Thursday, 2 December 2021

Covid vaccination defective medicine

Covid19 vaccination osolete and fatal

2002 or three medical professors published a single application of high intensity ultrasound, as a one session total cure to all 200 cancers, plus all viral and bacterial infections ever exist.

Overnight Astra Zeneca lost 90% of its income.  This is commercial death for every commercial enterprise on earth.

It is a voluntary signature to the doctors Hippocratic oath, which prohibits any research or application of a Covid vaccination: Covin has been the viral line causing influence or since 1934.  With Covid34.  The number just denotes the year of infection!  Not the version number.

So drug company is are only used registered doctors to do drug research.  Yet no registered Dr. Was ever allowed to research a Covid vaccination.

2018 and a modified version of Covid18 medicated in Wuhan Province China.  No to world as Corona virus.  He killed five million Chinese.  Since from December 2019 Chinese doctors applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest: this was a medically published cure to all cancers and infections.

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And Corona are ours was driven extinct!  The drug companies refocused on Covid.  Which by 2019 was Covid19.  But there are still not allowed to work on a vaccination.

Astra Zeneca then marketed and sold the illegal medicine.  In direct contravention of the Hippocratic oath.  Vaccinations kill 0.5% of the vaccinated, otherwise healthy an innocent people medically executed.

America has seen the Covid19 vaccination deliberately killed 150,000 Americans.  The drug companies are rushing around trying to of skewer the biggest killing in American history.

In the UK two months ago the UK crown court ruled that a 12 year old otherwise healthy girl, have been vaccinated to death with the Covid19 vaccination.

Every patient deliberately vaccinated to death with the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination or received 25 year jail term for the involved doctors.

It would have taken two years to licence or a dangerous medicine like a vaccination.  But that Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October.

So under halfway three drug testing, the Covid vaccination was obsolete.  So no biochemical drug company was ever allowed to manufacture and sell the defective medicine.

Despite this suppose the registered doctors, have vaccinated 3.5 billion people to death with the obsolete Covid 19 vaccination.  Each death warranting the usual 10,000,000 UK pound fine, quarter of a century in jail.

The managing directors of the involved drug companies receive the same jail term!  And there is no legal argument to the Hippocratic oath.  Astra Zeneca the room full higher paid lawyers - he can say and not one word!  The Hippocratic oath does not have any legal challenge.

The drug company is are frantic as HIUS clear all 200 types of human cancer from 2002.  And a every registered Dr. On earth was required to use HIUS.  And cease prescribing the cancer drugs using chemo and radio therapy.

All 20 a century cancer medicine was illegal!  Including cancer surgery.

HIUS proviso 1 minute total cure to all cancers.  Striking off every biochemical drug company still producing the defective cancer drugs.

The medical penalty is for the biochemical drug company by two by structural all the biochemical drug patents.  Its drugs then outside legal medical prescription.  It share price set to zero, it could never borrow from banks to make payroll.  It is bankrupt.

No Covid vaccination has never been legal!  And never will be.

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all Covid strains: including the nee cent Covid Omicorn.  HIUS is ineffective and legal Covid cure.

The biochemical drug company is are not allowed to research alternative treatments and cures.  Boris Johnson could not order 10,000,000 copies of the Covid19 vaccination.

As the drug was obsolete and never licensed!  The financial oversight to UK government, will stop such an illegal drug order.

Covid is cured.  Doctors and drug companies are not involved!  The HIUS selectively causes the pressurise cells within the body to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E² the ultrasound induces nuclear fusion only in the infected cell types.  Which boil and rupture.

The more placid regular body cells are not affected by the HIUS - but if immediatly a gas into an exploding cell type are damaged.  Which cause a local immune system to secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear the exploding cell type throughout the body.

A one session total cure to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. 

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