Friday, 31 December 2021

Nature does carbon and cost free heat

Around the world, a heavy rain or snow storm is continuously doing nuclear fusion.  The lakes emeritus Professor Bernard Argent turned molecular nuclear fusion.  My idea.  His name!

1 H₂O+P+O₂+TU→E+O₃+Lir+X-ray

So every heavy rain or snow storm liberates infrared light and X rays.  We have all the family heat, and smelt the ozone.  Here is the way nature does nuclear fusion on earth continuously.

Waterfalls over one metre high he also do molecular nuclear fusion.  As to feels of green crops in light.

2 mCO₂+P+Luv+(n+r)H₂O)+chlorophyll→(Cm(H₂O)n-E)+r(He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+Lb+X-ray)

So plants in light sucking in carbon dioxide, does the present limit in this epoch of two parts per million.  It was four PPM in the Jurassic.  There was 85% more life on earth, there are masterly fewer fossil fuels.  10% more oxygen in the air.  And sea levels 60 metres lower.

There were three natural ice ages, the carbon dioxide levels spiked at eight PPM.  So carbon dioxide rises in the cold!  Every arctic winter today, we are back to the Jurassic carbon dioxide limit of 4 PPM.  Air temperature -50° C.

Then spring comes and the seas melt.  Photosynthesis in the seas takes off, the carbon dioxide falls again to the temperate limit of two PPM.  So carbon dioxide levels rise in the cold!

Who were made up man made global warming climate change was a serious biological idiot.  Photosynthesis continues in the daylight until come dioxide falls to two PPM.

Emissions boost active biological life on earth today.  This during the fossil fuels to active biology!  Within 5 minutes the carbon dioxide is active plant biomass.  No affect on the weather!  That is what happens when you listen to physics about the carbon cycle!

They have worsened zero idea about life.  Again my thanks go to professor Argent.  Who had died frustrate or the other santis wouldn't listen to him!  Other scientists heard, but there was money to be made in the searching the nuclear fiction of manmade climate change.

From 1995 the global climate has been cooling.  So manmade climate change is actually natural climate cooling!  Caused by a predictable solar emission cycles.  The world will next warm in 2023.  Only a year to wait!  And always academics or dust off their papers on manmade global warming.

Totally ignoring the static trace of carbon dioxide in the global temperate air.  Academics do not let the facts stand in the way the of research grants!  They are right would ever rubbish you want, provide new pay!

When the rain or snow has done enough nuclear fusion, a positive charge to helium and oxygen ions collected above the cloud layer.  The negative charge is carried by the free electrons to the ground.  So a heavy storm acts as a massive battery.

At 5000 volts 100 amps, we get a lightening down strike - which links up the charge arrears.  Then we have a steam plasma.  And it does molecular nuclear fusion.

3 H₂O+P+PL→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L...X-ray

So every lightening strike produces 5 tonnes of hydrogen ions.  Using E=mc², this equates to 2.5x10³⁰W of heat.  1.2 MW/m of lightning strike, from a 1.5x2cm steam plasma at eight atmospheres, collapsing at three.  Average four!

Week in use the steam plasma in place of burning fossil fuels, or during a hyper toxic uranium nuclear fission: A process so toxic, that every 100 MW nuclear power plant, knees annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  Non has it!  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.

And no academic is allowed to take research money from criminal organizations.  And every nuclear power company in the world is running its plants with criminally insufficient insurance.  They are barred from doing any academic research!

Any academic ever taking research money from an insurable nuclear power, ejected from education!  All the academic papers shredded and digitally deleted.  So every paper on manmade climate change or global warming, removed totally!  Never happened.

A 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres releases a constant 2.4 MW of carbon neutral heat.  Which will drive a commercially sourced steam turbine to generate 1.2 MW our carbon zero electricity.  Answer to every suppose he had climate scientists payers.

Actually they were just the cancer question that produces the answer 'uranium nuclear power': the most toxic and totally uninsurable Energy System ever devised.  The ultimate brains for rent.  Writing academic rubbish for nuclear money.  The most horrible people who have ever lived.

So a plasma power plant will freeze a constant 1.2 MW our carbon neutral electricity.  We convert the DC into mains AC voltage and frequency.  We sell to the national grid, whose sense us a check for six million UK pounds annually.

For supplying the heat for 150 houses: large power stations will obviously wish to use 3 1mx2cm steam plasmas to dry over 100 MW.  Totally carbon neutral power!

Using just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year.  We will really struggle to measure it!  With no fossil fuel burn.  So oil or gas prices are about to crash in a big way.

Nuclear power loses money with boil below $100 a barrel.  Today it is around 70!  Somebody has made deep pockets.  Which he getting depleted by billions of dollars a day.

A plasma power plant is totally nontoxic.  Utilising no radioactive materials.  And Prix uses no radioactive waste!  Just heat light and lower power X rays.  The ultimate clean Power System.

I feel although said at Sheffield University 2002.  Who was so impressed they ended my PH D with no or award!  And suggested I went off writing songs and singing.  Which I actually did!

Until my Evan folk combo group leader retired.  By then I got bored of urban folk anyway.  1988, as I would have 30% brain injury in a car accident.  Had to learn to walk and talk again!  Luckily I never having from thinking.

I used sessions of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to the area of my head with damage, to repair my brain.  And remember, I was doing a PH D at Sheffield University before the brain repair!

The damage was two of my left sided I made temporal lobe.  Hence had to learn to walk and talk again.

This science will fix or traumatic head and spinal injuries, plus strokes!  The High Intensity UltraSound applied to the top left to the chest will clear the raised blood pressure causing the strokes!

In the same way that 1 minute of HIUS externally will clear all 200 types of human cancer.

All Covid cured

Covid cured no drugs or death

It responds to the standard cure to cancer and viruses, published 2002 by three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre.  Who were all belatedly awarded the noble prize for this work 2015.

All cancers and viruses, plus bacterial infections, have and overinflated non native cell structure.  So when you apply ultrasound scans, they give off X rays!

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray standard medicine, familiar to all doctors and drug companies: the drug company is voluntarily signed the Hippocratic oath.  So what the doctors' hours to validate and then use best new medical science, ceasing to use auld and now defective medicine.

The Moffitt cancer centre paper detailed the external application of high intensity ultrasound to clear all cancers and infections at one session.

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So from 2002 every registered Dr. Had validated the total cure all cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, and already owned the required HIUS unit.

But the drug company is illegally financially induced registered doctors, to ospheres still prescribe the now defective and criminal cancer drugs.  Every cancer patient death warrants a 10 million UK pound fine, and the Dr. and the managing directors of the involved drug companies receive a jail term of 25 years in high security prison.

All those psychopathic murderous doctors talk early retirement: as medicine have now lost 80% of its economic income.  I was a massively loss making!  Yet in 2018 the struck off doctors illegally re-entered medicine.

Even illegally serving at the National Medical regulators - like the AMA or GMC.  Though there a mass of the ineligible for such crucial Medical Service.  All the legal judgments handed down is for a National Medical regulators must be retried, and the drug company's expense.

And obviously has the struck off doctors totally removed from medicine totally.  Returning or wages are low income paid to them since they were struck off.  Getting no pension.

A legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every patient medicated to death by their illegal medical prescriptions.

In 2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 the escape from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.  He killed five million Chinese citizens.

Before December 2019 Chinese medics applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest of Corona patients.  Unless 44,000 cases on earth were all cured.

