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Infections cured |
And every registered Dr. On earth has pledged to clear them so of medical register and cease medical practice, the first day they knowingly applied defective medicine. And they have promised to be aware of new medical science.
So 2002 am world's leading Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the pressurise cell structures common to cancers and all viral and bacterial infections.
I was studying nuclear fusion and Sheffield University 2000, an learned that ultrasound sets off molecular nuclear fusion. 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, I applied externally to the body where it hurts, will clear all 200 cancers out there.
Making chemo and radio therapy criminal medical malpractice! Prohibited by medical law.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²
So one
session total cure to cancers! Medics did not have to understand how it worked, just validate and use the new medical science: after all they have no idea how biochemistry works!
But all cancer drug prescriptions from 2002 became criminal. Or Health Services around the world have the or prescription history stored in secure Data Storage facilities.
So any individual prescribing cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off and removed from medical practice for life. Facing criminal charges for every cancer patient death!
Bio chemistry prize expensive an agonising two year decline to death. HIUS clears all 200 cancers in 1 minute. Making Bio chemistry defective medicine! Every prescribing Dr. Struck off, along with her or health centre and drug company. Plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists.
And 2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 escaped from the library in Wuhan China. Mysteriously an infection quarantine was set up almost instantly! And he did its job for. The infection died out by February 2020.
So Corona rest is never in Europe or the U.S.. The Covid family line dates back to 1934, when Covid34 star to causing the seasonal influenza. The number just relates to the year.
Medicine strictly prohibits work on any vaccination to Covid flu or all the common cold - or other fast changing viral lines. As a vaccination would intentionally kill one person in 200.
So the annual flu jab is medically illegal! Again the prescription in history every individual former Dr., has been stored safely. And they are on their struck off and expelled from medicine for ever.
Facing criminal trial for the first degree murder of every patient who had died as a result of a vaccination. And the UK crown court ruled two months ago, that a tour of your girl in Oldham England, was intentionally vaccinated to death using lonely for Covid19 vaccination.
Registered doctors are prohibited from giving obsolete an unlicensed vaccinations. And the Covid19 vaccination is only halfway three drug testing when obsolete. The Covid had changed into Covid20.
Indian and Bahrain already had outbreaks, showing it is totally unresponsive to the obsolete Covid19 vaccination. Bahrain has the highest level of Covid19 vaccinations in the world. Pointless medical murder!
India applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound and to either side the chest of Covid patients. And last 77,000 cases of Covid20 in India where eradicated.
The same idea works for all viral and bacterial infections. Without any patient death. So no registered Dr. Is any more allowed to give a vaccination. Not even to seasonal flu - medical name Covid!
Now the drug industry is pressing for people to be vaccinated against a flu and Covid. But there vaccination is for Covid19, where the Covid19 virus has been extinct for two years by medical definition.
Boris Johnson can't give vaccinations, and no neither can any registered Dr.. They are required to apply the 8 W 3 MHz unit, for ½ minute or less to each side of her patient's chest.
To clear all viral and bacterial infections. Doctors are forever telling us how much their respect the Hippocratic oath. Which globally prohibits the application of vaccines from 2002. Every vaccinating Dr. Struck off!
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest even cures AIDs. The most pernicious viral infection in history.
So the annual flu jabs are medically illegal! Striking off the Dr. the same day. Excluded from medicine for ever.
But the data records will show the vaccination history of all doctors in the world. And since 2002 they all personally validated a HIUS device clearing all cancers and infections.
Just one prescription of cancer or infection medication struck off the Dr.. Expel totally from medicine! As are the involved drug company and health centre.
So nobody can apply he a Covid vaccination: there is absolutely no chuffing point! As the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will cure all viral and bacterial infections. Including the common cold and flu. A Covid is just regular medical name for flu.
For us was signed of 43 million pound purchase intent, for the obsolete an unlicensed Covid vaccination. The whole world is now on Covid21. The Covid19 the vaccination was never licensed before being totally obsolete.
Just one Covid vaccination strikes off the Dr.. The UK he has financial prudence watch dogs. Who will cancel any order for a Covid vaccination. As a vaccination is automatically obsolete and never licensed.
Never a legal useful medicine! Every registered Dr. In the world already owns the validated HIUS unit to clear all viral and bacterial infections.
It will even clear the common cold! Which use to kill 35,000 people around the world every year. Covid killed 50,000. Both diseases totally cleared for free. Without any drug prescription or Dr. involvement.
Yesterday Covid Omicorm was the most serious form of a Covid virus ever detected. There totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
To daily newspapers recount their Covid Omicorn is a mild form of the regular seasonal flu. Now a totally cleared using HIUS. So the drug company PR firms are away trying to find a new dangerous infection.
But HIUS cures all viral and bacterial infections. It should also clear all algal infections, and parasites. So it clears malaria!
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