So in 2002 three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre used one session of high intensity ultrasound to cause the foreign cell types to boil and rupture. Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear all instances other foreign cell type from the body,
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray so one external application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, is the High Intensity UltraSound that clears all viruses and cancers from the body.
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VAT included Medically confirmed 2002. Which and that every registered Dr. On earth had to personally acquire an 8 W 3 MHz unit, validated and then use the new medical science.
So all cancers where cured using the physical High Intensity UltraSound, 2002. Yet the doctors main income source was cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia. Which were post viral infections. Clear viruses stop the major causes of human death.
So every registered Dr. On earth have the HIUS unit to clear all cancers, and the other diseases of age. 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts will clear every cancer out there. All 200 types.
Just one prescription of cancer drugs since doctors are validated the Moffitt Paper 2002, and the prescription or cancer medication became criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company. With no legal argument!
Every biochemical drug company on earth bought only signs the Hippocratic oath. Making the prescription of cancer drugs since 2002 medical malpractice. And Health Services around the world key the prescription history is insecure Data Storage Centres around the world.
2018 and a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 escape from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China. Like all cancers the infected cells have a non native inflated cell structure.
½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all inflated cells common to viral and bacterial infections. All infections cleared. With no trip to the Dr. or pharmacist.
Feeble can buy the required unit over the Internet, an eight cure every infections rises. Stopping the development of cancers, heart disease, diabetes, dementia and other diseases of age.
It is obvious best medicine! A prescription of fungal antibiotics, is expensive or may not even work. And these on to the development of the diseases of age.
So just one prescription of infection medication since the Dr. validated the Moffitt Paper 2002, require the Dr. the same day to strike themselves off the doctors' medical register. They lost Health Insurance - making subsequent medical practice criminal.
By February 2020, the World Health Organisation declared Corona virus extinct within Wuhan China, and it never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine, was globally extinct. The Covid flu line can be traced back to 1934. When Covid34 star to causing influenza. The numbers just relate to the year of the infection.
So Covid19 was just the regular human flu four the year after Corona virus was identified. Circulating the world - no relationship with Corona - limited exclusively to Wuhan China.
Is has the usual viral inflated cell nature. So ½ minute or less from the doctors' HIUS unit, or your own ultrasound device will clear all viral and bacterial infections. Including Covid and the common cold.
That's right, HIUS totally clears the common cold. And no biochemical research into the diseases that killed so many people, is now medically permitted.
As doctors already own the validated ultrasound unit that clears all cancers and infections. So at the beginning of the winter 2019, doctors already owns the validated unit to clear all instances of human flu. They had owned it since 2002!
So just one biochemical prescription for diseases since 2002, and the doctors struck off. And there is no argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath. The individual ceases to be a legal registered Dr., And there prescriptions are invalid and criminal.
Covid19 existed from the 1st of October, 2019, and till the 31st of September, 2020: basic medical naming convention, familiar to every Dr. On earth.
So Covid19 ceased to exist and of September 2020. When the Covid19 vaccination was only halfway through drug testing. So was obsolete, and never went through the human drug trials.
No drug company around the world was allowed to research or the manufacture and sell the Covid19 vaccination. It was obsolete and for ever unlicensed. But radically will kill one in 500 people vaccinated.
The Covid19 vaccination programme kicked off 2021. When Covid19 has by medical definition ceased to exist. The smiling doctors smiled as he applied to the use is an unregistered medicine to their patients.
And watched as one in 200 predictably died, a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds. Each involved Dr. Nurse struck off. All on obviously with the criminal biochemical firm - who was never permitted to make and sell the fatal medication.
They have vaccinated 3.5 billion global inhabitants, nearly half the world population. That is a medical income! 150 UK pounds for the spurious and but then she fatal vaccination. Totally contrary to the doctor's Hippocratic oath.
The Hippocratic oath, is very explicit. The Dr., plus assisting nurses and pharmacists, and the manufacturing biochemical drug company, all struck off without question.
The psychopathic vaccinating doctors, must return or there medical fees charged to Mr. the potentially fatal vaccination. All the prescription money for the murderous Covid idea goes back to their patients.
With an additional 10 million UK pounds to and exit kin of the people vaccinated to death. The most avoidable and psychopathic mass murdering in history. Carried out by the professionals we trusted to heal and projectors.
Each one ejected from medicine the day of their first vaccination. Without any legal argument. Just one Covid vaccination, and the Dr. removed from medical practice for life.
Just one biochemical drug patents since 2002, also struck off the Dr. and drug company. Along with assisting nurses and pharmacists. And the involved hospital or health centre. All out of medicine for the rest are history.
Doctors keep to the Hippocratic oath, as Hippocrates realized that self seeking doctors are applying defective medicine four their own profit, would have no customers.
Yet the Covid vaccination programme is defective and murderous medicine. To which there is no excuse! Each vaccinating Dr. Out of medicine for the rest or time.
The Health Services around the world key the prescription history insecure Data Storage Centres around the world. He own rights lawyers or the European Court of human rights, can access these records, am sure there every prescribing Dr. Is struck off - as required by medical.
In Germany ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections. An infection vaccination is illegal under medical law. Striking off the Dr. and drug company.
Angla Merkel has always as Hippocratic oath swearing doctors, to applying the defective and fatal Covid vaccination: which was for Covid19, which ceased to circulate the world end of September 2020.
C is asking doctors to break their professional N oath and acting illegally. The world is now on Covid21, Covid 19 having cease to exist two years ago. Like all viruses including AIDs it is totally cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.
Which makes all vaccinations criminal and illegal medicine! Striking off the Dr. and drug company. For them face criminal prosecution for fatal and criminal medical malpractice.
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