The pandemic was extinguished!  Covid have been the regular human influence or since 1934, we've Covid34: the Covid number is just last two digits of the winter of that infection.

So Covid 19 it will totally separately and distinct from the Corona virus.  The pandemic never applied to Covid flu.  Helium below pandemic level since 1934.

Ensure you copy this message to your general practitioner!  No Covid vaccination ever legal all necessary.  The Covid19 vaccination is only halfway three drug testing, when obsolete!

Never a legal human drug.  Any Dr. It giving just one Covid vaccination, are struck off and remove from medicine.  All subsequent medical prescriptions illegal and invalid.

The doctors who RE entered medicine after 2018, were struck off.  And there prescriptions were illegal and invalid.  No registered pharmacist should ever have filled one drug order from, and no nurse allowed to add Mr. the illegal medication.  Without both groups being struck off for life.  And remove from medicine totally.

2012 my contact in New York used the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear his AIDs.  We freely published this idea.  The use of five UK pounds ultrasound massage device, totally clearing the most pernicious viral infection in history.

So I cured AIDs, but there was no noble prize on offer.  Five million people died from HIV AIDs.  Costing the world five billion.  Totally eradicated by my ideas in 2012.  Again and firstly validated and then had to use by every registered Dr. On earth.  Or they were struck off and remove from medicine!

So all cancer drug an eight prescription charges returned to surviving patients or their next of kin.  And most psychopathic doctors removed from medicine.  All subsequent medical activity prohibited!

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear lung cancer, plus all viral and bacterial infections.  Making a vaccination medicine criminal medicine!

It intentionally kills one patient in 200.  Healthy an innocent individuals sacrifice for Dr. and drug company income.  All Covid flu strains cured.

We have gone through the year of Covid20, that began 1st of October, 2020, with the drug company is still frantically vaccinated people against the obsolete an nonexistent Covid19,

3.5 illegal Covid19 vaccinations given: each and every involved Dr. and drug company struck off without question.  So they are void only killed 17 million people around the world.  Again healthy an innocent individuals.

The legal fine for every vaccination death is 10 million UK pounds.  The surviving vaccination victims get out of 20,000 UK pounds, for each potentially fatal Covid vaccination they survived.

The vaccinating doctors as usual, totally struck off and remove from medicine.  The total legal fine around the world is 170 trillion.  Which is in excess of the worth of the planet!

But they killing goes on!  The drug company is have now renamed there lethal vaccination, a 'Covid booster'.  It is actu the obsolete and useless vaccination to the extinct Covid19.

Which he is illegal medicine!  No registered Dr. Could ever give.  The a fine of 20,000 UK pounds applies to surviving booster patients.  10 million to and exit key and of the healthy an innocent individuals boosted to death.

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears today's Covid21.  Every patient in a hostel we've Covid flu, can be given an application of HIUS by any nurse, using the Dr. validated 8 W 3 MHZ HIUS unit: the one session cancer cure.

So the Covid boosters are the same illegal and obsolete Covid19 vaccinations.  Globally prohibited defective and pointless medicine!  Often with fatal results.

No registered Dr. has ever been allowed to give just one Covid vaccination since 1934.  The Covid rooster equally as criminal!  The involved drug company is also are struck off without legal appeal.

The manufacture and sell the Covid booster criminal medical malpractice.  A show the drug company is removed from medicine.  And all other biochemical drug patents void and of no value.

Its drugs outside legal medical prescription.  All its drugs illegal!  So Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.  When the Covid19 vaccination is only part way through drug trials.  When obsolete and totally criminal medicine.

The application of cancer or infection medication including vaccinations, criminal back to 2002.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  With the usual legal fine structure!

All vaccination medicine no medically illegal and criminal.  No legal argument.

Thursday, 30 December 2021

Clean energy source

turn H inot cleam heat

A hydrogen plasma.  It breaks the hydrogen atoms apart into hydrogen nuclei and a free electrons.  The hydrogen nuclei he is one Brighton bomb that one or more neutrons.

According to the plasma pressure, we get the recombination of the electrons and nuclei.

1 p⁺.(x)n⁰+n⁰ with→(x+1)n⁰ usually x=1

Deuterium is parastable.  But tritium undergoes nuclear fission almost instantly and.

2 ³H→E²+L+X-ray using E=mc² here E²=10ⁱ⁸ W.  This he is making a MMMW of energy.  An almost inconceivable amount of energy.

The rate of energy production is linked to the plasma pressure.  The Corona around every radiant sun is a hydrogen plasma.  Which is twice as hot as the sun's interior.  My big problem is, this is such a huge amount of power.

Firing a plasma off though the arctic seas, would instantly melt the ice.  And there issue cold water back into the seas would flow back instantly to the equator, and cool the hot lands

This would be such an interesting bit a science to research!

Free carbon zero heat and power

Gas flames do nuclear fusion - as do plasmas

I am indebted to a fellow PH D student from Sheffield University, she mention casually there is of course of gas or oil flame, fired up a steam plasma.  I do my master's in 1984, and this is news to me.

I learned every Internet every 3 minutes there was a 3 seconds lightening involved somewhere around the world.  That produces five tonnes of helium and associated ozone ions.

I wait out the equations!  Firstly gas flame using a steam plasma to do molecular nuclear fusion.  The name devised by the late Professor Bernard Argent, for my ideas!

1 CH₄+pO₂+ spark→(CO₂+(2-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+X-ray)

Actually oxidising the carbon takes in heat.  The energy production is from the r(...) - the steam plasma.  We can double the heat output for gas or oil burning, by titanium plating the boilerplate or engine.

Titanium plating the inside surfaces of the car engine and cent ahead, doubles the heat and power produced for avoiding fuel burnt.  So before the 200 yards required for the titanium plate, we half a fossil fuel burn for life all the vehicle.  So the three tanks of petrol later, and titanium plating has paid for itself.

But we need to focus on a steam plasma!  We do not need to burn the fossil fuels.  We can fill a glass cylinder with steam at four atmospheres, and use the electronics from old fluorescent light fire up the plasma direct.

2 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) the light and lower power X rays do not emerged from the engine compartment.  A 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat.

The into a commercially source had steam turbine, we generate 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains electricity.  Annual income of six million UK pounds!  Obviously we want a static engine here.

To drive a car or we link a 25x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres again, will generate a constant 600 kW of heat.  Totally carbon neutral heat.

And to a thermoelectric generator, we get out 75 kW of electrical power.  We convert into a speed linked AC, and drive contact MS Electric Motors.

A small helicopter only needs 45 kW of electrical power!  So can easily fly between cities.  Using radar and IT to fly the craft.

We do not burn any petrol or diesel.  With we do not have massively overpriced electrical charge and points.  When not driving the car, we hawker up to the mains, and the credit argument the had two million UK pounds a year.  For our excess current!

Or we can supply the carbon neutral power for eight houses.  Or without any carbon dioxide production!

By now all the climate change people have red my papers about molecular nuclear fusion: nature doing nuclear fusion on earth today!  Like at waterfalls, or fuels are growing green crops.

Not one has contacted me!  As they have absolutely nothing to say.  Molecular nuclear fusion turns regular water into the is carbon neutral power.  With no radioactive waste!

The plasma burns the water molecules into just heat light and lower power X rays.  All those academics making good living from researching the nuclear fiction of 'manmade climate change', realise they suddenly it had to do some work!

I give you free carbon zero non nuclear power on a stick.  And your reply is?  To copy this message to many believe in manmade climate change you know about.  I am looking forward to it.

