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There is no legal argument. 2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to totally clear the inflated cell structures cancer all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections.
On entry to Medical Service every registered Dr. On earth has promised to personally validate and then use new medical advances. So 2002 the all bought an 8 W three MHZ unit. And validated the 100% cure of all 200 cancers out there.
The ultrasound cause the pressurise cell structure common to all cancers and infections, to boil and rupture. As the infected cell did molecular nuclear fusion.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
effect he cancer all viral cell, give out X rays in response to ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz. There being no biochemical source of X rays! Incredibly enough we are inducing nuclear fusion.
The infected cells boil and rupture, causing the local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body. There is no legal argument.
This is a source of the X rays in ultrasound scans. The Moffitt used a higher power ultrasound, I applied 8 W 1 MHz - as I was busy researching nuclear fusion at Sheffield University from 2000.
The antibody causes all secondary infection clusters round of money to be cleared. So we get a one session total cure to all 200 types of cancer. Medically validated personally by every registered Dr. On earth 2002.
Making the prescription of cancer drugs in chemo or radio therapy criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the prescribing Dr. and the drug company! Along with the assisting nurses and pharmacists. Or letter medicine for the rest are history.
Astra Zeneca lost 90% of its income overnight! So is desperate for new sources of income. Than other medics published a 20 patient double blind trial, into HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clearing the inflated bacterial structure causing coronary heart disease.
So HIUS was a one session total cure to most serious condition on earth - now they're all cancers are cured. 2002 and 20 million people die from cancer.
Still today medics are prescribing cancer drugs. Causing or 1.4 million people to die needlessly every year. Every Dr. On earth is prohibited from applying a treatment more fatal than the disease.
All cancers an area totally cured. So cancer drugs warrant a two year agonising decline to certain death. For absolutely no medical gain! Striking off the doctors and drug companies.
There is no argument to the Hippocratic oath: but drug companies want air early sign. But the drug development is all done by registered doctors, so drug companies are not allowed to make and sell defective medicines. Like cancer or heart medication.
To do so from 2002 is illegal and criminal medicine. Striking off the biochemical drug company: who then loses all other biochemical drug patents. All these medicines then outside legal medical prescription.
Nurses can only prescribe generic drugs, so they can ever prescribe cancer drugs or Covid medication. Only registered doctors could have done! And they are left medicine in 2018. As they were struck off! There is there no way Covin enter medicine June the Covid 'pandemic'.
Covid is just the regular seasonal flu that circles the earth. Tragically killing 3.5% of infected people. That since 2002 medicine has a proven the killer of all inflated cell structures.
Which includes the inflated cells common to all viruses: included Covid flu and the common cold. ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to each side the chest totally clears all infections at home in 1 minute.
The Dr. has the validated 8 W three MHZ unit, clear all cancers in 1 minute. Clear all viral infections in under 30 seconds each side the chest. Stop the ultrasound as a patient yanks away feeling warming.
There is no legal argument to HIUS. Which all registered doctors on earth validated 2002 - or they were struck off! Again the Hippocratic N oath permits no argument. So all cancer drugs were defective and criminal medical malpractice from 2002.
And the prescription records are kept on secure Data Storage units around the earth. Just one prescription or cancer drugs since 2002, and the medic and drug company is struck off.
2018 a modified form of Covid18 mysteriously escaped from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China. It killed five million Chinese, all within the Wuhan quarantine. So the Corona virus never escaped Wuhan: that was the medical name given to C a dangerous virus.
From December 2019 Chinese medics applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. And the last 44,000 cases of Corona virus on earth would cured. The pandemic alert was canceled. No pandemic alert was ever issued for Covid flu - killing at below pandemic levels since 1934.
So Covid19 only existed between the 1st of October, 2019, and for the 1st of September, 2020. It would have taken two years to licence A dangerous medical intervention like a vaccination.
So the Covid19 vaccine was obsolete and never licensed. No registered Dr. Could ever have applied such a dangerous and useless medicine. Without instantly struck themselves off the doctors' medical register. High aim to leave the now then insured medical practice.
All doctors has been prescriptions were invalid and illegal. And doctors are meant to have a professional ethics. They could not continue medical practice also are struck off. Although prescriptions then are invalid for life. There medical practice as criminal as it gets!
The medical world reacted to the extinction of Corona virus, by proclaiming that the dangerous virus was actually Covid19: the regular seasonal flu killing since 1934, we've Covid34.
Drug companies don't issue pandemic alerts. Only the World Health Organisation, down. And the Covid virus or no fit into medical definition of a pandemic - just not fatal enough.
The legal framework that surrounds the World Health Organisation, dictates that they should have told everybody interested that the pandemic was over. And was never about Covid flu.
Failure to do so ejected the world health organisation from its legal medical activities. It has no legal choice! It is only body you can issue a pandemic alert. Annie is under the legal imperative to prevent other organisations initiate spurious epidemic of pandemic alerts.
So every registered Dr. Has an 8 W three MHZ unit, applied externally for 1 minute will clear all 200 types of cancer. So no Dr. Has real to prescribe cancer drugs since 2002. Or they are instantly eject them cells from legal medical practice!
½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. We do not make any vaccination or antibody. So there is no two year time delay! We are apply safe levels of ultrasound, and the cancer or infective structure boils and ruptures.
