Friday, 3 December 2021

Boris saves Christmas

Christmas 2021 infection free

2002 and the medics at the Moffitt cancer centre where intrigued that the ultrasounding of cancer of viruses, cause the emission of X rays.  At 5 W 40 kHz - they are stumbled across a the physical science the late Professor Bernard argent named 'molecular nuclear fusion'

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray

So the ultrasounding of cancer of viruses cause the emission of heat X rays, or my crew bubbles of oxygen and helium gases.

They turned up the ultrasound to e.g. 8 Watts 1 MHz.  An published 100 patient double blind trial into wallet termed 'High Intensity UltraSound' clearing all cancers and viruses.  Without any Dr. or drugs interaction.

This medical favour was personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth.  Who was then legally prohibited from the prescription of cancer drugs in chemo or radio therapy.

Or the Dr. and drug company struck off.  Without any legal argument!  Hence Astra Zeneca ceased to illegal biochemical drug company 2002.  But he still making and selling cancer drugs today!  And financially inducing suppose the registered doctors to apply the murderous drugs.

Yet every such psychopathic individual have personally validated that 1 minute of HIUS totally clear all cancers and viruses.  My first my contact in New York validated ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest would even clear AIDs.

So the prescription of cancer treatments became criminal medical malpractice from 2012.  Striking off the prescribing Dr. and drug company.

From December 2019 Chinese medics were remanded to applied HIUS to Corona patients' chests.  An last 44,000 cases of Corona, all contained within the Wuhan quarantine in China, where cured.

The drug company is seized on Covid19 - the latest incarnation of the influenza virus which is circulating since 1934, as Covid34.  That he digits just remember to the year of infection.

Corona was identified 2018 and pronounced extinct February 2020.  Never having penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Covid19 has no direct relationship with the extinct Corona virus.

But like all viruses and cancers, must have and overinflated cell nature in order to cause cell replication.  So the American HIUS apply for ½ minute to the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E² so the infective viral and bacterial structures in the chest, boil and rupture.

Inducing the local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear that dangerous foreign cell type from the body.  So all viruses including Covid cured in 1 minute.

The medics want to inflict another shoes and locked down on the world.  To limit the spread of Covid Omicorn - one of the four micro strains of Covid influence or there will exist in 2021.  So that type of Covid21.

Indian Bahrain per murder even Covid20 last year was unaffected by the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: Covid 19 was globally extinct only halfway through the vaccination the drug testing programme.

So no Covid vaccination could never be a legal licensed for human drug.  And no registered Dr. On earth can prescribe obsolete an unlicensed medication.  Particularly as vaccinations intentionally kill one in 500 patients - so are unethical and illegal if the infection is less dangerous than the vaccination.

Covid19 ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020.  The obsolete an unlicensed vaccination is infinitely more fatal than the extinct virus.  Their Hippocratic oath is quite implicit, an outside legal argument.

No registered Dr. Is allowed to apply obsolete an unlicensed medication.  For tically one as lethal as a vaccination!  Deliberately killing one in 500 healthy an innocent individuals.

Since 2002 all viral and bacterial infections are cleared by the published cure to cancer and infections.  Medically published 53 medical professors at a world leading cancer hospital.

½ minute of HIUS to the chest clearing all viral and bacterial infections.  And every health centre in the world has the Dr. validated HIUS unit.  Which will clear all 500 types of human cancer in 1 minute.  No drug prescription even legal.

½ minute each side the chest will clear all infections.  Boris Johnson is right to serve as a Christmas lockdown is totally medically spurious.  Even mask wearing does not halt the spread of infections.

Social isolation will kill for tically our auld people without much social interaction.  It will bore them to death!  But the Covid19 influenza strain has not existed for two years.

So any Covid19 vaccination programme is a medically and legally prohibited.  Extinct virus is do not spread and evolve.  And by medical definition we are now on Covid21.  Which even the psychopathic drug company is do not pretend they can vaccinate for!

The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed.  Any individual who has given just one Covid vaccination, was required to delete them cells from medical register the same day.

They lost Health Insurance, making subsequent medical practice doubly criminal.  Yet such psychopathic mass murdering bastards have deliberately vaccinated 3.5 billion people around the world.  To protect against a virus was extinct!

And most radically killed 17 million people.  The biggest deliberate and spurious medical execution in history.  The Covid19 virus and cease to exist two years previously.  Each vaccinating Dr. Struck off!  Without legal argument.

A fine of 20,000 UK pounds to surviving vaccination victims.  Even if the persuaded to go voluntarily per vaccination, the pay out still applies.

Anglo Merkel is trying to force a vaccination on the German people.  She's going to have one in 500 Germans medically executed.  No registered Dr. Could ever give a Covid vaccination.

And the Anglo Mekel certainly can't!  So she turns out to be the most murderous chancellor in German history.  Suppose the registered medics are going to vaccinate the German people, and watching glee as one in 500 is killed.

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