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Covid medical name for flu |
And the flu is no cured! The big medical advance came 2002, when the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated cells common to cancer and viruses. Shared with have bacterial infections! Regular body cells are more placid them are unaffected by HIUS.
The Moffitt cancer centre could not explain why it worked. I was working on ultrasound setting off nuclear fusion at Sheffield University. So the HIUS is causing water molecules to form helium and oxygen gases, with massive heat.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E² so we see why the pressurise cell nature of cancer and viruses is so crucial.
The HIUS causes the cancer all viral infected cells, to experience cell content boiling. And fragment! Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear that dangerous exploding cell type throughout the body.
1 minute of HIUS externally to where it hurts, clearing all 200 types of cancer 20 years ago! This made the manufacture and sale or cancer drugs criminal. Striking off the biochemical drug company and the prescribing Dr..
Astra Zeneca lost 90% of its income. So desperately tried to refocus on curing influenza. That influenza and the common cold change too quickly, so any vaccination is obsolete an under halfway through testing.
So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete one were already on the year of Covid20. Indian Bahrain had demonstrated that the Covid19 vaccination is medically inert against Covid20.
And Covid19 no longer exists! So the vaccination was never licensed before being obsolete. Never a legal human drug! So just one Covid vaccination and the Dr. and drug company both struck off.
To email your Dr.. Who was told that the Covid vaccination was medically illegal in the first year of a medical degree. Just one Covid vaccination and the doctors struck off! Are you a fine of 20,000 UK pounds to surviving vaccination victims.
The doctors insurance payout 10 million UK pounds, to and exit key and of the wind 200 patients intentionally vaccinated to death. Your smiling Dr. the most psychopathic mass murdering bastards is ever lived.
They knew they were killing one in 200 people for no medical reason! The flu virus was on to Covid20. Covid is just the medical name for the regular human flu! There is no difference. The medical documents trying to chronicle the difference between the two are biological rubbish.
Covid is just the medical name for the flu family. And now we're on to Covid21: training to Covid22 the 1st of October, 2022. So the Covid19 vaccination programme only started January 2021. Five through the year of Covid20.
So the spurious locked down is an Covid19 vaccinations saved not one life. The flu has evolved to circumvent quarantines. Totally unaffected by the socially destructive spurious lock downs.
And Shanghai is being locked down! To stop the spread of a Covid19 viruses is not existed for two years. But China has already validated the cancer and viral cure.
It applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side the chest of Corona patients. Unless 44,000 cases are Corona virus on earth were cured. And this works for all viruses are will ever exist.
2012 my personal contact in New York use it to clear AIDs. He have been HIV⁺, but in 1 minute was totally cured of the week viral infection. We shared the technique freely on the Internet, and all AIDs cases where cured.
There doctors illegally continued prescribing AIDs treatments until 2018. Though they had the validated HIUS unit, to clear all cancers and viruses.
So all flu/Covid21 is automatically cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Locked down is have absolutely no effect!
Medics are using them to try and induce people to submit themselves to Covid19 vaccination. Which will kill one in 200 for no reason! As to on the year of Covid21.
And no registered Dr. Is allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed medicines. And the Covid19 vaccination is automatically obsolete only part way through drug testing. Never a licensed human drug!
Any Covid vaccination strikes off the Dr. and drug company, and surviving patients get 20,000 UK pounds for each vaccination. The next of key and get 10 million UK pounds, for a vaccination murders.
And we're not talking about accidental killing! We are talking about intentional and deliberate mass murderer. The vaccinating doctors so obviously struck off and ejected from medicine for ever.
To ensure you Email your GP! Get your 20,000 UK pounds. I am sure the mass killer is removed from medicine.
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