All over my PH D studies at Sheffield University 2001.  Abruptly ended for no reason, once of and other lightening did molecular nuclear fusion continuously around the earth.  The free air faced Energy System.  Totally carbon neutral.

Covid vaccination always illegal

Covid vacc illegal and fatal

2002 and three medical professors published the external application of high intensity ultrasound, to totally clear the inflated cell structures common to cancer and viruses.  To allow the infected cells to replicate - body cells bud off intact stem cells.

Astra Zeneca Air lost 90% of its income overnight!  They tried to reinvent itself fighting heart disease.  2012 medics published a 20 patient double blind trial showing the HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clear coronary heart disease.  I it did not know about secondary coronary heart disease, when I suggested HIUS to the top left to the chest.

It turns out coronary heart disease can be caused by an inflated viral cell fragment, around the fatty plaques around the kidneys.  One session of HIUS, no sudden heart attack and patient death.  The prescription of heart medication became criminal medical malpractice, just like the prescription or cancer drugs became criminal and defective medicine 2002.

Just one prescription of heart drugs since in chemo or radio therapy, and the Dr. ejected from medicine the same day.  Losing Health Insurance!  Making medical practice doubly criminal.

2013 I confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, I cleared type two diabetes.  2016 I confirmed the experience of my American diabetic contacts, the fall minute was required for type one diabetes.  All the disease only remitted in three days.  With

Now Astra Zeneca reinvent itself yet again, as free using a vaccination to Covid flu.  This medicine was totally prohibited by the Hippocratic oath doctors and drug company is all signed.

The vaccination will be obsolete only halfway three drug testing.  So the Covid19 vaccination was an illegal medicine.  Obsolete only halfway through drug testing!  So never a legal human drug.

No registered Dr. Was allowed to give the unlicensed an obsolete vaccination.  So only no drug company was allowed to make and sell the potentially fatal medication.

A Covid vaccination would kill one in 200 of the vaccinated - the standard death rate for any vaccination.  And as Covid19 was extinct October 1, 2020, the vaccination was never legal.

When they started giving it in January 2021, Covid 19 have been extinct for two years!  So the vaccination is infinitely more fatal than the now or nonexistent disease.  And the standard medical rule, is no registered Dr. Is allowed to apply a treatment more fatal than the disease.

Covid19 has ceased to exist.  So of course the vaccination is infinitely more fatal!  Any general practitioner giving just one Covid vaccination, the struck a off and stripped of Health Insurance.

Making all subsequent medical practice doubly criminal: and the world needs to know this!  The biggest medical killing using defective medicine in history.

A mysteriously professor Fauci the managing director of Astra Zeneca, has got itself may is UK chief medical adviser.  Agonising Boris Johnson that the Covid19 vaccination is useful.  It is not!  Covid19 virus does not exist.  And the vaccination kills one person in 200 vaccinated.

So doctors are smilingly deliberately applied white knew was defective medicine, and executed 17 million people around the planet.  A total legal fine of 170 trillion.  Which is in excess of the worth of the planet.

The vaccinating doctors all struck off!  20,000 UK pounds to surviving vaccination victims.  10 million UK pounds to and exit key and of those vaccinated to death.  That 17 million!

To limit the natural human flu, which kills 50,000 people a year!  One session of ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest totally clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Just so 1 minute totally clears all cancers.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

In 2002 20,000,000 people had died and or medication from cancers.  2021 that figure is now at 1.6 million.  If there doctors use the best medicine, HIUS, to clear all cancers in 1 minute nobody need die from cancer.

Each cancer death warrants a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  The Dr. and MD of the drug company receiving 25 year jail terms in prison for each cancer patient death.

Professor Fauci has now accumulated two million years in high security prison.  Without parole!  He is a minor demon, who do not age.  So you may well live beyond the end of his jail term.

Just as the unfortunate cancer patients all died in two years in screaming agony!

Cancer, heart disease, diabetes plus viral and bacterial infections all cured.  And and Astra Zeneca hate it!  Will clear to live.  No drugs or Dr. Involved.

Covid19 no longer exists

World now on Covid21.  Covid19 vaccination illegal - as is the boster

It was the regular flu strain between the 1st of October, 2019, and the 31st of September, 2020.  Then it was automatically replaced by the genetically different Covid20.  A natural rename process and says it cannot every year since Covid 34, star to causing human influenza in 1934. Totally familiar to professor Whitty, who has criminally are have eyes Boris Johnson and imposing UK locked downs, to limit the spread of a Covid19 virus - already extinct!

Indian and Bahrain have had a outbreaks of Covid20, totally resistant to the obsolete and unlicensed Covid19 vaccination,

Unlicensed as it would take two years to licence or a vaccination, and Covid flu and the common cold change too quickly!  A vaccination always obsolete and never licensed.

Which is why medical science prohibits any research work or application of the Covid vaccination.  Astra Zeneca signed the Hippocratic oath, so required to destroy all unlicensed doses of the Covid19 vaccination.  Never permitted to sell one dose.

No registered Dr. Ever allowed to give a Covid vaccination, without being struck off the same day!  Losing medical registration and Health Insurance.  That your GP has given just one Covid vaccination - they ceased to be a legal registered Dr. that day.  All criminal practice then an insured and criminal.

British prime ministers to pen on the Medical Advisors to give them a factual true information.  Professor Whitty has voted self serving medical fiction!  He was totally aware the Covid19 did not even exist anymore.

No possibility of it spreading!  By medical definition it has ceased to exist, the Covid19 unlicensed vaccination had zero potency against Covid20.  Yet still the drug companies are desperate to sell the remaining doses.

What a tragedy!  As vaccinations intentionally kill one in 200 people vaccinated: which is why doctors do not like vaccinations!  Vaccination for an extinct virus is infinitely more fatal than a nonexistent disease.

3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given.  Doctors intentionally medically executed 17 million people around the world.  A legal fine of 170 billion!

Each vaccinating Dr. Remove them cells the same day from medical practice.  All subsequent medical practice was criminal and uninsurable.

So the Covid19 virus ceased to exist over two years ago.  We are naturally on Covid21.  To which the Covid 19 vaccination has no possible potency!

But doctors are compelled to use the medically published high intensity ultrasound - that clears all 200 types in cancer in 1 minute.  Applied to where it hurts!

½ minute each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Antibiotic tolerance is immaterial!  All infections cleared.  No Dr. or drugs!

So Chris Whitty gave Boris Johnson spurious and illegal medical advice.  He has removed himself from his position as he UK chief medical officer.  He is also struck off!  And totally removed from medicine.

The cost of the spurious and illegal locked down falls on the National Medical regulators, like the GMC.  The UK spurious Covid locked down is have cost 0.5 trillion!  That fine goes over are totally to the General Medical council.

Boris Johnson is required to get another legal chief medical officer.  Chris Whitty is up for criminal trial.  25 years for each of the 45,000 UK residents who had died as a result of the obsolete an unlicensed Covid 19 vaccination.

By far the most fatal and criminal individual in UK history.  Around the world 17 million people have been happily vaccinated to death.  But obsolete virus that no longer existed!

By far the most criminal medicine ever!  Each vaccinating Dr. Struck off for life.  Fatal and 10,000,000 UK pounds for every patient vaccinated to death.  And 25 years in high security prison for each murder.

Every surviving vaccination victim also gets a legal payout of 20,000 UK pounds.  For each spurious and potentially fatal vaccination.

