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make deserts bloom |
In the days of the Roman empire Saudi Arabia said Rome. The Sahra deserts was a grain facet of the Roman empire. It and every defied in the little ice age, due to man's makes management of the area!
Now Saudi Arabia has been wrecked due to or oil extraction! Or oil prices recently have crashed. As people have realized that are steam plasma is a far better Energy System. Or oil or gas burning only releases 45 kW/m of burners.
1 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²= 2.4 MW/m our carbon zero heat.
The plasma breaks the water molecules apart into positive ions and free electrons.
2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+3e⁻ this is physics! High school physics. Which are started as an 18 year old.
So we get a chaotic missed of atomic nuclei and electrons. And just occasionally the hydrogen ions and electrons collide. They do not annihilate. Positrons and electrons would do. They bond to form the composite particle of a neutron.
A hydrogen ion is a proton bonded to one or more neutrons - usually one/
3 H⁺+e⁻→n⁰+X-ray
Every physicist student electric has just started paying attention! This is a non nuclear source of neutrons. They all plasma had it does not utilised or produce any radioactive isotopes.
An main energy release comes as a hydrogen ion bonds with to neutrons. To form tritium. Return undergoes nuclear fission almost instantly.
4 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰→2(E²+L+x-ray) About 2.4 MW/m results
Tritium has a half-life of 12.5 years against β-decay. But that is without a higher levels of X ray radiation buzzing around.
Here the half-life of tritium is measured in hundredths of a second.
Me while the oxygen positive ions, bond with four neutrons, to end up as four a hydrogen ions and free electrons.
5 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3e⁻ professor Z would give me grief, if my equations did not balance.
So then we get 4. So much of the nuclear fission of hydrogen ions and electrons into heat light and X rays. Totally carbon zero heat! We've had twice the dynamism of lightning. That does molecular nuclear fusion.
6 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+E²+L+X-ray E²=2.5 MW from of 1.5 x 2cm pressurise steam plasma. Set up by heavy rain or snow also do molecular nuclear fusion.
So there is a lightening strike every 3 minutes throughout the year somewhere around the earth. Which is nature doing molecular nuclear fusion in earth's atmosphere. Involving no toxic radioactive materials. Converting regular water into helium and oxygen ions, plus we've heavy rain or snow we get no visible light, but we do get X-ray radiation.
So continuously all around the earth throughout the year, nature is doing nuclear fusion in the air. The idea was suggested to me by professor Z, who lost all interest in researching the subject where nuclear power purchased the chair of engineering for him.
His uncle helped devise cold fusion at Columbia University. Where the turbulent flow of high pressure water or steam, does molecular nuclear fusion! 6. It seems so obvious really - then pointed out to you.
So in an enclosed cylinder we do 4. And her or the matter into heat light and X rays. Totally carbon zero heat. Without any radioactive waste!
Present uranium nuclear power insist on using uranium fission rods, to drive a steam cycle. Which does molecular nuclear fusion! How to get out more heat than E=mc² - as the molecular nuclear fusion are doing is 80 times as dynamic as uranium nuclear fission.
And by firing up a plasma, we ask eight the need to have any fossil fuel burn on any hyper toxic nuclear fission from uranium.
Uranium nuclear power is so toxic, every nuclear power plant know requires 100 billion of annual insurance, for 100 MW are generated power. They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million.
So every nuclear power plant in the world is running criminally under insured. And the United Nations has the legal imperative to shut down every operating nuclear power plant. And not be distracted by holding annual conference is into carbon dioxide!
Plants on land and sea converts extra carbon dioxide into additional plant biomass within 5 minutes during the day. Capping carbon dioxide levels in the temperate air at a Prix industrial two parts per million.
Above the arctic ice In winter there is no photosynthesis. So we have 4 PPM carbon dioxide in the air, attempt to -50° C. Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas! These levels reflect the photosynthesis going on locally.
It does not make it to the stratosphere. Where our weather is made. Where the controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles. Solar weather has been warming since 1995: hence nuclear power started promoting the meaningless manmade climate change! Cover for natural global cooling.
The natural climate will stop warming again next year! So all the academics all dust off their papers into manmade global warming. Ignoring the 28 year period of global cooling we have all lived through.