The body then secrete and actions the safe human antibody, to clear that distinct cell type from the body. It will work for all viruses including AIDs, the common cold and flu.
My personal contact in New York used HIUS for ½ minute to his chest, to clear his HIV AIDs. And we freely published our work on the Internet. Which had be red or purse invalidated by every registered Dr. On earth. Who then had to use HIUS to clear all cases of AIDs. No prescription of AIDs treatments was illegal and criminal medical malpractice.
Yet even in 2018 the prescription of AIDs treatments was worth six and $80.00 million business. Which suddenly halted overnight! Six years after we are published the cure to AIDs on the Internet.
The Hippocratic N dictated by every registered Dr. On earth validated then used the medical cure. So within a week they should have been no AIDs treatment for being prescribed.
They were illegal and criminal medical malpractice. Every prescribing Dr. Struck off without argument. The families of AIDs patients medicated to an needless and premature death, get a legal payout of 10,000,000 UK pounds. The Dr. receiving the usual 25 years are jail term in high security prison.
And today every registered Dr. already owns the HIUS unit to clear all viral and bacterial infections without prescription. ½ minute of HIUS to each side of the chest or an infected organ, clears all viral and bacterial infections.
So air no drugs or infection cure. Which will obviously clear today's Covid21. Covid 19 cease to exist 31st of September 2020. When the Covid19 vaccination was only half tested. So obsolete and never approved!
Any Dr. It giving one Covid vaccination prescriptions, doing criminal medical malpractice. Striking off them cells and the drug company. Plus the health centre or hospital, and assisting nurses and pharmacists. And again there is no legal argument.
The Dr. required to personally remove them cells from medical practice the same day! It was their professional pledge and taking up medical practice: never to knowingly applied defective medicine.
But every registered Dr. On earth was aware the Covid19 ceased by medical definition on 31st of September, 2020. And no registered Dr. Is allowed to apply medicine more fatal than the disease.
The Covid19 virus was extinct. Any Covid vaccination deliberately killing one in 200 patients. Executed for the profits of the Dr. and drug company. No possibility of any medical gain for the patient.
Corrupt doctors again 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations. The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination 0.5%. Which teaches is they deliberately vaccinated 17 million healthy an innocent individuals to death.
The biggest and most psychopathic medical killing in history. Which the drug companies want to continue!
Mostly killing happened during the year of Covid20. Totally resistant to the previous year's obsolete Covid19 vaccination. Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid irrespective of the Covid19, obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.
India cured 77,000 cases of Covid20, he using the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest. Using the 8 W 3 MHz unit owned by every registered Dr. On earth.
What were prescribing doctors are thinking of? Or just one Covid vaccination struck off the Dr., Drug company plus assisting nurses and pharmacists. Up for criminal trial for medical murder! Deftly should never have been in Health Systems around the world.
The 1st of October, 2021, we are now on the year of Covid21. So the Covid Omicorn is a type of Covid21: totally resist if to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
I cleared my last strain of flu using usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz to the chest. Probably we're on Covid delta by then. And corrupt doctors are still publishing papers on Covid delta. Which does not exist anymore.
So any Dr. It giving a vaccination for Covid, was to serve for the extinct Covid19 virus. No possible medical gain against Covid20 or 21. They have remove their own medical registration. And lost Health Insurance.
Doctors are not permitted to vaccinate against an extinct virus. The vaccination is infinitely more fatal than the infection - which does not exist anymore.
Which is why the NHS nursing Dr. Numbers have crashed to below 2018 levels. When all the cancer drug doctors remove them cells from medical practice: they were struck off, and never allowed to enter medicine ever again!
So the energy is nearly collapsed, as the required 40,000 registered doctors to operate. They were trying to function with pillow eight thousand.
The NHS experienced a more severe Dr. Number crash in 2021. When they are operated with way below the medically required Dr. numbers. And this is not forget that any Dr. Prescribing cancer drugs since 2002, stroke off.
Owing a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, for every cancer patient callously an needless he medicated to death. The doctors receiving 1/4 century in high security prison, for each cancer patient callously murdered.
And the Covid vaccination is equally as criminal as a prescription of the no defective cancer drugs. The doctors removed from medical practice the same day, without legal argument.
So any individual who has given one Covid19 vaccination since September 31, 2020, has been doing illegal medicine. And the Covid19 vaccination before then obsolete and unlicensed.
So just one Covid vaccination and the individual struck off! And barred from medical practice for life. Annie is he is not a matter of opinion. It is the Hippocratic N oath sworn by every registered Dr. As they talk or medical practice.
Making the Covid19 vaccination always illegal and criminal. And no nurse can prescribe Covid drugs. Just ½ minute Covid drugs delivery, the struck off the nurse for life! Automatically removing themselves from medical activity.
So no person on earth could ever prescribe even one Covid19 vaccination. Always criminal and prohibited medicine.
Doctors argue that nothing is a matter of opinion. Not medicine! It is constrained by the Hippocratic oath. And no registered Dr. Was ever allowed to apply medicine more fatal than the disease.
They were taught in a first year a medical degree that Covid flu had a new version every 1st of October, since 1934; and Covid34.
No work and the Covid vaccination has ever been medically legal. As a vaccination was obsolete and could never then be licensed! Never a legal drug. So doctors giving one Covid vaccination, were automatically doing defective and criminal medical malpractice. No legal argument. Out of medicine the same day!
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