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Covid vaccination illegal and fatal |
And that year three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear the inflated structures all cancers. Plus viral and bacterial infections: which can only grow and replicate, if their structures are the overinflated.
As it was medically published, every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, and verified the new medical science. Chinese below are for an 8 W one MHZ unit - as affective were under five UK pounds, rather than $10,000.
Medics have known since the 1950s that ultrasound scans of cancers all viruses, cause inflated cells to give off X rays. As they do biological molecular nuclear fusion. The regular more placid body cells are not affected by ultrasound at 5 W 40 kHz.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
Even are the doctors are constrained by the Hippocratic oath. Which require them to validate the new medical science, and then use 1 minute of HIUS externally to clear all cancers.
Every biochemical drug company on earth was required to stop the manufacture and sell cancer drugs 2002. Or they were struck off. And stripped of all other biochemical drug patents. There drugs then outside legal medical prescription.
The managing director Astra Zeneca, has one lead Maurice Johnson into arranging the army delivery of a Covid19 booster. The Covid19 vaccination was only halfway three drug licensing when obsolete.
It was never a legal Dr. drug application! Any former Dr. prescribing the Covid19 vaccination struck a off. An remove from legal medical practice the same day.
So just one Covid19 vaccination totally removed the Dr. from legal medical practice. There prescriptions are invalid and illegal. There medical practice criminal.
Nurses can prescribe the Covid19 vaccination. And no legal Dr. Can prescribe the Covid vaccination either: not since 1934, when Covid34 star to causing the annual seasonal influenza. So the Covid19 vaccination was never a legal drug! Always outside medical prescription.
There is be no need since 2002. ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Stopping the development of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.
The illegal Covid19 vaccination kills one in 200 otherwise healthy an innocent individuals. Medically executed for drug company and Dr. profit. The drug itself was never legal! The drug companies can't do anything about this. The two year drug licensing regime has always applied since even before 1934!
So any Covid vaccination obsolete before licensed. Calling it a booster, does not change the medical mall. Any Covid vaccination illegal and criminal medicine.
No registered Dr. could ever prescribe! And neither can anybody else on earth. Boris Johnson can't prescribed drugs. Only registered doctors could have.
The they are constrained from the prescription of any vaccination to a fast changing virus, like Covid flu and the common cold. Since 2002 no vaccination required or legal!
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. So since 2002 no registered Dr. Has been allowed to prescribe cancer the the infection medication.
All Covid flu variants cured. And we are now on Covid21. Cured at home using the same 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound for ½ minute each side of the chest. No drugs legal!
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