Tuesday, 7 December 2021

No Covid19 in the world

By internationally agreed medical naming convention, the regular seasonal influence or virus circulating the world 2019 was Covid19.  UK to existence 1st of October, 2019.

31st of September, 2020, they all four micro strains of Covid19, some the 1st of October, 2020 we're on the genetically distinct Covid20.

The Covid19 vaccination freeze for the drug companies, was for Covid 19a.  And was only halfway through drug testing when obsolete.  So never licensed!

So the Covid19 vaccination was never legal medicine.  Not one Dr. Around the world could legally geared to a patient.  The financially induced former doctors vaccinated 3.5 billion people around the world.

The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination 0.5%.  So they intentionally vaccinated 17 million people to an unnecessary death!  For the doctors' own profit and amusement.

They started giving the Covid19 vaccination January 2021.  When the Covid19 virus has ceased to exist around the world over a year previously.

There is no point in testing air passengers for Covid19, by medical definition it cease to exist end of September 2020.  There are no residual pockets!  We are types of Covid20.

So the Covid 19 vaccination was the most fatal and spurious obsolete and unlicensed medicine ever.

The vaccinating Dr. and the involved drug companies, the struck off!  Along with the drug company and hospital or health centre.

Medics have now desperately scratching around for next pandemic!  The last real pandemic was the full back death in 15th century Russia.  With Corona virus died out in Wuhan Province China, without ever penetrating the Wuhan quarantine.

It was cleared by the standard medically published cancer and viral cure: published 53 medical professors in 100 patient double blind trial 2002, demonstrating a 100% cure rate of more cancers and viruses.

They applied High Intensity UltraSound!  This cause inflated cells common to cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody; to the dangerous exploding cell type.

It works for all 200 types of human cancer.  Plus every bacterial and virus infection which will ever exist.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So every registered Dr. Was legally required to acquire a HIUS unit, and validate the cancer plus bacterial and viral cure 2002.  They then had to cease prescribing cancer drugs an infection medication.

So all infective disease cured.  Medicine then prohibits research in two application of any viral or bacterial infection.  As such vaccinations kill 0.5% of people.  HIUS cures all infections with no patient death.

2012 my personal contact in New York used HIUS for ½ minute each side of the chest to clear AIDs.  We freely published our work, they said to use by every registered Dr. On earth.  Prescription of AIDs treatments became defective and criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

Just as the prescription or cancer drugs became criminal medicine 2002.

And 2018 Chinese medics in Wuhan use the medically published ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear last 44,000 cases of Corona virus on earth: the virus was extinct, without ever having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Covid was just the regular seasonal flu!  No direct relationship.

I used the same HIUS idea to clear my own Covid19 November 2019.  And again freely published my work on the Internet.  Which it read and verified - then use by every registered Dr. On earth.

The prescription of the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination was always criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Mind you, its continued production of cancer drugs has struck off Astra Zeneca 2002.

And it did not care!  Though all its drugs were then outside biological patent protection.  They could not be legally prescribed by any legal Dr. On earth.  They were criminal medicine.

The share price so Astra Zeneca Air was set to zero 2002.  So could never borrow money from the banks against a share price, to make payroll.  It was a bankrupt as any corporation in history.

Yet 2021 it is still illegally and unethical in producing the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  Might have signed the Hippocratic oath, but it never had any intention of opening it.

The same ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Including all strains of Covid flu, and the common cold!

The drug industry is already looking round for the next 'pandemic'.  As people losing interest in the Covid spurious medical emergency.  And ceasing to use the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination to Covid19.

Will automatically on the year of Covid21.  And no registered Dr. Around the world is allowed to apply an obsolete an unlicensed are at a date vaccination.  It is criminal!  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

Air passengers cannot be testing for Covid19, as no registered Dr. Is allowed to test for extinct pathogens.  And Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.

Certainly no Dr. Could ever charge for such spurious medicine! 

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