Saturday, 4 December 2021

Clear leukaemia

Just like any hard and soft body cancer, the kidneys cleared by 1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound to the chest.  I would tend also to give ½ minute to each leg bone!

As he antibodies circulate around the body, will coals the clearance of all the cancer cells in the bone marrow.  So in one week, or leukaemia cells should be cleared from the body.

A simple home cure!  The Dr. and drugs provide a two year agonising decline to Bio chemically assisted death.  And the Dr. already has the HIUS unit.  To clear all body cancers.

It to where it hurts!  Week in initiate the immune response to clear leukaemia from the body, by applying 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the chest.  It is that simple!

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And all registered doctors already have an 8 W 3 MHz unit, to clear all cancers!  Without any drug prescription.  Best cancer medicine.

This idea was medically published 53 medical professors from the Moffitt: who sacked the professors eight years later, so they could return to prescribing the defective but lucrative cancer drugs in 2010.  The Medical Paper was 2002.

Since then every Bio chemically assisted cancer death, once a legal payout of 10 million UK pounds.  At his $16.00 million per cancer death.  The involved doctors each receive a 25 year jail terms in high security prison.

The doctors, nurses, pharmacists and drug company is all struck off and removed from medical activity totally.

The drug company is lose all other biochemical drug patents.  Which are then outside legal medical prescription.  So the drug company is are as bankrupt as any company has been in history.  Back in 2002!

The health centre must return or all prescription charges unethically since then.  The Dr. and hospital are prohibited from prescribing or unlicensed drugs.  Just one prescription of cancer drugs, the Dr. and drug company struck off totally.

As a minute to each cancer death warranting a legal fine of $16.00 million.  The doctors Health Insurance is only good for the first 10 cancer deaths.  They have killed by now have 150 cancer patients each.

The leukaemia it is very important.  It totally clears a very significant charter cancer.  Without any drug prescription or child death.  All the fence to medicate their child to death with leukaemia, can now buy the device from Amazon or Ebay, and cure all cancers in 1 minute.

All the doctors who have prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, struck off.  And I don't have any Dr. Who hasn't!

This idea was to barked at Sheffield University 2001.  My PH D work was mysteriously ended with award.  My old professor had type one diabetes.

2013 I validated at saint clement's church salford quays, ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest totally cleared type two diabetes.  I cleared the diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  Though for to the I have lost four non blood members to diabetes previously.

2016 I confirmed the experience of my American diabetic contacts, that 1 minute totally clears type one diabetes instantly.  Otherwise he'd only remits in three days!  As immune system gets busy.

So that use to the leukaemia idea.  Bcause the infected leukaemia cells circulating through the lungs, to boil and fragment.  Inducing the immune system to secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear the no dangerous leukaemia cell type throughout the body.

It is not exactly hard is it!

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the molecular nuclear fusion my PH D supervisor acemi to devise.  Job done!  PH D not awarded. 

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