The present Covid vaccination was designed for Covid19. Though it was only halfway through drug testing, when already obsolete!
He did not stop the epidemics of Covid20 in India and Bahrain: though Bahrain have the highest incidence of Covid19 vaccination is in the world.
Tragically vaccinations kill one person in 200. Which is why they are the medicine of last resort! Though infection was cure more than 0.5% of the population, for a vaccination to be illegal.
But since September 31, 2020, the Covid19 virus has ceased to exist. By internationally agreed medical naming convention, the whole world is on Covid20 for a year.
The 1st of October, 2021 we're on the year of Covid21. And now we are seeing people who have been doubly vaccinated against Covid19, dying from Covid 21.
They have survived two doses of a medically intervention or kills one person in 200. So 1% of people who would double vaccinated had died needlessly. And gained no protection from the present Covid 21.
India and Bahrain had used ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest to clear Covid20.
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The medically published an eight cure to all cancers and viruses. That even cleared AIDs for a personal contact in New York. Who was HIV⁺, and 2012 cease to be.
So all the Covid vaccinations have been totally useless! The strain of Covid flu all the vaccination was designed to tackle, was automatically obsolete only halfway through testing.
Now the drug companies want a booster shot, to protect against a virus there has been extinct for two years. The same 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, for 1 minute of the chest will clear all Covid strains.
Without any patient death. No Dr. or drugs interaction even legal! Every Covid vaccination was country to the Hippocratic oath. They are struck off doctors O a legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds to the surviving vaccination victims.
And the 410 million UK pounds to the next of kin of the medically murdered. Vaccinated to death!
Every registered Dr. Validated high intensity ultrasound clearing all cancers and viruses 2002. And then was legally prohibited from the application of cancer or infection medication. The Covid vaccination was deliberate medical murder. He killing going on!
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