Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Covid19 no longer exists

Covid19 vacc fatal medicine

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest is medically proved to clear all viral and bacterial infections in one session.  Without any patient death.

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The number isn't the version number of infection.  Every year since 1934, there has been a new version of Covid flu.  Starting obviously with Covid34.  This Medical Sciences taught to medical students on the first year of a medical degree.

There are four genetic changes a year, and the Covid number increases on the 1st of October.  To be the fourth coming winter!  So Covid19 only existed June 1 of October 2019, and the 31st of September, 2020.

This internationally agreed naming convention is familiar to every registered Dr. and drug company on earth.  So the Covid19 ceased to exist by medical definition, 31st of September, 2020.

This regular turnover of Covid flu, these is a medical vaccination will never work!  It would take two years to licence, but be obsolete within the year.  So could never be licensed!

The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete under halfway through drug testing.  But tragically vaccinations are dangerous medical interventions, that kill one in 200 people: unless the disease is more fatal, the vaccination is prohibited.

And any Covid vaccination is automatically obsolete before it could be licensed.  So medicine has always strictly prohibited research work into, or application of any Covid vaccination.

Is has been prohibited medicine since 1934!  Astra Zeneca and other drug companies never pretended they can freeze a vaccination for Covid flu all the common cold.  There is a viral family is change quicker and the vaccination could be licensed.

But in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the single application of High Intensity UltraSound, as a total cure to all cancers and viruses.  The medical science also cures all bacterial infections.

So no registered Dr. could ever research a Covid vaccination: but drug company is only prese drugs developed by doctors.  But the drug company is are also are voluntary signatures to the doctors' Hippocratic oath.

So are globally prohibited from the manufacture and sale of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  All the drug company is struck off, losing all other biochemical drug patents.

Which are then outside legal medical prescription.  So Astra Zeneca has lost all its drug patents!  Its share price set to zero, it could never borrow from the banks to make payroll every month.  The most bankrupt corporations in earth history.

And there is no legal argument to the doctors' Hippocratic oath.  I must have its I am wary of relating this basic medical science.  As Astra Zeneca air employs roomfuls of high powered lawyers.  But I and just relating basic medical law.  From the textbooks.

Suing me would not change the legal prohibition of producing and making a Covid vaccination.  Bankrupting the he would not change the law.

And in 2002 the Moffitt proves that 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, I applied to where it works clears all 200 types of human cancer.  90% of Astra Zeneca income vanished overnight.

Throughout corporate history, losing 80% of you core income these inevitably to bankruptcy.  Losing cancer drugs removed 90% of Covid income.

I found that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest cleared five friends and 30 viral and bacterial infections.  A 100% cure rate, with no patient death!

In contrast vaccinations kill one in 200 of the healthy innocent people vaccinated.  Corrupt medics vaccinated 3.5 billion people against the extinct Covid 19 flu strain.  Why I do not know.  I think he was the they doctors' and the drug company is so much money.

Astra Zeneca has now lost the Covid 19 vaccination market, to Pfizer and Monsanta.  Though for drug company is were under the same legal probation, are producing any Covid vaccination.

In particular the Covid19 strain is not existed since the 31st of September, 2020.  There are no remote pockets of Covid19 in the world.  By medical definition the whole the world is on Covid20 1st of October, 2020.

Genetically distinct enough from Covid19, that it does not respond to the Covid19 vaccination.  India and Bahrain already had outbreaks of Covid20, totally unresponsive to the Covid19 vaccinations.

India cured 77,000 cases of Covid, using the medically published HIUS: ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest.  This cause the inflated cells common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²

This came as my PH D work into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University.  The PH D which suddenly got ended, when I wrote a paper on ultrasound inducing nuclear fusion in liquid water.  The total cure to manmade climate change!

My ideas were sent to the Moffitt cancer centre, which are next year published 100 patient double blind trial into high us totally clearing all cancers and viruses.  There is no legal argument to the three medical professors, in a world leading cancer hospital.

They tried for eight years to get other medics to use the life saving new medical science: which ironically every registered Dr. on earth has pledged to use, abandoning the old and now defective biochemical treatments.  Which made them so much money.

So every cancer patient medicated to an needless early death, experienced a two year agonising decline to certain death.  Warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, each involved Dr. Receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison.

The assisting nurses and pharmacists, plus the biochemical drug company all struck off and barred from medical activity.

But the drug company is will force to validate HIUS clear all cancers and viruses at one session.  Am I then legally prohibited from the manufacture and sale of cancer drugs.  There were required in said to use HIUS as a one session total cancer and viral cure.

But drug companies have money!  And do what the hell they want: usually involving patient death!  The registered doctors all should have known better.  They had each personally validated the HIUS cure all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

2018 and a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 escaped from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.  Just as Chinese medics were using the usual ½ minute of high us to each side of her patient's chest, to totally clear the last 44,000 cases of Corona on earth.

