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all diabetes cured at home |
½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the lower right of the rib cage of the pancreas, clears type two diabetes. Type one is caused by a slightly different viral structure, that is cleared by 1 minute of this High Intensity UltraSound to the lower right of the rib cage.
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I found out by chance, using the ultrasound massage device as medically demonstrated 2002 to clear all cancers without any drugs or Dr. involvement. Drug company is and doctors have tried to keep this news quiet!
That was medically published by 3 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre 2002. So resulting me was validated by every registered Dr. On earth.
1 minute of HIUS to where the cancer hurts, will clear all 200 cancers out there. There review articles in the daily express, but really nothing for 17 years!
The biggest advance in human health ever. Suppress for naked profits of drug company is and doctors. And every Dr. Is pledged to use best medicine. As personally confirmed that HIUS is best medicine to clear the inflated cell structures, common to cancer and diabetes.
½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all inflated structures - so all viral and bacterial infections: 2012 it cleared AIDs in New York! Today he will clear all Covid flu strains.
This remains a repeat Covid lock downs are illegal medicine! As you breathe HIUS Singapore is experiencing yet another a lock down! To stop the spread of Covid19.
The influenza strain that existed from the 1st of October 2019, and by medical definition was extinct 31st of September, 2020.
So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only halfway through drug testing! So never a licensed human drug. Any individual giving a Covid vaccination, the struck off as a Dr.!
The vaccination itself killing one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals. In direct contravention to human rights walls all around the world. 1 minute of HIUS to the chest clearing all Covid flu strains.
And we're on the year of Covid21. That automatically becomes Covid22 on the 1st of October. Already cured! The Covid19 vaccine did not work even against Covid20.
India had an outbreak of 77,000 people in the year of Covid20. Totally irrespective1 of an individual's Covid19 vaccination. Just as medically expected! Every 1st of October we have a new Covid strain.
Since 1934, when influenza was first caused by Covid34. But due to the Moffitt Paper 2002, all inflated cell structures cleared by 1 minute of HIUS.
It even cured AIDs 2012 borrow contact in New York: so Sheffield University help me devise the cure to AIDs! Which was the cures all cancers and viruses. Curing all infections are will ever exist.
So all bacterial infections also cured without drugs 2002. Any individual prescribed infection medication, the subject of potentially fatal medical malpractice.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company. The queen has just got back from Covid21. Hopefully any nurse are applying ½ minute of 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound to either side the chest. From the device licensed to cure all cancers!
So all doctors validated HIUS, but now all feeble can use an 8 W one MHZ unit at home, and cure all infections.
And as global trade and travel increases, so does the international spread of disease - and so does the economic impact of outbreaks. According to World Bank estimates, the annual global cost of moderately severe to severe pandemics is roughly $570 billion, or 0.7% of global income.17 May 2018
The saving to the world from the cure to cancers saving the world somewhere around 200 trillion a year: more than the worth of the planet! The total why you are the planet is 138 trillion, but he is constantly circulating world economies 365 days a year!
The cast of curing diabetes is around 103 trillion. The last real pandemic was the black death in a 17th century: though cancers and the 20 a century might also be classed as a pandemic.
The regular influence or is not fatal enough! Killing 3.5% of infected people. Below the 5% to qualify as a pandemic.
So all Covid strains cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. As home. No Dr. or drugs involved! Covid19 has not existed in the universe for over two years.
Giving just one Covid vaccination in history strikes off the Dr. and involved drug company. So diabetes totally cured. You would have thought that global newspapers might have had a few headlines about this.
The advertising budgets are the drug company is have bought their total silence! Sentencing global citizens to an unnecessary an unpleasant death. Diabetes is cured!
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