

Just one prescription of cancer or infection medication since 2002, and all subsequent medical practice unregistered and illegal!  The Dr. struck off.  There prescriptions invalid and illegal.  There medical practice criminal.

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