Corona virus never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine.  Never in Europe or the Americas.  And no direct relationship with her next year's Covid19 - just the regular seasonal flu that circles the earth every year.

I use the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to clear my own flu November 2019: the Covid19, drug companies are betting all future economic wellbeing on.

The infection attended by medical definition 31st of September 2020.  All through the year of Covid20 the drug company is are intent on financially inducing ones registered doctors, to use the obsolete vavv expensive Covid19, an registered vaccination.

Intentionally vaccinated 17 million global inhabitants to an needless death.  Healthy an innocent people deliberately medically executed.  For no possible medical gain!  And they are still at it.

Though we are now or in the year of Covid21.  Totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest.

The medical science which cures all viral and bacterial infections.  Stopping cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage clears type two diabetes.  Type one diabetes requires the full minute.  The drug companies are livid!  As all the global diabetics making a total recovery to a drug free health.

So metformin and insulin or defective and criminal medicine.  Just as all cancer medication has been criminal medication since the Moffitt Paper 2002.  2012 other medics published a 20 patient double blind trial, about HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clearing coronary heart disease.

The same year my personal contact in New York, use the regular viral cure to cure his AIDs.  The was incurable viral condition cured by ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of a person's chest.

No decade long and expensive AIDs treatments leading to a patient's inevitable death.  AIDs totally cleared.  Thanks to my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000-.  Which got mysteriously ended as I found out had to nuclear fusion on earth.

Ultrasound applied to the hardened cells common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, clearing all foreign cell types from the body.  A 100% cancer, plus viral and bacterial infection cure.  No drugs or Dr. Involved!

So now the managing director Astra Zeneca is no chief medical officer in the UK.  Advising Boris Johnson that a Covid19 vaccination is only possible medical treatment for Covid flu.  This is rubbish!  Of the highest order.

Covid19 was the flu strain that cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.  When the vaccination was only part way through drug licensing!  Though Covid vaccination has always been medically prohibited.

They paid the world health organisation, to allow the unlicensed medication to be used in specialist immune hospitals.  Then they sold it to the family GP!  There was never licensed to give the illegal medicine.

Even specialist immune hospitals were constrained by the Hippocratic oath, from using such obsolete an unlicensed medication.  There again Astra Zeneca and the other drug companies had money.

I will do what the hell they want!  Even in the involves unnecessary patient death.  The Covid19 virus ceased to exist.

The Covid20 virus was cured with the medically published HIUS.  The Covid19 vaccination was open and shut illegal medicine!  But again the drug companies had money.  And were not remotely followed by the unnecessary deaths of 17 million healthy an innocent individuals.

The medically executed for the sake of drug company and Dr. Profits.  And I have not told you anything new.  This is standard medical law.  The vaccination to Covid flu and the common cold always illegal.

The pandemic alert was specific to Corona virus.  Declared globally extinct the world health organisation for every 2020.  The drug company is and pronounced that Covid19 was a type of Corona virus.

The Covid flu line dates back to 1934.  Corona virus was identified 2018, extinct 2020.  Eight totally separate viral line!  An offshoot from Covid18.  So never an interior Covid19.

Astra Zeneca for kindle people not doing six months research, and buying the pandemic alert was withdrawn by February 2020.  And was never about Covid flu!  Which is not fatal enough.  By medical definition never a pandemic virus.

And he the drug company is are still trying to offload their stocks of the Covid19 vaccination.  Which kill one in 200.  Two months ago the UK crown court ruled that a 12 year old girl was vaccinated to death in Oldham England; but the Covid 19 obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.

All around the world people are finding the people double drip of vaccinate against Covid, are dying from the new Covid strain every year!  Americas had 150,000 Covid deaths.  Of people suppose the vaccinated against Covid19.

I repeat again Covid19 by medical definition ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020.  Absolutely no medical purpose in the Covid19 obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.  Just killing one in 200 people for no reason!

Presumably Astra Zeneca employs real doctors.  Who must been screaming at the drug company managers that a Covid vaccination was never legal.  There is horrendously fatal medicine ever devised.

I would imagine there every real Dr. has left Astra Zeneca in discust.  But still 17 million people have been killed by the defective Covid vaccination programme.  And they killing continues!

Boris Johnson is being void into writing 34 million, for the Covid 19 vaccination programme.  That is a most medically illegal idea in history.  Covid 19 no longer existing.  Covid 21 no reaction to the obsolete vaccination.

My block on the subject use gets 25 hits a day.  Today it is getting 2!  As the world has realise the Covid19 vaccination is obsolete, unlicensed, expensive and fatal. 

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