A plasma power plant requires no impossible insurance cover. And they can be utilised by the garage scientist.
A 50x1cm steam plasma at four atmospheres, releases a constant 2.4 MW of heat. A commercially sourced steam turbine will convert into 1.2 MW of carbon zero mains electricity. We synchronise our AC with the mains voltage frequency and phase. So we can sell our excess current to the grid.
Every house requiring under 8 kW of electrical current. So we get a check from the national grid for six million UK pounds. For all our lovely carbon zero current.
To drive a car or can utilised a 25cm steam plasma are four atmospheres. Which will release a constant 600 kW of carbon zero heat.
We drive a thermoelectric generator, and get out 75 kW of DC Power. So free use an infinite range electric car. That never needs any back to charging: man made CH the Ford Motor company and BMW, who utilised the 1930s technology of the thermoelectric generator, to free use a carbon zero power.
At 100 MW power station we utilised just 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water a year. We calculated this number, as though he set up the system 2008, they could not measure any water usage. It is a very very tiny.
I car utilises 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water a year to be on the road constantly! Your vertically never measure it in a 1000 lifetimes.
So totally carbon zero power generation and car locomotion. Utilising no fossil fuel burn and definitely no hyper toxic and uninsurable uranium nuclear power.
The late professor Argent got me back to Sheffield doing a PH D work, despite suffering 30% brain damage in a car accident. As I a pointed out the insurance problem with uranium nuclear power, in my Systems Engineering essay 1983.
Three years before Chernobyl! After which the required insurance rose to be 40 billion. 90% of the safety recommendations were never implemented. Like a backup water cooling system.
Who owns an earthquake caused Fukushima in Japan. The required insurance there and became 100 billion.
So I suffered from the curse of Casandra - to see into the future of but never to be believed. Professor Argent died 2015. Frustrated by other academics would not take in C a C and a daughter photosynthesis eating carbon dioxide.
He had a different Greek curse.
Parrhesia - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Parrhesia
In rhetoric, parrhesia is a figure of speech described as "speak[ing] candidly or ... ask[ing] forgiveness for so speaking". This Ancient Greek word has ...
τα φυτά τρώνε διοξείδιο του άνθρακα
To where the Sahara we use high school physics. We erect solar panels snorkelling water out of the Red sea. As we apply just 1m of vacuum the water loses all salts, heavy metals and contaminants.
It is 1000 times easier to pump and liquid water. So you spread of pure water missed at the ages of the Sahra Desert. And we cite the thin grass maps impregnated with grass seed.
The grass sprouts, sucking carbon dioxide as the air. But already the plants in the sea there free carbon dioxide to the temperate limit of two PPM.
We forest over what is now at desert. And also plant a tree seedlings in soil boils. They sure we regularly fertilise the growing grass lands.
Thus ensuring Saudi Arabia all the carbon negative. Sucking in more carbon dioxide from the air, than burning oil releases around the world! Which after all is all we can ask for.
For what was once the major oil supplier in the world, to the carbon negative. Week in use the same idea Mexico, to turn the Mexican Desert back into lash arable areas.
Exit key are now produces more oil than surgery Arabia. And again turning the deserts into lash Savannah will make Mexico go carbon negative.
But really manmade global warming climate change, were only ever biologically stupid science fiction from the paid phones to nuclear power. But nuclear power bills its plants using loads and loads of concrete.
Releasing the two years the power plant construction, the Covent carbon emissions from a commercially fired power plant, over 25 years. After 25 years the nuclear plant is decommissioned.
And I reiterate, now or nuclear power is privatized, it's plant is responsible for its own hundred billion of annual insurance cover. There is no insurance available above one billion!
So all nuclear power in the world is operating criminally under insured. And so massively hyper toxic!
Plasma power will cost under 0.5 P per kilowatt hour. Hyper toxic nuclear power cast over two P per kilowatt hour. So a plasma power is fantastically inexpensive and totally safe.
And the garage santis can set up a plasma power plant, in his back garden, and free use a carbon zero electricity for 60 houses. They get an annual income of three million UK pounds for all these excess carbon zero current.
And it is 1950s technology! We borrow the electronics from old fluorescent light, to start the plasma off. Which self sustains at just four atmospheres.
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