A High Intensity UltraSound clears all inflated cell structures, including cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray source of the X rays cancers emit in ultrasound scans.  Biological molecular nuclear fusion. 

free Home Power

Nature doing free C0 power
Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  It sets up by heavy rain or snow and doing nuclear fusion: my thanks to professor Z for suggesting the turbulent flow of high pressure water or or even snow and did nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+PL+TU→2(E²+L...X-ray) so the turbulence in high pressure flow of water or even steam, so there's the matter into heat light and X rays.  Here PL he's alive shorten for a plasma.  10 years fashion within the storm.  So greater than four atmospheres.

The stop the had two years to work out.  Using physics from the Internet!  Am an engineer from Sheffield University on my master's degree.

What happens in a plasma, the molecules of regular plants into positive ions and free electrons.  Even oxygen has a positive ions!

2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻

This is why storms feel electric!  The rain or snow is being broken up into positive atomic nuclei, and free electrons.  The positive charge collects above the clouds layer.  Which acts as a great charge collector.

The electrons with the negative charge falls to the ground.  Then at 5000 volts, 100 amps we get a lightening down strike.  To discharge all that electrical potential.

But then we set up a 1.5km x 2cm partial steam plasma.  And we start to get a plasma burn.

For the electrons around a hydrogen ions, combine.  They don't annihilate - positrons and electrons would.  But the hydrogen ions are a proton bonded to use or more neutrons.

3 H+=p⁺.n⁰

4 p⁺.n⁰+e⁻→2n⁰

So we start turning the high June ions and electrons into neutrons.  The neutrons bond with the oxygen ions.  The physics here is a bit complicated

5 O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+E+4e⁻

The electrons wander off, and for the that a hydrogen ions to form neutrons.  And so the process continues!

Are big energy release is as we burn the hydrogen ions, into heat light and X rays.

6 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→³H→E²+L...X-ray

This is why lightning he was off visible light - of which there is no chemical source.  As he uses the steam plasma to end up doing hydrogen fission.  Converting the matter into heat light and X rays.

No solid radioactive waste!  No carbon dioxide.  By now or every climate scientists on the planet is familiar with my work.  Which is free carbon zero heat and power.  Hence the oil or gas people high street scared!

Even Sheffield University is embarrassed to admit professor Zs ideas lead on to carbon neutral heat.

When we fired up a steam plasma in a glass cylinder, we got intriguing results!  Which are then it took me years to figure out.

Basically a steam plasma at 4 atmospheres is a strand of captured lightening.  That at four atmospheres, will self sustain for ever.  Though the flaky into life using the electronics from old fluorescent light.

7 H₂Os+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²=2.4 MW/m our carbon neutral heat

And the process is so efficient, we convert just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water into a constant  2.4 MW our carbon neutral heat for a year.  Involving no oil or gas burn!  They are fantastically over priced ways of doing molecular nuclear fusion.

8 CH₄+P+2O₂+spark→(CO₂+(2-r)H₂O-E)+r(He+O+E²+L...X-ray)

So burning oil or gas fires up a steam plasma, and does molecular nuclear fusion.  But it is so much easier and cheaper, just a fire up the self sustaining steam plasma.  And there not burn any carbon fuels.

If we immerse the 50x1cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, into a water tank, we end up generating 1.2 MW of carbon neutral mains power.  The electrical power for 150 houses.  Or four businesses.

Companies caring get their engineering workshops to knock up a plasma Power System in the lunch break, water in a warm 0.2 MW steam turbine over the Internet.  Delivery in five days!

They then start by using 1.2 MW of carbon neutral power.  With no or oil or gas burn.  And you see so little water, it is basically free electricity.

Companies run and the power plant 24 hours a day.  And sell the excess current to the national grid.  Whose sense own an annual check for five million UK pounds.  We synchronise the frequency and voltage with the AC power grid.

As one been rounded steam turbine on the first year of my master's degree, in 1983!  And locked down into an operating steam turbine, and saw that he glowed with the yellow red light.  Which I did not understand!

This will light emission is a product of nuclear processes.  Here we are actually doing the nuclear fusion of hydrogen, into heat this of light and X rays.

Sheffield has loads are small engineering workshops.  He can produce a working plasma power plant in a week.  Though there are 35,000,000 customers around the UK alone.

Who can all move over to carbon free electricity.  It ends for ever the phantom science of man made climate change.  Which is only ever nuclear fiction anyway!

The construction of a nuclear power plant uses those of concrete - produced using a fossil fuel burn on limestone.  In two years of plant construction the nuclear plant where limit the equivalent carbon from a commercial power plant in 25 years.  And after 25 years a nuclear plant is demolished and replaced.  Or not!

Commercially independent nuclear power knees there by its own insurance cover.  After Fukushima her the annual insurance is now 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.

The most toxic and an insurable industry ever!  A plasma power plant can be stopped by the type from an electric hammer.  There is no nuclear coal for a meltdown!  We are not utilised of use any radioactive isotopes.

Just carbon free heat and power and X rays.  After we have generated are electrical power, we can supply the for an area central heating scheme.  Supplying carbon free heat to the same 150 houses.

Who knows cease to consume mains electricity and gas.  No oil or coal burn either!  You would think professor Z will be ecstatic at the development of carbon neutral power.  Using 1950s technology!

His a major funders are hyper toxic and an insured nuclear power.  I have not heard from him in six years.  No matter.  Medium size companies in Sheffield I can produce carbon free plasma power plants.  Our own of too little water ever to accurately measure!

medics can already cure Covid

biochemistry blood money

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to totally clear the pressurise cell structures common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

2002 20 million people died around the world from cancers.  All totally cleared by a single application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound: every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W 3 MHz ultrasound unit, verified and then had to use this new medical science.

Or they were instantly struck off and barred from medical practice.  So for under five UK pounds you can purchase the required device over the Internet, and use it safely at home.  1 minute of the ultrasound from an ultrasound massage device, or where it hurts cleared all 200 cancers out there.

I would tend also to cure 1 minute of the liver and colon, each armpit and side of the head.  So 2002 and all cancers are cured 19 years ago!  Yeah suppose the registered doctors are still medicating cancer patients to an expensive an needless two year decline to death.

HIUS cures all 200 cancers out there.  This is the single greatest medical advance in history.  For which the medics were belatedly given the noble prize 2015.  With absolutely no publicity!  The cure to all cancers.

Cancers boil and rupture on application of HIUS.  They have to pressurised my viruses, to induce body cells to divide and replicate.  DNA intact body cells bud off intact stem cells and never replicate.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So all 200 types or cancer totally cured using this physical science, which drug companies are never acknowledged!  So they can continue the illegal manufacture and sale or cancer drugs.  80% of Dr. and drug company income.

Though both doctors and drug companies want only signs the Hippocratic oath.  Which requires them to validate and then use best new medical science.  I abandoning the old and now defective medicine.  So 2002 every cancer drugs on earth became defective medicine.

And no registered Dr. Could ever prescribe defective medicine.  It is criminal and fatal medical malpractice.  IA fine of 10 million UK pounds for every cancer patient who had died and the biochemical drug prescription.

The doctors receiving 25 years in high security prison, for each patient death.  Including tragically enough my own father, who died from lung cancer and the biochemical prescriptions from Chorley NHS.

Law firms can sue the doctors for each cancer patient biochemical death.  The family get a payout of 10 million and the law firm gets an uncontested payout of one million.

