one person in 2001 - the medically accepted death rate for any vaccination. But as I keep finding out, the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed. Never a legal human drug!
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Covid vacc killed 17 million. Saved not 1 life |
The income and the whole medical sector was detonated as cancers are cured using High Intensity UltraSound 2002: for which reason the drug company is personally validated the effectiveness of HIUS, but carried on with the manufacture and sale of the defective cancer drugs that use to kill 1/3 of the developed world,
They realised the need a global epidemic - a pandemic like the black death in the 15th century rasher. So the pressurised the world health organisation, to declare the SARs viral outbreak in 2003 he pandemic.
Then Chinese medics applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz to each side of the chest of Corona viral patients, and they all got better! Without Corona ever escaping the Wuhan quarantine.
But the drug companies are not going to lead a good pandemic vanish! They declare that the regular flu for 2019, Covid19 was something us sort of corona virus. There after it had never escaped Wuhan in China! Covid19 was the regular seasonal flu all over the world.
I cleared my own Covid19 November 2019, using ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest. The medicine personally validated by every registered Dr. On earth!
Covid has been killing since 1934, we've Covid34 - the number is the last two digits of the date. At below pandemic levels! By the standard medical definition never a pandemic.
The drug company is illegal this. They decided the local will vaccination was required - which are paid money to all the pharmacists. Who have been decimated as cancer drugs had vanished! Their main source of income.
So in 2020 the Covid19 vaccination raised 640 billion: the year after that viral strain existed! The world was on Covid29.
We are now on the year of Covid21 - definitely no reaction to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid 19 vaccination. It all the pharmacist had rays massive money from! As other doctors.
For absolutely no medical gain! Covid19 having cease to exist a year earlier. And no registered Dr. Was allowed to prescribe the obsolete an unlicensed medication. Are they are struck off! Along with the involved drug company like Astra Zeneca.
And pharmacists are not allowed to dispense unlicensed an obsolete medication. Or they are also are struck off and partly expelled from medicine.
Globally 3.5 billion feeble vaccinated, 17 million killed! Surely the most serious and stacking headline in history. Not report them by one newspaper!
Within the UK 2.5 million vaccinations given - 45,000 people vaccinated deliberately to death. Not one person died from Covid19 - as that flu strain no longer existed! Doctors intentionally vaccinated healthy people to an needless death for their own profit and amusement.
And the assisting pharmacist and nurses are constrained by the nightingale pledge: they are not allowed to dispense or apply obsolete an defective medicine. And there is no legal challenge to the nightingale pledge.
Every pharmacist or nurse involved struck off. The doctors each receiving a 25 year jail term for each patient death. They legal fine of 10 million UK pounds. A total fine of 800 billion per family Dr.!
Smiling as intentionally executed their patients for money and amusement. That is a most serious psychopathic mass murderer in history.
And a every registered pharmacists was totally aware the Covid 19 no longer existed! And medicine has always strictly prohibited a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold. As those viral family is changed too quickly!
The vaccination obsolete before licensed. And every involved nurse was also constrained by the nightingale pledge. Which is named after Florence Nightingale!
They are not allowed to apply he defective medication to patients. And each was totally aware that the Covid 19 vaccination, was obsolete and never licensed.
There are people we trust nurse in the world, turned mass killers for money! Pharmacist or save them cells from bankruptcy, by dispensing there drugs that it killed 45,000 UK residents.
The saddest deliberate medical killing in history! ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied to each side the chest for ½ minute, clears all viral and bacterial infections.
As well as curing all cancers! Medically published 2002. Since when medics have medicated 200 million global cancer patients to an needless death. Again for their own financial gain and amusement!
This idea will also clear bacterial infections. Making the prescription of fungal antibiotics are defective and criminal medical malpractice. And he will cure all viral infections included AIDs.
The common cold and Covid flu are nothing in comparison!
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