It is estimated the cost of a gallon of fresh water there were exceeding the cost of a gallon of oil, by 2030. This is silly! Week in use O level physics.
If we apply one what of vacuum to liquid water, it boils off into fresh water vapour. Even I is will solve line into fresh water. One litre a second.
For last ended two fields alongside the river or canal. For ease of transportation! That water is cold brown water. As it is not drinkable!
But if we use a solar panel or little wind turbine, we can easily suck pure water vapour out of the water. The salts and contaminants behind. And obviously removing all bacterial life!
We are left with just pure water. And it only requires 1W/l every second. We supply no heat, and no pressure!
Boiling of the sea or river water is very expensive. High pressure filtration is much more dangerous and nearly as expensive. So during the day before making use solar panels, or let real source of electrical power, to supply the electricity needed.
We transport the water to a high reservoir or wall holding tank. A group of farmers can get together, and so why all the water knees for a group of farms. Transporting the water to a high little reservoir.
And then using gravity deduced by the water through covered strains. African farmers can get together, and transform the stream or river water into the purest water.
We were all required to anselm's to the food - as the human digestive system needs a little salt.
We irrigate the fields. And all additional plant growth will suck in carbon dioxide out of the air, the limit to life on earth is available fresh water.
To make up for missing sunlight, week in use a steam plasma in a glass cylinder. Basically a strand of lightning strike. There converts regular water into near unlimited free light and heat.
We just the pressure to get ultraviolet light, which stimulates photosynthesis.
1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray)
A steam plasma at four atmospheres should self sustain. Releasing electromagnetic radiation, light into the ultraviolet range! Visible light is incidental to photosynthesis.
The heat will keep the steam plasma suspended below a small hot air balloon. A self raising miniature sun. Which utilises two little water ever to measure! This is why a sun's Corona is twice as dynamic as the sun's interior. As you do a hygiene gas plasma matter burn.
Our steam plasma generates heat and light for free. The diseases in place of burning fossil fuels.
A 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres should release a constant 2.4 MW of heat. The light was the poun on the plasma pressure! We can transform this into 1.2 MW of carbon neutral electricity. News in was a $300 steam turbine.
So we generate the carbon zero electricity for 150 houses. Carbon zero power is that simple. All the academics busy studying manmade climate change, are vacc accessing nuclear power research money.
To studying nothing useful! The world will next warm again in 2023. Carbon dioxide levels around the temperate earth is capped by photosynthesis at just two parts per million.
And some burns the fossil fuels, he release of the carbon dioxide to stimulate plant growth. Within 5 minutes the carbon dioxide is back is plant biomass. No possible weather effect!
The Jurassic had 85% more biological life on earth. But the bulk are the carbohydrates formed at the mass extinction at the end of the cretaceous. We live in a time of denuded carbon dioxide!
Every year above the cell ice In winter, we see 4 PPM carbon dioxide in the air. Air temperature -50° C! Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas. Idea of the late Professor Bernard argent Sheffield University. A smart guy!
Who are void and in that the medics at Sheffield University medicate is cancer to death. 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, I applied externally to all 200 types of human cancer, would have cured it!
Cancer is so easy to cure! ½ minute of this High Intensity UltraSound to either side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Included Covid flu and the common cold.
The annual flu jab is is toxic years any artificial vaccination. Killing one person in 200! Healthy an innocent individuals sacrifice for Dr. and drug company profit. Yet all flu is cured by the application of ½ minute of HIUS to each side of a person's chest.
We do not require annual flu jabs. Which kill one in 200! And are the most unethical and criminal medicine ever devised. Covid the medical name for the regular flu.
We are now on Covid21. Totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. No nce patient death required! Doctors have ceased on the annual flu jab, as a way to earn money.
But it kills one in 200 patients! The maze fatal medicine ever devised. Individuals are given just one flu jab, are struck off the same day! Subsequent prescriptions illegal and invalid. All medical practice criminal.
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