And around the world 200 million people had died from cancer centre cure was medically published 2002.  A total fine of 2000 trillion!  Striking off every involved Dr. and drug company.  Along with their nurses, pharmacists, hospital or health centre.

Drug company is lost 80% are their legal income overnight!  So desperately invented other reasons to exist.

2012 and good doctors published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the back over the kidneys, to totally clear primary and secondary coronary heart disease.

A single HIUS session.  And heart disease totally cured without drugs.  The prescription of heart medication ever since has been criminal and fatal medical malpractice.  Again striking off the doctors and drug companies etc..

And every Dr. Has placed on taking up Medical Service, to know about,.  Validate and then use best new medical science ceasing to avoid the old and now defective medicines.

So any Dr. Prescribing cancer medication just one since 2002, C.s that date are illegal aninsured registered Dr..  They must return or wages back to the Moffitt Paper, are not receive a pension!  Or any other secondary income from medicine.

But viruses also divide in the same single cell fashion - requiring the inflated cells of the same non native inflated cell structure.

If we apply he ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest, we clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Ity eradicated AIDs my and my personal contact in New York 2012.  Since only had he has taken it is around the world.

Chinese medics employed it from December 2019, and totally eliminated Corona virus from the world by February 2020.  It never escaped the Wuhan quarantine.  Apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, that escaped from the Wuhan biochemical laboratory funded by president O'Bama, they had no relationship with her next year's regular flu - Covid 19.

In the UK the chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty has earned a fantastic living out of telling Boris Johnson, that Corona virus has magically become the next year's Covid19.

Even though there is no direct relationship!  And Corona virus was only ever within the Wuhan quarantine in China.  China had an outbreak of Covid19, after Corona virus was eradicated even within Wuhan Province.

I cured my own Covid 19 November, 2019, the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  October 1, 2020, by internationally agreed medical naming convention, we were on Covid20.

The Covid19 vaccination was only halfway through drug testing.  So obsolete and never licensed.  Never a legal human drug.  Medicine has always prohibited any research work into application of a Covid vaccination.  Prohibited medicine since 1934.

But Astra Zeneca signs the Hippocratic oath, but then does what the ****ing hell he wants.  Having packed out there National Medical regulators, we've paid stooges - registered doctors imposing medical or and other registered doctors.  Or rather not!  A massive self interest.

A acting with criminal self interest strikes off lawyers and doctors.  So the Covid vaccination was always criminal medicine in history.

Into was designed to stop the spread of Covid19.  Though since the emergence of the common cold and Covid flu, medics have realise that quarantine and vaccinations did not work against as fast changing viruses.

So no vaccination against Covid flu all the common cold was ever legal.  And the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete under halfway through drug testing.  So never legal medicine.  It was never a legal human drug.  Any Dr. Prescribing just one Covid vaccination ever, remove from medicine the same day.

They lost Health Insurance, and all subsequent medical practice was an insured and criminal.  There were no longer doctors!  Will face criminal prosecution for the application of defective medicines.

A fine to every individual who have survived the far too fatal Covid19 vaccination.  The drug company is have now started turning it a 'Covid booster'.  How interesting the stopping word vaccination being used!

Even though the boost it use the same defective an unlicensed Covid19 booster.  They mean got the UK prime Minister Boris Johnson promoting the fatal Covid booster.  Which will kill one in 200 of those vaccinated.

Potentially stopping the spread of the Covid19 strain that cease to exist over two years ago.  Medics have given 3.5 billion global Covid vaccinations.  So intentionally medically executed 17 million global healthy an innocent citizens.

And are not licensed drug, with an no potency against a viral strain that cease to exist two years ago.  All through the year of Covid20 global drug companies are obsessed by getting rid of the doses of the Covid19 vaccination a already had.

Each vaccination costing under 50 UK pounds.  3.5 billion vaccinations, that isn't income stream of 2000 trillion.  The world is only worth 138 trillion!  So the money has gone around again and again.

Each round of Covid vaccinations useless unlicensed and fatal.  Surviving vaccination victims get a payout of 20,000 UK pounds for each vaccination.  The patient's is have died needlessly as a consequence want a 10 million UK pound fine - money paid to the families.

The fair is cent without any lawyer intervention.  The vaccinating Dr. Struck off on their first defective an unlicensed Covid vaccination.  And doctors pride themselves on their ethics!  And are globally prohibited from the application of obsolete and flashy fatal spurious medicines.

And the Covid vaccination all booster, totally obsolete and never licensed.  Without a shadow of a doubt the most dangerous medicine in history.  World War II killed 60,000,000 people.

Since January 2021, NHS medics have deliberately vaccinated 2.5 million UK citizens.  So I have intentionally killed 45,000 healthy an innocent UK residents.  The European Court of human rights, has the legal imperative to stop him and stop the policy fatal and totally spurious, Covid 'booster'programme: the fatal Covid vaccination by another spurious an unnecessary name.

The UK he health minister Sajiv Javid has promoted the fatal Covid booster.  But he can't give the fatal injections!  And no registered Dr. Around the world is allowed to.  The vaccination was obsolete, medically prohibited and never licensed.

It was never a UK legal or global drug.  Every vaccinating Dr. Under the legal imperative to remove their name from the doctors' medical register, and cease medical practice.

And he themselves into the police, open and shut case is resulting in 25 year jail term for every patient murder.  Every Covid vaccination striking them off from medical practice for life.

Not just prohibited from the illegal Covid vaccination programme.  Also removed from all other medical activity.  They ceased to V registered doctors on their first cancer drug prescription since 2002.  There must return or wages back to the data Moffitt Paper, and receive no pension.

So the Covid vaccination idea intentionally killed 17 million people around the world: for no possible medical gain.  As a vaccination is both obsolete and unlicensed!  Never a legal Dr. Drucker application.

Which every registered Dr. Was taught on the first year of their medical degree.  No Covid vaccination could be researched are given over!  And now are on the year of Covid21, and the Covid 'booster'is for the unlicensed and far too fatal Covid 19 extinct viral strain.

So no registered Dr. Around the world could ever give aCovid 'booster'.  And Boris Johnson the UK prime minister, is not allowed to parade fatal an defective medicine.  So the UK government can ever from out the far too fatal Covid r''bter'

Any minister promoting that fatal medicine, remove from the stereo office the same day.  Motions is promoted the same fatal Covid19 vaccinations.  Shamelessly leading to those debts of 45,000 UK healthy an innocent residents.

Which is why the UK promise to answer the vanished!  He has transgressed their ministerial code.  And he is no longer a legal prime minister.  Even though he could not give the fatal vaccination, he has induce people to line up and be vaccinated to death.

But the doctors were globally prohibited from the Covid vaccination, since 1934!  Just ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  With no drugs or patient death.  Best viral and bacterial medicine.

In the same way that 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts clears all 200 types of human cancer.  Cancer drugs criminal and are totally fatal medicines.  Killing horribly great expense within two years.

Winter they're all cancers plus infections are cured.  And don't the drug companie hate it!  Preparing their own patients to die needlessly, giving them money!  One man was as term blood money.

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Whitty promotes medical murder

queue up to be killed

The Covid 'booster'is the obsolete and unlicensed vaccination for Covid19.  Medicine always strictly prohibited any research or application of a vaccination to the fast changing viral lines Covid flu and the common cold.

So it was never legal ever to produce a Covid vaccination!  Every researching Dr. and involved drug company struck off without legal argument.  The Hippocratic oath allows no legal argument.  And the drug companies all lined up to sign it voluntarily.

