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cancers curedd 2002 AIDs 2012 |
The three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre who published the idea of using High Intensity UltraSound as a one session total cure to all cancers were awarded the noble prize only in 2015 - 13 years after their initial paper!
1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound I applied to where it hurts totally clears all 200 types of human cancer: the Moffitt used 8 W 3 MHZ - stop as the patient reports warming,
In 2012 a guy in New York red my a paper on HIUS and AIDs I have written 2008. I advised him to used an 8 Watts one MHZ unit - cheaper than the 150 W 40 kHz unit I recommended 2008.
My PH D at Sheffield University have been mysteriously ended, so a lawyer accountant could take over control of my finances for life. Although this is a I have suffered a severe car accident 1988.
I have personally found that the same ultrasound unit applied externally to the skull also are fixed traumatic head injuries like mine: Sheffield University was sat this surprised me saw me 2005, as I have fixed my air and 30% brain damage.
So medicine pressure so they can not fixed cancers! Though the 2002 was a medically supervised hundred per cent double blind trial, showing a 100% cancer cure rate. 1 minute of the HIUS device. Cleared all cancers! Including pet and animal cancers - I just had time for body size.
We are looking at an seconds for cat or dog cancers. Though large dogs require a longer time!
My PH D was within Chemical Engineering, so when I tell them about the AIDs cure 2012, they never passed on the information to the medics. After all I have suffered 30% brain damage in 1988. Now mended! Ultrasound will fix head or spinal injuries. It would have fixed Christopher Rede - superman.
2013 I found that ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest mended type two diabetes. 2016 I confirmed the experience of my American diabetic contacts, that the full minute was required for type one diabetes - or a only remitted in three days.
Again medicine had no interest in disease cures! And chose not to believe the postings are master of engineering. Talking about medicine! Medicine prohibits prescription of disease treatments for already cured diseases.
So the 200 million people who died from cancers since 2002, warrants a fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and the involved doctors and nurses struck off. The doctors receiving a 25 year jail term for each patient death.
The total fine is us 2000 trillion! The world is only worth 138 trillion.
My postings were being read, as in 2012 medics published ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys to clear coronary heart disease. I did not know about the kidneys and secondary coronary heart disease.
So from 2012 the prescription of heart medication became criminal and defective medicine. Again and the doctors the struck off! Along with the drug company, pharmacists and assisting nurses.
Even today at 1.6 million people are being medicated to death by cancers. Just 1 minute of the ultrasound from the HIUS device bought and validated by every registered Dr. On earth, would clear all types of cancer.
2012 and the world so all the extinction of AIDs. Medics are still frantically researching the area, even for setting the know alls full types of AIDs. Though the eight virus was cured totally 20 years ago.
My Kent and were now wishes to retire. And more ceased to sign over my affairs to his firm, so they can go on charging money to organize nothing in my life! No Medical care - they even took away the car they your time for me away from my PH D in Sheffield. Since 2005 I have been back on foot and taxi.
2013 I validated that ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia: it would appear and somebody is reading my blogs!
I cured a three people all dementia in my church health group, and never saw lamb again! So MS totally cured. Last girlfriend had died without condition! Cured in 1 minute. For five UK pounds.
Again and medicine has no interest in cures! Which can be irmed safely at home - using a medically licensed ultrasound massage device.
I also established from 2010, that ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears all viral and bacterial infections. I use the idea November 2019, to clear Covid19.
The Covid number increases every year automatically on the 1st of October. Since 1934 - when Covid34 star to causing the regular human influenza. So every year 35,000 people die from the common cold, and 50,000 people die from Covid flu: that is all Covid is - the medical name for influenza.
From December 2019 Chinese medics applied ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest of Corona viral patients. Unless 44,000 cases on earth got better. The pandemic virus was totally cured.
It was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 - so no direct relationship with her next year's Covid19. That as we C is cured by 1 minute of HIUS to the chest anywhere.
The 1 minute total cure to all cancers! So the prescription of cancer medication since 2002 has been criminal and fatal medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company etc..
Drug company is have realign themselves to freeze a vaccination to Covid flu. Even though this medicine was strictly prohibited 1934: any researching or applying Covid vaccination Dr., struck off that day! Any subsequent medical practice was an insured and criminal.
So it cures all viral and bacterial infections. So since 2002 or prescription or infection medication including vaccinations, has been criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company.
And he works for all viruses and bacterial infections. As personally validated by every registered Dr. 2002 - or the Dr. was struck off anyway!
So since 2002 no registered pharmacist should have filled the drug order for cancer or infection medications. Or again struck a off from the nightingale pledge.
Application of HIUS for 1 minute to an arthritic joint clears the arthritis. No paying killing injections ever required! They again are criminal medical malpractice.
Application of HIUS for 1 minute clears acid stomach syndrome. Basically any body abnormality, can be cleared by 1 minute of HIUS to the immediate area.
And HIUS clears the common cold and flu: in the same way it cleared AIDs 2012. The condition that cost the world five billion in research money, and killed five million people around the world.
I suggested to the late Freddie Mercury, there is a drip of interleukin two and four would have cleared AIDs. It were started an immune action to clear the last of foreign cell type in the body.
Just as 1 minutes of HIUS to the chest causes of foreign cell types to boil and rupture. Causing a body to secrete interleukin two and four.
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