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gas is free to nake |
Engineers can produce artificial natural gas, by a hydrogenating carbon dioxide: the subject of a 1912 noble prize! For the French scientist Sebatier.
If we add hydrogen to carbon dioxide, and he tipped over 380° C, the hydrogens replacing oxygen!
1 CO₂+4H₂+T+(Al)→CH₄+2H₂O+(Al) The aluminium is a catalyst. Into any face centred metal would do. But aluminium is so cheap!
We are used to methane, natural gas, burning in the presence of oxygen. But there tends not to be a hydrogen gas in earth's air.
We start off by producing carbon neutral electricity. Using a steam plasma. Hear my experiments were confirmed by my U.S. contact. My PH D supervisor at Sheffield University, was not even interested in nuclear fusion anymore! Making money from the fictitious research into the climate. Funded by uranium nuclear power.
The steam plasma breaks or water molecules apart into positive ions and free electrons.
2 H₂O+PL→2H⁺+O⁺+e⁻
Now at physics got involved! They have published loads of paper about the recombination of hydrogen ions and electrons, forming neutrons. Positrons and electrons would annihilate, protons and electrons bond together to form neutrons. A a hydrogen ion is a proton bonded to one or more neutrons.
3 P⁺.n⁰+e⁻→2n⁰ obviously if the hydrogen is deuterium, we get off three neutrons.
Four neutrons bond with the oxygen ions, to cause repeated nuclear fission and till we are left with four hydrogen ions and three electrons. The process is exothermic, as edition of neutrons enriches the isotopes, an induces nuclear fission into smaller atomic weights.
4 ⁱ⁶O⁺+4n⁰→4H⁺+3⁻+E almost obvious!
Are big energy release cancer as the had two neutrons two that hydrogen ions, to form tritium. Which undergoes nuclear fission into massive heat light and X rays. With no radioactive waste!
5 ⁱH⁺+2n⁰+e⁻→2E²+L+X-ray
We've had twice the energy release of molecular nuclear fusion. Where half the energy is consumed by the production of helium and oxygen ions. Here all the mass ends up as massive heat light and X rays.
Around the world every 3 minutes there is a lightening strike. That produces 5 tonnes of helium.
6 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+L+X-ray so the turbulence of heavy rain or snow in a storm, converts some other water molecules into helium and oxygen ions. By the usual massive heat light and X rays!
But as polish documents detail at five tonnes of helium is produced, we can use E=mc². And we find that the 1.5 KM x 2cm the lightening volts emits 1.2 MW/cm/m.
So this tells us that 5 produces 2.4 MW/m of heat from a 50x1cm steam plasma. My old PH D supervisor at Sheffield University showed no interest in any practical confirmation. So he fell to my American friend on benefits. Who after a month's nagging gave me some hard data.
He found that a 30x1.5cm steam plasma produce a constant 1 MW of heat. With no radioactive waste!
7 H₂O+PL→1 megawatts of heat with light and lower power X rays.
Utilising just 3x10⁻ⁱ⁶cc of regular water for a projected year! OK, we're not practically confirmed this data yet. So no 50,000 l of natural gas! Just carbon neutral heat.
We use either boiler room free steam turbine, and produce superheated steam at 800° C 8 atmospheres pressure. And we produce 58 kilowatts of free electricity. We convert into mains linked AC for convenience.
So a totally carbon neutral power production system! But any reason or engineer laboratory can set up in the lunch hour! And then generate 1.5 million UK pounds are free electricity, every year. Totally carbon neutral!
Not involving any fossil fuel burn, and deftly no radioactive isotopes involved! Free clean and safe electricity. My thanks to professor Z for a source on molecular nuclear fusion. Yeah suppose he told me he does not want any credit! Rest assured no credit given.
So can just run 16 houses or to medium sized businesses from this free carbon neutral electricity. That people may you still want artificial natural gas! I do not know why.
We have used some the free electricity to run a car no refrigeration cycle, to condense carbon dioxide as the air at -28° C. And there is so much carbon dioxide in the city air!
We do the electrolysis of water to form two streams, although hydrogen one of oxygen. We chill the oxygen to be liquid oxygen. Which has highly commercial value!
We hours the carbon dioxide to a hydrogen gas. And heat it to 400° C! We pass over an aluminium helix. Which capitalises the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide.
So the at the gases are unreality carbon dioxide and hydrogen, which we loop around, plus a water and methane. We chill of the water. And then call the methane, to either create natural/artificial gas.
Always side and we have a nearly free source of natural gas. That does not defend on drilling a deep mine, and piping the methane across a continent.
Formed from the regular air over the city. The methane only plants in the presence of oxygen, under pressure.
8 CH₄+P+3O₂+spark→CO₂+2H₂O+E²+X-ray
So burning natural gas produces heat, and X rays! As well as life enhancing carbon dioxide. Converted by green plants during the day he over the temperate land and sea, into plant biomass.
Extra plant life leads inevitably to more oxygen production, and animals the breathe in the oxygen in heat the plant biomass. Plants and animals are in a dynamic balance! Oxygen is the gas of life.
Which means around the temperate earth carbon dioxide in the afternoon air is omitted as a global average of just two parts per million.
Above the polar ice In winter, we have four PPM carbon dioxide, air temperature -50° C. Carbon dioxide is so obviously not a warming gas! It just supports biological life on earth.
So now small and medium engineering firms, can make nearly cost free E artificial natural gas. Which masterly undercuts fossil fuel natural gas. And is a carbon neutral fuel!
As it sucks carbon dioxide as the air when it is formed, an only releases the same gas when it is burnt at higher pressure.
Physics made up man made global warming climate change - in total ignorance of biology is carbon cycle. Carbon dioxide past life on earth! The levels in the free air track the wax and wane of plant growth.
Which in turn followers predictable solar emission cycles. The climate has been cooling since 1995 - hence even nuclear power stepped away from manmade global warming.
All the planets in inner solar system have been cooling ever since. They will stop warming again next year! Expect all the academics to dust off their papers from 28 years ago, on manmade global warming. Still was forced to day as a word when written.
Carbon dioxide tracks the natural weather. Which tracks plant growth. Which tracks predictable solar emission cycles. Carbon dioxide does not make the weather! That is stupid science fiction invented by physics for nuclear power.
Ironically nuclear power uses a fossil fuel burn on limestone, to produce the concrete for uranium power plant construction. Releasing in just two years, the Covent carbon dioxide emissions from a conventional power generation, in 25.
And then the nuclear power plant is demolished! But since Fukushima every operating nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 100 billion, for 100 MW are produced power.
They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million. The United Nations those has the legal imperative to shut down every nuclear power plant on earth - operating with criminally insufficient insurance.
But now or engineering firms can produce artificial gas! Which can be used in place of fossil fuel natural gas. And due to the wonders of thermodynamic, the gas burners and or increase pressure releasing heat and X rays.
And artificial gas is a carbon neutral fuel. Very nearly cost free!
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