Every registered Dr. has to sign it also.  Every registered Dr. and drug company personally validated the Moffitt cancer centre paper, on High Intensity UltraSound totally clearing all cancers and viruses at one session.

Which is why had 20,000,000 people died from cancers 2002.  Today it is 1.6 million!  All of whom had died and or defective biochemical drug prescriptions.  Which all illegal and criminal medicine.  Again striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Nobody need die from any cancer today.

present Covid booster is for the time limited Covid 19.  That only existed as the regular flu strain between the 1st of October, 2019.  And 31st of September 2020.  The Covid number is the last two digits of the year.

Ever since Covid flu starting killing in 1934 - we've covered 34.  Killing 3.5% of infected people.  So serious infection, but by medical definition not a pandemic!  Which has to cure over 5%.

And since the Moffitt Paper, every registered Dr. Has realized that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz (or a shorter time for 8 W three MHZ - stop as the patient reports warming) to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Elementary first year undergraduate physics.  Due to the ideas of professor Z at Sheffield University, we realise that ultrasounding water did nuclear fusion.  A process that skills exponential he with cell pressure.

What this means in English, is a external application of HIUS for 1 minute will clear all cancers and viral infections.  No Dr. or drugs intervention required.

That is a medical science Boris Johnson should be advocating!  That is a medical science professor Whitty has had to tell Boris about.

A one session total cure of all infections.  A disease vaccination is Time limited.  I was fast changing viruses like Covid flu all the common cold, there vaccination is obsolete and never licensed.

Medics do not really like vaccinations.  As they intentionally kill one in 200 people vaccinated!  And the virus itself has been extinct for two years, but drug companies are asking registered doctors to deliberately medically executed one in 200 people for no chuffing reason.

Covid19 has been extinct globally for two years.  The Covid booster so was no medical purpose.  But will still deliver the execute one in 200 other people paid to the vaccinated.  With no need to be killed for no reason!

And doctors and medical professors are prohibited advocating such fatal and pointless medicine.  Professor witty has removed himself from the doctors' medical register.  He is are ineligible to be the UK chief medical officer.

And to compound is illegality, he was to vaccinate people again in 12 weeks, against a non existent flu strain!  Killing one in 200 again.  This guy is a most serious psychopathic mass murderer in history.

Getting suppose the registered doctors to be he is paid stooges!  Each and every registered Dr. Prohibited from giving a Covid vaccination.  The most criminal medicine ever!  Yet not one newspaper has reported on the biggest deliberate medical killing in history.  Merry Christmas, to people still alive!

Chris witty as a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, for each individual vaccinated to death for non existent of Covid viral strain.  The most serious and psychopathic murder ever.

Covid cured no drugs

Covid booster illegal and fatal medicine

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of one application of High Intensity UltraSound, to clear the pressurise cells common to cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

So 1 minute of external e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to where it hurts will clear all 200 types of human cancer, with no drug or Dr. involvement.

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage IN

The drug companies went into massive panic!  During initially to RE focused on heart disease.  2012 medics published a 20 patient double blind trial, on HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys to clear coronary heart disease at one session.

Making the prescription of heart medication criminal medical malpractice.  As the cure is medically published, every registered Dr. Had to personally validate them: using an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit purchased from the Moffitt for $10,000.

An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, is as he infective and Co.s under five UK pounds.  The doctors who failed to use the new cancer science, the struck off in 2002.  All subsequent medical prescriptions are medical practice were criminal and illegal!

There is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath: the drug company is all voluntarily signed.  So every biochemical drug company on earth verified that HIUS cure a all human cancers in 1 minute.

The manufacture and sale or cancer drugs expelled the biochemical drug company totally from medicine.  Making all other biochemical drug patents void and valueless.  The drug companies could no longer borrow from banks legally to make payroll.

So they have resorted to borrowing money illegally!  On security of their share price - no set to zero!  Even criminals must have realized the drug company is has no value.  Their shares were worthless.

2012 my personal contact in New York used ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear his AIDs.  I have ensured that Bryce Johnson is aware of this medical science.

And Professor Chris witty was under the legal imperative to tell Boris Johnson the cancer and aids were both cures.  As was heart disease!

2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage over the pancreas, clear type two diabetes: I cleared the diabetes for my mother and stepfather.  Who mistakenly thought they had dieted the disease away in a day.  Dieting diabetes away takes three months.

That was all had medical knowledge from the 1980s!  My American diabetic friends told me that type one diabetes only remitted in three days.  2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS totally cleared type one diabetes instantly.

Those three diseases accounted for 100% of drug company and Dr. Profits.  2013 I validated personally that ½ minute of HIUS to each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.  All dementia cleared without drugs.

Drug companies had thought dementia would make up for loss of income from the cure of cancers.  But now the cancer cure also cures dementia.  The medical world has never commented on this!

You can buy the unit over the Internet, and clear the three major diseases of age as home.  Without even seeing a Dr..

2013 I also validated HIUS cleared of 30 viral and bacterial infections.  ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  The ultrasound causes the inflated cell types common to cancers plus infections, to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

No familiar to every registered Dr. On earth.  This personally validated that HIUS clears all cancers and infections are will ever exist.  Annie is under the legal imperative to cease prescribing biochemical treatments.  And use the affective and free HIUS.

Every Dr. Not using HIUS, strikes themselves off on their first defective biochemical prescription.  Then totally excluded from medicine!  All subsequent medical prescriptions illegal and uninsured.

Covid has been the regular human influence or since 1934.  When Covid34 star to causing the regular flu - the numbers of last two digits of the date.

So Covid19 only existed from the 1st of October, 2019, until the 31st of September, 2020.  When the Covid19 vaccination was only halfway three testing.  So obsolete and never licensed!

Always an illegal drug.  Copy this year are to your family GP.  If they have prescribed the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination just 1 time, they are struck off!  And remove them cells totally from medicine.

Each Covid vaccination warrants a legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds.  For each and every defective Covid vaccination.  That is a if the patient lived!  One in 200 died.  The next of kin get 10 million UK pounds.  The Dr. again struck off.  Receive a jail term of 25 years in high security prison, for multiple counts of first degree medical murder.

Murdered by their own health professionals!  For their amusement and profit.  Each and every Dr. Having personally validated HIUS clears all cancers and viruses.  And is cured it works for any bacterial infection as well.

So since 2002 cancer an infection medicine and defective.  All medical fees go back to the patient.  Along with the appropriate or legal fine.  Every Covid vaccination warrants a fine of 20,000 UK pounds minimal.

And the Dr. totally removed from medical practice.  No lawyer need be involved!  If the law firm gets involved, it is open and shut justice.  The law firm gets one million UK pounds for each medical action.

Resulting in the total removal of a psychopathic individual from all medical activity.  Also striking off the involved drug company, along with the health centre and hospitals.  Plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists.

Both moved totally from medical activity for ever!  The appropriate legal jail term is a matter for the lawyers.  Just one Covid vaccination, and more medical team and drug company struck off and.

Biochemistry has always prohibited research or application of a vaccination to the fast changing viral family is of Covid flu all the common cold.  As those virus is change too quickly - so the vaccination is automatically obsolete only part way through licensing.

So Boris Johnson PM has recently promoted the Covid booster jab: the new medical name for the Covid19 vaccination.  And remember Covid19 has not existed since the end of September 2020.

Tragically vaccinations intentionally kill one in 200 people.  Which is why they are reserved as the medicine of last resort.  Now HIUS cures all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of her patient's chest.

