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Covid cured 2002 |
Boris Johnson has said it would be “irresponsible” to rule out further lockdowns if more deadly coronavirus variants emerge.
The world health organisation declared Corona virus extinct February 2020. The Covid 19 flu virus, was the next year after Corona virus! No direct link.
The drug company is why didn't he said a Covid19 was a type of Corona virus. Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 - the previous year's flu virus.
I cured my own Covid flu November 2019 - when we were on the year of Covid19. I used the medically published High Intensity UltraSound: ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of my chest.
This is the standard cancer and viral cure. It cures all 200 types of human cancer in 1 minute of external ultrasound. The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only halfway three drug testing - so never a legal human drug.
So every vaccinating Dr. and their respective drug company is struck off and expelled from medicine totally for ever. All through the year of Covid20 drug companies wanted to apply the ineffective and pointless Covid 19 vaccination. Which I have no medical value at all!
Intentionally killing one individual in 200: the patient's being medically executed by their pathological murderous Dr.. He was so struck off! 25 years in high security prison and a 10,000,000 UK pound fine, for every patient medically murdered.
India cured for 12,000 people of Covid20. 1 minute of HIUS each side the chest. The drug company is do not want to acknowledge this best medicine! Which evening cure to AIDs 2012: though most pernicious viral infection in history.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
So the inflated cell types common to all cancers, blown away in 1 minute. All 200 types of human cancer it cures. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears all viral and bacterial infections.
Antibiotic tolerance irrelevant! All bacterial infections cures. Also all viral infections like the common cold all Covid flu: the drug companies have no cured to Covid - it does not matter!
Every registered Dr. personally validated the effectiveness of HIUS clearing all infective disease. Without drugs! The Covid19 vaccination was always illegal medicine: no registered Dr. Ever allowed to research a Covid vaccination, all apply obsolete an unlicensed drugs.
The drug companies are lining up to applying the Covid19 vaccination two patience of Covi21. Which will have a zero medical effectiveness! 1 minute of HIUS clearing all viral infections such a is Covid flu all the common cold. As well as HIV AIDs.
Astra Zeneca are desperate to find a drug requirement now I cancers are cured without drugs. A vaccination for Covid flu has been medically prohibited since 1934 - when Covid34 started causing the regular human influenza.
Every year on the 1st of October we are on a new Covid flu strain. 1 minute of HIUS to the chest is proven best medicine to clear all viral and bacterial infections. A vaccination to a fast changing viral lines like Covid flu all the common cold, is medically prohibited! By the doctors Hippocratic oath - the drug company is voluntarily sign.
So all Covid flu are cured by 1 minute of HIUS to the chest. Personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth, who bought and validated the HIUS device totally clearing all human cancers in 1 minute.
So all Covid flu cured! And were on the year of Covid21, by going Covid22 on the 1st of October. Giving the Covid 19 vaccination was the most lethal medicine in history.
3.5 billion injections given, A predictable 17 million healthy an innocent patients vaccinated to death. 1/4 fatalities from world war two. But utterly no medical gain! Only giving profits to the psychopathic Dr. and drug company.
Who are involved Maurice Johnson in this killing spree! The Covid vaccination medically prohibited. No drug company or Dr. and murder ever to research a Covid vaccination.
As drug company is are legally required to tell any interested party when asked. Each vaccinating Dr. Struck off. Hence the present Dr. Number crash, worse than in 2018: when the energy is basically ceased to function!
Each Dr. Giving a cancer drug prescriptions since 2002 struck off. An expel totally from legal medicine. Never to return! They must repay all wages paid to them incorrectly since the Moffitt Paper was published.
They have lost medical registration and Health Insurance. Just one Covid vaccination and the Dr. and drug company family expelled from medicine for ever.
Boris Johnson can't give vaccinations! And neither can the individuals who have ever given A prescription for cancer drugs or a Covid vaccination. The assisting nurses and pharmacists also struck off.
Remove them cells totally from medicine for ever.
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