Chinese medics used this published medical science from December 2019 (why so late?) And the world health organisation declared Corona virus extinct by February 2020.

It had never penetrated the Wuhan quarantine in China.  Never in other countries around the world.  The world health organisation retracted the pandemic alert.

Corona had transpired to be a locally contained and cured viral epidemic.  But nobody was even listening to them!  The drug company is transfer the pandemic alert to Covid19, the regular flu from the next year.

But Covid kills 3.5% of infected individuals.  Below the 5% required for a pandemic.  So medically Covid never a pandemic.  And in a case all viruses are no cured by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

You might argue they cancer was the 20th century pandemic.  Killing 1/3 Duval world.  That was totally cleared by 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts.

So through the year of Covid20 drug company is promoted the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  Always an illegal medical intervention.  Needlessly killing one person in 200.

But having no affect on Covid20.  Indian and Bahrain had Covid outbreaks.  India cured 77,000 cases of Covid20 - the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

And now we're into the year of Covid21: totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

I cleared Covid19 November 2019.  Using the 8 Watts one MHZ unit.  I also cleared Covid20 & 21.  The drug world has being caught totally off balance.  Cancer plus from bacterial infections cured at home using an ultrasound massage device.

All biochemical treatments for cancers and infections are defective and criminal medical malpractice.  The vaccinating doctors and drug companies struck off!  I have ensure that Boris Johnson and the European Court of human rights are aware of this medical science, published 53 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre.

So promoting the Covid 'booster' is to promote pointless and fatal drugs!  The UK health minister Sajiv Javid has also been promoting fatal medicine.  Totally contrary to the doctor's professional Hippocratic oath.

And all the Covid vaccinating doctors have removed them cells there totally from medicine!  They have actually been struck off.  Not entitled to wages since 2002.  Never entitled to any pension ever.

The Dr. number crash he is more severe than 2018.  When the NHS basically ceased to operate.  It can never actually do no real useful medicine anyway. 

Clear wrinkles

Cancer,Covid and wrinkles cleared no Dr or drugs

This idea also fix is all organ damage.  As well as clearing cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  We use what the Americans term of High Intensity UltraSound device.

Am grateful to professor Z at Sheffield University.  For pointing out ultrasound NG liquid water did nuclear fusion.  As every lightening strike around the world demonstrates!

We have the turbulent descent of rain or snow particles in storms.  And they do nuclear fusion.  Professor Argent termed this molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E² so we get nuclear fusion with one metre of turbulence at four atmospheres.  The chaotic descent of rain or snow and gives us the required conditions.

So he can study this Energy System by drilling water droplets over a one metre descent, into the kidneys paddling pool.  But there isn't much easier method.

We get a potential of 5000 volts 100 amps, we get lightening!  The positive charge ions collected above the clouds layer.  The negative charge falls of electrons to the ground.

We get a lightening strike around the world every 3 minutes throughout the year.  Nature gets 10⁴⁰ W of energy from this Energy System around the earth.  We only get 10⁶⁰ W from direct solar radiation.

The lightening down strike discharges the electrical potential.  Setting up a 1.2 megawatts/m Energy System.  But then we get the twice as large energy discharge, as the steam plasma does molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²=2.4 MW of heat from a 50x1cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder at four atmospheres.

We use this to drive a steam turbine.  Which generates 1.2 MW our carbon neutral power.  This totally an eye eights the nuclear fiction of manmade climate change.

Interestingly enough, the construction of an 18 billion per hundred megawatt nuclear power plant, releases in two years the carbon equivalent amount from a commercial power plant or the carbon dioxide emissions in 25 years.

Since Chernobyl every operating nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion.  They find it cheaper to bribed the nuclear regulators!  The largest corporate crime in history.

And carry a criminally insufficient 50 million of annual insurance.  So nuclear power is 1/4 largest source of man made carbon emissions on the planet.  Very much not carbon zero!

By the garage scientist can set up an operating plasma power plant.  And over the weekend started generating 1.2 MW of mains electricity.  B steam turbine will come with the necessary electronics, to synchronise frequency and voltage with the mains supply.

The national grid will send us a check annually for six million UK pounds.  For all that lovely carbon neutral electricity.  The carbon free electrical power for 150 houses, or four medium sized businesses.

Businesses can use their maintenance engineers, to implement a 1m x2cm steam plasma Power System at four atmospheres.  And generate 9.6 MW of mains electricity.  Getting an annual check for 42 million from the national grid.

Their own power usage is almost insignificant!  Whatever else is really have no consequence.  42 million annual income.

So electricity with no carbon emissions!  But all scientists studying manmade climate change, have a head to buried deeply in the sand.  So will never acknowledged the development of carbon neutral electricity.

Conventional power plants can change over to 11 1m x2cm steam plasma is at four atmosphere.  And generate 100 MW of electrical power.  With no carbon emissions!

No oil or gas burn.  Basically free electrical power.  Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁴cc of regular water annually.  They will struggle to measure it!

And the ceased burning carbon fuels.  No more carbon emissions!  The carbon dioxide to nature: the limit to active life on earth, is available carbon dioxide sucked out of the air.

Leaving just the usual 2 Parts Per Million carbon dioxide in the afternoon air around the world.

Every year above the arctic ice, carbon dioxide levels double to 4 PPM.  Air temperature -50° C.  My thanks go to emeritus Professor Bernard Argent for this idea.

He have been screaming at other santis since 1986 and the year of Chernobyl, that plants suck Ian carbon dioxide to grow.  There that he NG afternoon carbon dioxide around the temperate earth to just 2 PPM.

There was no money to be made so this drove him to an early death in 2015.  The greatest scientific mind I have ever come across!  He was an emeritus professor.  Surely worth listing to!

Sheffield University have never published this science insight!  The total cure of the fictitious manmade global warming and climate change: just science fiction by the paid phones to nuclear power.  Again, the fourth biggest source of carbon dioxide from man's industries.

We can use x 25x1 cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, to release a constant 600 kW of heat.  From such a miniscule volume of water, we'll never measure it!

Link two a thermoelectric generator to freeze a constant 75 kW of electrical power.  The family hatchback only needs 8 kW of electrical power.  A small helicopter 45 kW.

So can fly between cities totally carbon neutral.  One car wash, we used immeasurably more water and fire in the car in its lifetime.  Totally carbon neutral!  No stop as a filling station ever.

So every house can cured totally carbon neutral.  Selling its excess current to the national grid.  Who will send us an annual check ingratitude for six million UK pounds.

The price of heat and power has crashed for ever!  Gas and oil burning are out of it.

To clear wrinkles, we use a medically licensed beauty device.  An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.

I applied externally will clear the stated cells from the body.  Clearing all wrinkles and limb damage.  External application will clear all cancers and organ damage.  The alder an inactive cells will be cleared away, new working cells will fight off intact stem cells.

So we rejuvenate the mind and body.  And clear away all wrinkles without a facelift!  The facelift they it sets off the society's scale scavenging by the immune system, so rejuvenating the skin.  But at massive cost!  And it is not safe surgery.

Application of the HIUS ultrasound device will clear all wrinkles.  Rejuvenating the body and clearing cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  Without any Dr. or drugs involvement.

Any Dr. Prescribing biochemical treatments for diseases of age above, is criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

So any surgeon has ever given a facelift are done cancer surgery, the struck off without legal question.  There is no legal challenge to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

And a every registered surgeon and Dr. Validated the effectiveness of HIUS clearing all cancers and the rest in 2002.  Doctors were then globally prohibited from the research or application of cancer drugs.

Heart disease and diabetes medication became equally criminal.  No biochemical research into dementia ever legal.  As all dementia already cleared physically.  Using one session of HIUS.  Enjoy!

To my contacts and friends in New York, see you soon.  In 2012 my New York friend used ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear AIDs: which turned out to to be just a weak virus.

Drs cured all cancers 2002

total 1 session cure

Doctors confirmed the Moffitt cancer centre report.  That 1 minute of high intensity ultrasound clears all cancers and viruses totally.  But it made them no money!

There was no lucrative repeat drug prescription required!  They are verify the paper using an 8 W 3 MHz unit.  ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections- again with no drug prescription involved.

My research area where they came up this idea 2001, was that the local application of high power ultrasound into liquid water sets off nuclear fusion.  A process that skills exponential he with liquid pressure.

Cancers plus viral and bacterial infections all require a non native inflated cell structure.  So the ultrasound passes through the body, causing all cancer all viral cells to boil and rupture.

Hence 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, medically proven to clear all cancers and infections.

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage IN

½ minute to the bottom right of the chest cleared the pressurise viral structure in the pancreas, causing diabetes!  This cures type two diabetes instantly.  Type one requires the fall minute - or only remits in three days.

1 minute externally to where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers out there.  As medically published and confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth 2002.

That year 20 million people died from cancers.  Suddenly they were all cured!  Yet today 1.6 million people around the world are being medicated to death the cancer drugs.

Though they are defective and criminal medicine!  But there may the Dr. and drug company so much.  Curing cancers removed 80% of the economic income of doctors and drug companies.

But neither had any choice!  Drug companies were compelled to stop the manufacture and sale of the no could defective cancer drugs.  An registered doctors were no more allowed to prescribe them.

Just one prescription or cancer drugs from 2002, and the Dr. lost both medical registration and Health Insurance.  There prescriptions then invalid and illegal!  There medical practice criminal.

By only doctors could have prescribed cancer drugs.  Only doctors are allowed to prescribe don't medicine.  And cancer drugs were granted until 2002.  Nurses are allowed to prescribe drugs out of patent protection.

But even nurses are constrained from the prescription of the obsolete an defective cancer drugs.  Or they are also are struck off!  An remove them cells from legal medical practice.  They are not even allowed to assist the most psychopathic individual illegally prescribing cancer drugs.  The former Dr. Is on their own.

There prescriptions are illegal and invalid.  No registered pharmacist can fill the drug orders!  Just as no nurse can hell with drug delivery.

So the former doctors are medicating at 1.6 million cancer patients to an needless an agonising expensive death.  All the time having the curative high us unit in the nursing office.  Validated to clear cancers and infections.

½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys, was confirmed by registered doctors to clear coronary heart disease at one session.  Also clearing Angina.

I've published my diabetes cure 2013.  And this was verified in use by other registered doctors around the world.  This year doctors were complaining that diabetes was suddenly cured.  It uses 5% of the income.  No it accounts for 40%.

The rest or medicine loses money!  And the cancers, heart disease and diabetes made money.  2013 I also validated ½ minute of HIUS to each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

There is no be any effective biochemical treatment for dementia.  Now a totally cured!  There no Dr. or drugs involvement.  If you cure your viral and bacterial infections, ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest, he never develop cancers, heart disease, diabetes or dementia.

Doctors are particularly annoyed, they spent four years trying to promote the mental health problems identified since the 1930s, as the big income or replacement now I cancers are cured.

But then the dementia cure response to the same idea as cancers.  Again involving no Dr. or drugs!  Drug company is and doctors are desperately trying to find in no other disease as an income source.

Already will be cleared by local application of HIUS or for 1 minute.  Doctors are not interested!  They want to prescribe repeat courses are fatal biochemistry.

Any individual with dementia, can purchase the ultrasound massage device over the Internet, and cures cells as home.  Doctors are not allowed to medicate the well!  So no drug prescription to avoid drug patients.  Of patients recover from heart disease and diabetes or dementia.

All viral and bacterial infections are cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  Which causes the pressurise cell structures common to all infections, to boil and rupture.

Just as ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears lung cancer, plus asthma.  Application externally to the stomach will clear food allergies.  Again caused by inflated viral structures on the heart.

Making inappropriate Interleukin 2.  That also causes MS and arthritis.  So what are it is also cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to the affected joints.  The interleukin causes the inappropriate excretion of chemokines - causing tissues UK inflamed and sore.

Giving a biochemical drip of Interleukin 4 water target the viral rump structure causing these conditions, which are then be totally cleared from the body.

Using ultrasound unit - cheaper and simpler.  Requiring no Dr. or drugs.

I lost my second wife to MS.  Just as I was finding out how to clear the disease!  They also lost my father to Bio chemistry prescribed by his Dr. for cancer.

Idea clear the type two diabetes for my mother and stepfather: I cured them without telling them what I was doing!  They decide they have suddenly had it is the diabetes away, in a day.

Dieting away diabetes type two requires the adoption of a stone age diet for three months.  Most people can't manage!

So then we get to Covid flu.  Causing human influenza since 1934.  A new version every 1st of October.  When any unethical vaccination is only halfway through drug trials, when obsolete!

So the Covid19 vaccination entered trials in 2019 - obviously.  The number is the last two digits of the year.  So was obsolete 1st of October, 2020.  So never even entered human drug trials.  Always illegal medicine.

As every registered Dr. On earth was aware!  Never a legal human drug.  Just one prescription of the illegal Covid19 vaccination sore the Dr. struck off - probably again.  As a former Dr. Would have continued with the illegal prescription of cancer drugs since 2002.

So the Covid vaccination programme began January 2021.  When the Covid19 virus no longer existed.  There were no remote pockets!  The whole world was by definition on Covid20 1st of October, 2020.  Reflecting the four genetic changes to the Covid flu virus in the previous year.

Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, totally unresponsive to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: never a legal drug!  Striking off the prescribing Dr. and the drug company.  Plus a hospital and health centre.

Now we are on the year of Covid21, but drug companies are still have to engineering courses of the Covid19 vaccination to Covid off.  Though there were compelled by their Hippocratic oath signing, to destroyed and never cell or manufacture defective drugs ever.

And no registered Dr. Around the world ever allowed to prescribe the Covid19 vaccination months.  This story is not been covered in any newspaper!  The most important news in history.

The continuing prescription of cancer drugs since 2002, on itself is killed 200,000,000 people.  A legal fine of 200 trillion.  Striking off every involved Dr. and drug company.

The illegal Covid vaccination programme, has affected 3.5 billion people around the planet.  So killed in excess of 17 million of them.  Healthy an innocent individuals, sacrifice by psychopathic murderers for the financial gain and drug company is and the former doctors.

So ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear Covid flu and the common cold.  All strains totally cured!  Medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured infection.

It is also are totally prohibited research or application of a vaccination to a fast changing viral line like Covid flu all the common cold.  Both diseases now totally cured!  85,000 in human lives saved annually around the world.

The Covid vaccination programme has intentionally executed 17 million people.  The worst medicine in history!  Striking off every involved Dr. and drug company.

The drug company is losing all other biochemical drug patents.  Which are then outside legal medical prescription: presume the UK had to find a legal registered Dr. Around the world.

Struck off doctors cannot prescribe anything!